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English-German translation for: [cells]
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Dictionary English German: [cells]

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
dead {adj} [tree, branch, skin cells, etc.; also: numb (foot, fingers, etc)]
abgestorben [tot (Baum, Ast, Hautzellen etc.); auch: ohne Empfindung (Fuß, Finger etc.)]
biol. acellular {adj} [being without cells]
biol. secreting {adj} [cells, hormones, etc.]
produzierend [Zellen, Hormone, etc.]
biol. committed {adj} {past-p} [stem cells]determiniert [Stammzellen]
med. nourishment [of cells, tissues]
Versorgung {f} [der Zellen, des Gewebes]
med. cleansing [of cells, tissues]
Entsorgung {f} [der Zellen, des Gewebes]
med. VetMed. inoculation [of a serum, cells]
Verimpfung {f} [von Serum, Zellen]
biochem. chem. isolation [e.g. stem cells]
Gewinnung {f} [z. B. von Stammzellen]
biol. desquamation [esp. of skin cells, intestinal cells]
Abschilfern {n} [bes. von Hautzellen, Darmzellen]
educ. hist. law [punishment in German universities and schools in which students were detained in 'Karzer' (on-site prison cells)]
Karzerstrafe {f}
biol. stabs [short for: stab cells]Stabkernige {pl}
med. Tregs [coll.] [short for: regulatory T-cells]Tregs {pl} [ugs.] [kurz für: regulatorische T-Zellen]
2 Words
med. poorly differentiated {adj} {past-p} [cancer cells]wenig differenziert [Krebszellen]
to join up [cells]miteinander verschmelzen
biol. alpha cells [also: alpha-cells] <α-cells> [endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans]A-Zellen {pl} [Zelltyp der Langerhans-Inseln]
biol. c-cells [parafollicular cells]C-Zellen {pl}
electr. discharge voltage [related to cells or batteries]Entladespannung {f} [einer Zelle od. Batterie]
biol. division potential [of cells]Teilungspotential {n} [von Zellen]
med. dry tap [Punctio sicca] [aspiration gives no blood cells]trockene Punktion {f} [fachspr.: Punctio sicca {f}]
self-renewal [e.g. cancer stem cells]Selbsterneuerung {f}
biol. terminal differentiation [of organs, cells]Enddifferenzierung {f} [von Organen, Zellen]
biol. virus entry [e.g. into host cells]Viruseintritt {m} [z. B. in Wirtszellen]
3 Words
biol. cells of Claudius [also: supporting cells of Claudius]Claudius-Zellen {pl} [auch: Claudius-Stützzellen]
biol. cells of Hensen [also: supporting cells of Hensen]Hensen-Zellen {pl} [auch: Hensen-Stützzellen]
biol. hepatic stellate cells <HSCs> [Ito cells]Lebersternzellen {pl} [auch: Leber-Sternzellen] [Ito-Zellen]
med. Saos-2 cells [also: SaOS-2 cells]SaOS-2-Zellen {pl}
4 Words
med. human osteogenic sarcoma cells [Saos-2 cells, SaOS-2 cells]SaOS-2-Zellen {pl}
5+ Words
biotech. protein-induced pluripotent stem cells <piPS cells, piPSCs>protein-induzierte pluripotente Stammzellen {pl} <piPS-Zellen>
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