| English  | German |  |
 | elaborate {adj} [cooking, ceremony, design] | 3665 aufwendig |  |
 | inaugural {adj} [e.g. exhibition, game or match, ceremony, address] | 1037 Eröffnungs- [z. B. Ausstellung, Spiel, Feier, Ansprache] |  |
 | elaborate {adj} [cooking, ceremony, design] | 760 aufwändig |  |
 | mourning {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ceremony, clothes, willow] | 82 Trauer- [z. B. Feier, Kleidung, Weide] |  |
 | solemnly {adv} [of a religious ceremony] | 64 weihevoll |  |
 | relig. christening {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ceremony, gift, mug, robe] | 5 Tauf- [z. B. Zeremonie, Geschenk, Becher, Kleid] |  |
 | ceremonial {adj} [resembling a ceremony] | zeremonienhaft |  |
 | wedding {adj} [attr.] [e.g. altar, ceremony, liturgy, ring, speaker] | Trau- [z. B. Altar, Zeremonie, Liturgie, Ring, Redner] |  |
Verbs |
 | to attend sth. [funeral, coronation ceremony etc.] | 4677 etw.Dat. beiwohnen [geh.] |  |
 | to bury sb./sth. [hastily, without ceremony] | 173 jdn./etw. verscharren |  |
Nouns |
 | educ. commencement [graduation ceremony] | 988 Abschlussfeier {f} |  |
 | witness [female] [at marriage ceremony] | 227 Trauzeugin {f} |  |
 | convocation [Am.] [opening ceremony of the academic year] | 79 Eröffnungsfeier {f} [des akademischen Jahres an einer Universität] |  |
 | function [official ceremony] | 56 Feierlichkeit {f} |  |
 | educ. commencement [graduation ceremony] | 44 Entlassungsfeier {f} |  |
 | function [official ceremony] | 27 Feier {f} |  |
 | hist. pol. [ceremony in which teenagers are given adult social status, esp. in the former GDR] | 18 Jugendweihe {f} |  |
 | presentation [of a prize, medal etc.] [also the ceremony] | 16 Verleihung {f} [eines Preises, Ordens etc.] [auch die Zeremonie] |  |
 | elaborateness [of cooking, ceremony, design] | 7 Aufwändigkeit {f} |  |
 | relig. blessing [ceremony] | 6 Segensfeier {f} |  |
 | burying [hastily, without ceremony] | 5 Verscharren {n} |  |
 | acad. educ. convocation [Am.] [formal ceremony for the conferment of university awards] | 5 Promotionsfeier {f} |  |
 | elaborateness [of cooking, ceremony, design] | 5 Aufwendigkeit {f} |  |
 | celebration [solemn ceremony] | Feierstunde {f} [festliche Veranstaltung] |  |
 | crowner [person performing coronation ceremony] | Krönender {m} |  |
 | relig. maundy [ceremony of washing the feet of the poor on Maundy Thursday] | Fußwaschung {f} [am Gründonnerstag] |  |
 | pageant [impressive show or ceremony] | prächtiges Schauspiel {n} |  |
 | ethn. smudging [Native American ceremony] | traditionelle Rauchzeremonie {f} |  |
 | spousal [archaic] [betrothal ceremony] | Verlobungszeremonie {f} |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to carry out [action, ceremony] | vornehmen |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | relig. bar mitzvah [ceremony] [also: Bar Mitzvah, Bar Mitzva, Bar Mitzwah, etc.] | Bar-Mizwa {f} [auch: Bar Mizwa, Bar Mitzwa, Bar Mitzwah usw.] |  |
 | relig. bat mitzvah [Jewish ceremony] | Bat Mitzvah {f} |  |
 | relig. bat mitzvah [Jewish ceremony] | Bat Mizwa {f} |  |
 | educ. commencement exercises {pl} [Am.] [graduation ceremony] | Abschlussfeier {f} [öffentliche Feier nach erfolgreichem Studienabschluss] |  |
 | marriage palace [palace of wedding ceremony] | Hochzeitspalast {m} |  |
 | youth ceremony [secular coming of age ceremony practiced by German 14-year-olds, organized esp. by the Humanist Association of Germany] | Jugendfeier {f} [humanistische „Jugendweihe“] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | constr. topping-out wreath [of a roofing ceremony] | Richtkranz {m} [eines Richtfests] |  |
 | constr. topping-out wreath [of a roofing ceremony] | Richtkrone {m} [eines Richtfests] |  |
 | Trooping the Colour [Br.] [ceremony] | [die alljährliche Militärparade im Juni (i. d. R. am zweiten Samstag im Juni) zu Ehren des Geburtstages des jeweiligen britischen Monarchen] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to drink to close friendship with sb. [ceremony of fraternites known as "Brüderschaft trinken"] | schmollieren [Verbindungswesen] [Brüderschaft trinken, sich verbrüdern] |  |
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