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English-German translation for: [cent]
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Dictionary English German: [cent]

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jitney [Am.]
[billiger Bus oder Minibus mit fixer Route, urspr. Fahrpreis 5 US-Cent]
hist. nickelodeon [Am.]
[Kino mit Eintrittspreisen von 5 Cent = Nickel]
hist. mil. [three-star general of the artillery branch of German Armed Forces of the 19th and 20th cent.]General {m} der Artillerie
hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the 19th and 20th cent. German Armed Forces calvary corps]General {m} der Kavallerie
hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the infantry branch of German Armed Forces of the 19th and 20th cent.]General {m} der Infanterie
for. bobsleigh [Br.] [mid 19th cent., originally US, denoting a sleigh made of two short sleighs coupled together and used for hauling logs]Doppelschlitten {m} [zum Langholztransport]
hist. mil. Bosniak [lancer, Prussian Army, 18th cent.]Bosniake {m} [Lanzenreiter, preußische Armee, 18. Jh.]
hist. Ctesibius [Greek inventor of the 3rd cent. B.C.]Ktesibios {m} [griechischer Erfinder im 3. Jh. v. Chr.]
relig. neologian [18th-cent. rationalist theologian]Neologe {m}
hist. relig. neologians [18th-cent. rationalist theologians]Neologen {pl}
lit. Parnassians {pl} [group of French poets of the 19th cent.]Parnassiens {pl} [frz. Dichtergruppe des 19. Jh.]
curr. quarters [Am.]Vierteldollars {pl} [25-Cent-Stücke]
hist. mil. Towarzysz [lancer, Prussian Army, 19th cent.]Towarzysz {m} [Lanzenreiter, preußische Armee, 19. Jh.]
2 Words
per cent {adj} <%> [Br.] [e.g. five per cent, 5 per cent, or 5%]-prozentig <%ig> [z. B. fünfprozentig, 5-prozentig oder 5%ig]
hist. mil. battle line [18th cent. battle order]Treffen {n} [Teil der Schlachtordnung der Lineartaktik des 18. Jh.]
hist. mil. Bosniak Corps [unit of lancers, Prussian Army, 18th cent.]Bosniakenkorps {n} [Lanzenreitereinheit, preußische Armee, 18. Jh.]
comm. charm pricing [using pricing that ends in 9 and 99, e.g. $2.99]Setzen {n} krummer Preise [ugs.] [Preise, die mit 9 oder 99 Cent enden]
dime store [Am.] [dated]99-Pfennig-Laden {m} [veraltend] [Billigladen, auch 55-Cent-Laden, 99-Cent-Laden, "McGeiz-Laden"]
material tech. telecom. five nines [99.999 per-cent][Synonym für 99,999 % Verfügbarkeit oder Reinheit]
archi. art hist. Gründerzeit style [Central European version of 19th/early 20th cent. historicism]Gründerzeit {f} [Stil]
archi. art hist. Gründerzeit style [Central European version of 19th/early 20th cent. historicism]Gründerzeitstil {m}
hist. journ. spec. newspaper song [15th/16th cent.]Zeitungslied {n} [15./16. Jh.]
Internet market. penny auction [on online auction websites]Centauktion {f} [auch Cent-Auktion, eine Online-Auktion]
econ. hist. price revolution [16th cent. Europe]Preisrevolution {f}
hist. lit. theatre sentimental tragicomedy [popular in the late 18th/early 19th cent.]weinerliche Komödie {f}
econ. hist. widows' funds [funds providing for widows and orphans in 18th cent. Germany]Witwenkassen {pl} [Rentenfonds für Hinterbliebene im 18. Jh.]
3 Words
to be up by [amount, per cent, etc.]höher liegen um [Betrag, Prozent, usw.]
curr. five-cent piece <5-cent piece>Sechser {m} [ugs., regional: 5-Cent-Stück]
hist. young historical school [also: Young Historical School] [19th. cent. German historical group]junghistorische Schule {f}
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