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English-German translation for: [central]
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Dictionary English German: [central]

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pivotal {adj} [central, crucial]
zentral [fig.] [von zentraler Bedeutung]
geogr. hist. Mesoamerican {adj} [refers to pre-Columbian Central America, esp. as a culture area]mesoamerikanisch
subcentral {adj} [nearly central]fast zentral (gelegen)
tech. boiler [for central heating]
Heizungskessel {m}
archi. newel [central supporting pillar]
Treppenspindel {f}
educ. [central clearing house for places in degree programmes]
ZVS {f} [Zentralstelle für die Vergabe von Studienplätzen]
acad. educ. commercium [traditional academic feast of student fraternities at universities in Central and Northern Europe]
Kommers {m}
hist. law pol. [intervention against a single state led by the central government to enforce imperial law in German empires]
Reichsexekution {f}
hist. law [the predecessor of the Central Register of Foreign Nationals which was established in 1938 by the Nazi government]Ausländerzentralkartei {f} [veraltet]
relig. spec. Amidah [central prayer in Jewish liturgical practice]Amida {f}
ethn. Banda [Central African Republic]Banda {pl} [Zentralafrikanische Republik]
Bangui [capital of Central Africa]Bangui {n} [Hauptstadt der Zentralafrikanischen Republik]
ling. Bikol [group of Central Philippine languages]Bikolano {n} [auch: Bikol] [zentralphilippinische Sprachgruppe]
Buba [also: BuBa, BUBA] [coll.] [(the) Deutsche Bundesbank (the central bank of Germany)]Bundesbank {f} [kurz für: (die) Deutsche Bundesbank (zentrale Notenbank der Bundesrepublik Deutschland)]
geogr. Centralia [Aus.] [Central Australia (Alice Springs region)]Centralia {n} [Zentralaustralien (Gebiet um Alice Springs)]
ethn. Centralians [Central Australians]Einwohner {pl} Zentralaustraliens
econ. hist. Gründerzeit [economic epoch in Central Europe ending in the 1873 stockmarket crash]Gründerzeit {f}
ethn. Indian [Central or South American]Indio {m}
ethn. Indian [female Central or South American native]Indiofrau {f}
ethn. Indians [Central or South American]Indios {pl}
mus. komuz [also: qomuz] [used in Central Asian music]Komuz {f} [Langhalslaute in Zentralasien, Nationalinstrument Kirgistans]
hist. relig. Landrabbiner [rabbi in Central Europe with regional jurisdiction]Landrabbiner {m}
ling. Mayan [a family of Central American Indian languages]Maya {n}
bibl. name Shulammite [central figure in the Song of Songs]Sulamit {f}
relig. Tengriism [Central Asian religion]Tengrismus {m}
ethn. the Fang {pl} [also: Fan] [people of Central Africa]die Fang {pl} [Volk in Zentralafrika]
geogr. the heartland [the central part of a country]das Landesinnere {n}
geogr. the Midlands [e.g. central England]die Midlands {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
tech. activation value [e.g. of a central heating system]Aktivierungswert {m} [z. B. einer Zentralheizung]
tech. activation value [e.g. of a central heating system]Einschaltwert {m} [z. B. einer Zentralheizung]
archaeo. Baalberge group [late Neolithic culture in central Germany]Baalberger Gruppe {f} [jungneolithische Kultur in Mitteldeutschland]
geogr. pol. CEE region [Central and Eastern Europe]MOEL-Region {f} [mittel- und osteuropäische Länder]
geogr. Central Chile [also: central Chile]Zentralchile {n}
astron. central density [e.g. central solar density]Zentraldichte {f} [Dichte des Zentrums (der Sonne etc.)]
