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| biol. stem {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cell, group, parasite] | 262 Stamm- [z. B. Zelle, Gruppe, Parasit] | |
| plant {adj} [attr.] [product, tissue, cell, life, etc.] | 202 pflanzlich [Produkt, Gewebe, Zelle, Leben etc.] | |
| mother {adj} [attr.] [e.g. animal, goddess, cell, church, company] | 121 Mutter- [z. B. Tier, Gottheit, Zelle, Kirche, Firma] | |
| anat. cosmet. med. skin {adj} [attr.] [e.g. blemish, cancer, cell, clinic, creme] | 56 Haut- [z. B. Unreinheit, Krebs, Zelle, Klinik, Creme] | |
| death {adj} [attr.] [e.g. sentence, cell, camp, wish] | 29 Todes- | |
| plant {adj} [attr.] [anatomy, cell, disease, fibre, toxin, etc.] | 28 Pflanzen- [Anatomie, Zelle, Krankheit, Faser, Gift etc.] | |
| biotech. enucleated {adj} {past-p} [cell nucleus] | 8 entkernt [Zellkern] | |
| biol. diffusible {adj} [across cell membranes] | membrangängig | |
Verbs |
| biotech. to enucleate [remove a cell nucleus] | 10 entkernen [Zellkern entfernen] | |
Nouns |
| telecom. cellphone [esp. Am.] [also: cell phone] | 1167 Handy {n} | |
| bullpen [esp. Am.] [coll.] [detention cell as in a police station or courthouse] | 92 Arrestzelle {f} | |
| electr. accumulator [Br.] [storage battery, large rechargeable cell] | 82 Akku {m} [kurz für: Akkumulator] | |
| telecom. clamshell [e.g. of a mobile phone / cell phone] | 45 Klappgehäuse {n} [z. B. eines Handys] | |
| biotech. lysis [cell disruption] | 36 Lyse {f} [Auflösung von Zellen] | |
| biol. med. erythrocyte [red blood cell] | 20 Erythrozyt {m} [rote Blutzelle] | |
| telecom. cellco [coll.] [cell phone company] | 18 Mobilfunkbetreiber {m} | |
| Internet plan [Am.] [cell phone contract] | 12 Mobilfunkvertrag {m} | |
| biol. spike [action potential in a cell membrane] | 12 Aktionspotential {n} | |
| biotech. enucleation [removal of the cell nucleus] | 7 Entkernung {f} [Entfernen des Zellkerns] | |
| telecom. [mobile phones, cell / cellular phones] | Handies {pl} [FALSCH für: Handys] | |
| biol. med. bacillus [oblong single cell microorganism] | Bacillus {m} [Bakterie länglicher Form] | |
| cell [Am.] [coll.] [cell phone] | Gurke {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [veraltet] [selten] [Handy] | |
| biol. med. drepanocyte [sickle cell] | Drepanozyt {m} | |
| anat. gangliocyte [ganglion cell] | Gangliozyt {m} | |
| biol. labrocyte [mast cell] | Mastozyt {m} | |
| biol. mastocyte [mast cell] | Mastozyt {m} | |
| biol. neurolemmocyte [Schwann cell] | Neurolemmozyt {m} [Schwann-Zelle] | |
| telecom. plan [Am.] [cell phone contract] | Preisplan {m} [schweiz.] [Mobilfunkvertrag] | |
| med. sicklemia [sickle-cell trait] | Auftreten {n} von Sichelzellen im Blut | |
2 Words: Others |
| on vibrate {adv} [cell phone] | auf lautlos [Handy] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| law to confine sb. with sb. [force to share a prison cell] | jdn. mit jdm. zusammenlegen [zusammensperren in einer Gefängniszelle] | |
| law to confine sb. with sb. [force to share a prison cell] | jdn. mit jdm. zusammensperren [in einer Gefängniszelle etc.] | |
| to flip sth. open [mobile / cell phone, book, etc.] | etw. aufklappen [Handy, Buch etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| biol. c-cell [parafollicular cell] | C-Zelle {f} | |
| med. cell salvage <CS> | Blutrückgewinnung {f} [auch: Cell Salvage {f}] | |
| biol. cellular reproduction [cell reproduction] | Zellreproduktion {f} [zellulare Reproduktion] | |
| biochem. entry receptor [e.g. for a virus into a cell] | Eintrittsrezeptor {m} [z. B. für ein Virus in die Zelle] | |
| biol. gene transfer [here: between different cell compartments (compartmentalization)] | Genverlagerung {f} [hier: Gentransfer zwischen verschiedenen Zellkompartimenten (Kompartimentierung)] | |
| hist. Hamburg cell [Hamburg terror cell of 9/11] | Hamburger Zelle {f} [Hamburger Terrorzelle der Al Qaida] | |
| hermit cell [also: hermit's cell] | Klausnerzelle {f} [selten] | |
| med. Hodgkin's cell <HC> [also: Hodgkin cell] | Hodgkin-Zelle {f} | |
| anat. dent. Hoehl's cell [also: Höhl's cell] | Höhl-Zelle {f} [auch: Höhlzelle] | |
| I-beam [cell separator of an airbed] | Steg {m} [Kammerntrennelement in einer Luftmatratze] | |
| biol. Müller cell [also Müller's cell] | Müllerzelle {f} | |
| biol. neuroglial cell [glial cell] | Gliazelle {f} | |
| biol. perisinusoidal cell [Cellula perisinusoidalis, Cellula accumulans adipem, Lipocytus perisinisoideus] [Ito cell] | perisinusoidaler Lipozyt {m} [Ito-Zelle] | |
| Pfeffer cell [also Pfeffer's cell] | Pfeffer'sche Zelle {f} | |
| Pfeffer cell [also Pfeffer's cell] | Pfeffersche Zelle {f} [alt] | |
| telecom. poor signal [cell phone] | schlechter Empfang {m} [Handy] | |
| biol. Purkinje cell <PC> [also Purkinje's cell] | Purkinjezelle {f} <PZ> | |
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