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English-German translation for: [cars]
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Dictionary English German: [cars]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
to drone [machines, cars, motors, insects]
brummen [Maschine, Wagen, Motor, Insekt]
line [of people, cars etc.]
Reihe {f}
petrolhead [Br.] [sl.] [fan of fast cars]
Autofreak {m} [ugs.]
amateur [of cars, art, music etc.]
Liebhaber {m} [von Autos, Kunst, Musik etc.]
automot. autocars [archaic] [motor vehicles, cars]
Kraftfahrzeuge {pl}
rail trolleys [Am.] [trolley cars]
Straßenbahnen {pl}
automot. drivers [of cars]
Autofahrer {pl}
automot. [VIN number for historical cars in Germany]H-Kennzeichen {n}
breaker [person or firm that breaks up old cars, ships etc.]Verschrotter {m}
2 Words: Verbs
transp. to be stalled [cars, trains, etc.]feststecken [Autos, Züge etc.]
to crawl past [e.g. cars in dense traffic]vorbeikriechen [z. B. Autos bei dichtem Verkehr]
to start moving [horses, cars]anziehen [sich in Bewegung setzen]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. traffic (mountain) pass [with a paved road open to cars]Straßenpass {m}
admin. automot. country code [for cars]internationales Kfz-Kennzeichen {n}
FireResc emergency lights {pl} [police cars etc.]Blaulicht {n}
automot. traffic hazard triangle [warning sign carried in cars]Warndreieck {n} [in Autos mitgeführt]
old heaps [Br.] [coll.] [worn out cars]Schrottlauben {pl} [ugs.]
traffic pile-up [coll.] [crash involving multiple cars]Auffahrunfall {m} [mit mehreren Autos]
traffic pull-off [area beside the road where cars can stop]Haltebucht {f}
econ. pol. scrapping premium [government subsidy to promote sales of new cars]Abwrackprämie {f} [staatlicher Zuschuss zur Förderung von Neuwagenkäufen]
spot repair [of paint finish, e.g. on cars]Lackausbesserungsarbeit {f}
spot repair [of paint finish, e.g. on cars]Ausbesserung {f} von (kleinen) Lackschäden [z. B. an Autos]
3 Words: Others
at top speed {adv} [machines, cars]auf Hochtouren [Maschinen, Autos]
3 Words: Nouns
traffic (multiple) pile-up [coll.] [crash involving multiple cars]Massenkarambolage {f}
traffic parallel parking layout [Br.] [layout for parking cars one behind the other, in the direction of traffic]Längsaufstellung {f} [Straßenentwurf, Parken]
automot. sports vehicle log book [for racing cars]Wagenpass {m}
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to have sth. on the brain [e.g. expensive cars]nichts anderes als etw. im Kopf haben [z. B. teure Autos]
4 Words: Nouns
car allowance rebate scheme [CARS] [Am.]Abwrackprämie {f}
traffic in-line parking layout [Am.] [layout for parking cars one behind the other, in the direction of traffic]Längsaufstellung {f} [Straßenentwurf, Parken]
traffic ninety-degree parking layout [layout for parking cars at 90° to traffic flow]Senkrechtaufstellung {f} [Straßenentwurf, Parken]
5+ Words: Others
FireResc with blue lights switched on {adv} [e.g. police cars]mit eingeschaltetem Blaulicht [z. B. Polizeiwagen]
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