geogr. central England [also: Central England]Mittelengland {n}
central office <CO> [ISO central office, Geneva, Switzerland]Zentralsekretariat {n} [ISO-Zentralsekretariat, Genf]
educ. central school [also: Central School]Zentralschule {f}
geogr. central Tibet [also: Central Tibet]Zentraltibet {n}
traffic transp. chicken bus [coll.] [bus esp. in Central American countries]Chicken-Bus {m} [ugs.] [Autobus, bes. in zentralamerik. Ländern]
geol. Clarens Formation [south-central Africa into KwaZulu-Natal]Clarens-Formation {f}
ethn. geogr. culture area [e. g. Central European]Kulturkreis {m} [z. B. mitteleuropäisch]
art Euro Sign [sculpture at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt am Main, Germany]Euro-Zeichen {n} [Großplastik vor der Europäischen Zentralbank]
archi. art hist. Gründerzeit style [Central European version of 19th/early 20th cent. historicism]Gründerzeit {f} [Stil]
archi. art hist. Gründerzeit style [Central European version of 19th/early 20th cent. historicism]Gründerzeitstil {m}
MedTech. Hickman line [a central venous catheter]Hickman-Katheter {m}
key message [central idea in a statement or of a situation]Schlüsselaussage {f}
Medusa (piercing) [central upper lip]Medusa-Piercing {n}
Old Bailey [Br.] [Central Criminal Court][englischer Zentral-Strafgerichtshof]
art passe-partout [a piece or plate usually of cardboard or wood that has its central portion cut out to show the picture]Passepartout {n} {m} [Bildumrahmung, z. B. für Zeichnungen, Fotos]
geogr. Puna (grassland) [in the central Andes mountains]Puna {f} [in den zentralen Anden]
anat. VetMed. Rolandic fissure [Sulcus Rolandi, Sulcus centralis] [central sulcus]Rolando-Fissur {f}
anat. VetMed. Rolandic fissure [Sulcus Rolandi, Sulcus centralis] [central sulcus]Rolando-Furche {f}
archi. relig. royal door [central door of an iconostasis]Königstür {f} [mittlere Tür einer Ikonostase]
archi. rural Baroque [in central Europe]Bauernbarock {m} {n}
geogr. Sistema Central [Cordillera Central]Iberisches Scheidegebirge {n}
geogr. Sistema Central [Cordillera Central]Kastilisches Scheidegebirge {n}
standard time [e.g. Central European Time (CET), Pacific Standard Time (PST)]gesetzliche Zeit {f} [eines Staates bzw. eines Teiles davon]
geogr. Swiss Plateau [also Swiss Central Plateau]Schweizer Mittelland {n}
toll office [telephone central office that generates toll call transactions]Vermittlungsstelle {f} [Telefonvermittlung]
archaeo. hist. Urnfield period [protohistoric period in Central Europe]Urnenfelderzeit {f} [Periode der mitteleuropäischen Frühgeschichte, ca. 1300 bis 800 v. Chr.]
3 Words: Others
geogr. in Central Europe {adv} [also: in central Europe]im mitteleuropäischen Raum
3 Words: Nouns
geogr. central / Central AnatoliaInneranatolien {n}
geogr. hist. central / Central PhrygiaZentralphrygien {n}
geogr. Central Alps region [also: region of the Central Alps]Zentralalpenbereich {m}
Central Intelligence Agency <CIA>CIA {f} [auch {m}] [Central Intelligence Agency; US-Geheimdienst]
geogr. central Pacific (Ocean) [also: Central Pacific (Ocean)]zentraler Pazifik {m}
central poststroke pain <CPSP> [also: central post-stroke pain]zentraler neuropathischer Schmerz {m} nach Schlaganfall
geogr. Great Sandy Desert [Central Australia]Große Sandwüste {f}
hist. sociol. one-kitchen house [block of flats, apartment house with central kitchen] [also called: service house]Einküchenhaus {n}
law mil. pol. three-finger salute [a hand gesture that is used in central Europe when swearing an oath]Schwurhand {f}
hist. pol. unworthiness to live [central term of Nazi ideology]Lebensunwertigkeit {f} [Begriff insbesondere im Nazigedankengut verankert]
vacuum hose receptacle [central vacuum system]Vakuumsteckdose {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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