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English-German translation for: [caused]
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Dictionary English German: [caused]

Translation 1 - 50 of 125  >>

English German
left {past-p} [caused to remain]
gelassen [liegen oder übrig gelassen etc.]
bred {past-p} [caused]
foodborne {adj} [caused by contaminated food]lebensmittelbedingt [durch kontaminierte Lebensmittel hervorgerufen]
med. singe [small wound caused by burning]
Brandwunde {f}
trail [caused by the vegetation being constantly trodden down]
Trampelpfad {m}
smear [esp. caused by an oily substance]
Schmierspur {f}
[damage / harm caused by a defective product]Mangelfolgeschaden {m}
traffic [driver who caused an accident]Unglücksfahrer {m}
med. aluminosis [lung-disease caused by aluminum dust]Aluminiumstaublunge {f}
bibliosmia [neol.] [the sensation caused by the pleasant smell of a good book]Bibliosmie {f}
VetMed. braxy [in sheep] [caused by the bacterium of genus Closteridium septicum] [in sheep]Labmagenpararauschbrand {m} [der Schafe]
med. chrysosporiosis [caused by Chrysosporium]Chrysosporiose {f}
med. etherism [archaic] [intoxication caused by ether]Äthervergiftung {f}
biol. for. foxfire [bioluminescence caused by certain fungi] [chiefly Am.]leuchtendes Holz {n} [durch Pilze (bes. den Hallimasch) hervorgerufene Biolumineszenz]
med. hansenosis [leprosy] [caused by Mycobacterium leprae]Hansen'sche Krankheit {f} [Lepra]
med. hydatidosis [caused by Echinococcus granulosus]zystische Echinokokkose {f}
geol. iceblink [also: blink, ice blink] [reflected glare in the sky caused by a sea ice field]Eisblänke {f} [reflektiertes blendendes Licht über einer Eisoberfläche am Meer]
jobs karoshi [(in Japan) death caused by overwork or job-related exhaustion]Karoschi {m} [auch: Karoshi]
jobs karoshi [(in Japan) death caused by overwork or job-related exhaustion]Karoshi {m} [aus dem Japanischen: Tod durch Überarbeitung, plötzlicher berufsbezogener Tod]
brew kräusen [also: Kräusen] [foam caused by the fermentation process]Kräuse {f} [Schaumdecke / Schaumkrone während der Gärung]
med. lycoperdonosis [hypersensitivity pneumonitis caused by puffball fungus spores]Lycoperdonose {f} [Hypersensitivitätspneumonitis verursacht durch Sporen des Pilzes Lycoperdon]
meteo. Nordstau [orthographic lift caused by blockage of northerly winds by a mountain range]Nordstau {m}
med. VetMed. simuliidosis [caused by black flies]Kriebelmückenbefall {m}
med. VetMed. sporotrichosis [caused by Sporothrix schenckii]Sporotrichose {f}
med. sporotrichosis [caused by Sporothrix schenckii]Morbus Schenck {m} [Sporotrichose]
med. sporotrichosis [caused by Sporothrix schenckii]Sporothrix-Mykose {f} [Sporotrichose]
VetMed. surra [disease of vertebrate animals caused by protozoan trypanosomes]Surra {f} [durch Trypanosomen verursachte Krankheit bei Wirbeltieren]
med. trachoma [Conjunctivitis (granulosa) trachomatosa] [caused by Chlamydia trachomatis]Trachom {n}
med. VetMed. tympanites [a distension of the abdomen caused by accumulation of gas in the intestinal tract or peritoneal cavity]Tympanitis {f} [Ansammlung von Gasen in inneren Organen, bes. Blähsucht bei Tieren]
2 Words: Verbs
to fur up [Br.] [caused by hard water]verkalken [durch Kesselsteinbildung]
2 Words: Nouns
VetMed. black disease [caused by Clostridium novyi]Deutsche Bradsot {f}
bot. hort. bottom rot [in lettuce: caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani]Salatfäule {f}
med. canicola fever [caused by Leptospira canicola] [leptospirosis]Canicola-Fieber {n}
med. caver's flu [coll.] [caused by Leptospira interrogans] [leptospirosis]Leptospirose {f}
med. chemical pinkeye [coll.] [conjunctivitis caused by chemicals or drugs]rosa Auge {n} [auch: rotes Auge] [ugs.] [Bindehautentzündung durch chemische Substanzen]
med. chigger bite [also: jigger bite] [caused by the chigoe / sand flea Tunga penetrans, family Tungidae]Sandflohbiss {m}
med. chigger infestation [also: jigger infestation] [caused by the chigoe / sand flea Tunga penetrans, family Tungidae]Sandflohbefall {m} [Tungiasis]
dirty thunderstorm [caused by a volcanic eruption]Eruptionsgewitter {n}
med. dry eyes {pl} [syndrome caused by video / computer games]Gamer-Eye-Syndrom {n} [Syndrom des trockenen Auges]
med. VetMed. field fever [a form of leptospirosis caused by Leptospira grippotyphosa]Feldfieber {n}
med. Fleischer ring [also: Fleischer's ring] [caused by iron deposits]Fleischer-Ring {m}
med. granular conjunctivitis [Conjunctivitis (granulosa) trachomatosa] [caused by Chlamydia trachomatis]Trachom {n}
med. granular conjunctivitis [Conjunctivitis (granulosa) trachomatosa] [caused by Chlamydia trachomatis]trachomatöse Einschlusskonjunktivitis {f}
med. housewife's dermatitis [skin inflammation caused due to contact with an irritating substance]Waschfrauenhände {pl}
med. housewife's dermatitis [skin inflammation caused due to contact with an irritating substance]Waschhände {pl}
med. human brucellosis [caused by Brucella melitensis]Brucellose {f} [Morbus Bang, bangsche Krankheit]
med. intestinal schistosomiasis [caused by Schistosoma mansoni]Darmschistosomiasis {f}
agr. bot. leaf rust [caused by pathogenic fungi of the order Pucciniales (previously known as Uredinales)]Rost {m} [Befall durch Rostpilze]
zool. light muzzle [caused by the pangare / mealy gene] [mealy muzzle]Mehlmaul {n} [Aufhellung im Schnauzenbereich]
equest. VetMed. mud fever [caused by Dermatophilus congolensis]Mauke {f}
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