| English | German | |
| decrepit {adj} [person, dog, chair, bicycle, etc.] | 1285 altersschwach [Person, Hund, Stuhl, Fahrrad etc.] | |
| revolving {adj} [attr.] [e.g. chair, door, pencil] | 116 Dreh- [z. B. Stuhl, Tür, Bleistift] | |
| desk {adj} [attr.] [e.g. chair, lamp, drawer, job] | 44 Schreibtisch- [z. B. Sessel, Lampe, Schublade, Job] | |
| comp. PICNIC [problem in chair not in computer] | 35 [Das Problem sitzt vor dem Computer.] [hum.] | |
| wicker {adj} [attr.] [e.g. armchair, chair, furniture, pram or baby carriage] | 22 Korb- [z. B. Sessel, Stuhl, Möbel, Wagen] | |
| dent. chairside {adj} [next to or in the vicinity of the dental chair during treatment] | [neben oder nahe des Behandlungsstuhls beim Zahnarzt] | |
| fireside {adj} [attr.] [e.g. armchair, chair, chat] | Kamin- [z. B. Zubehör, Sessel, Gespräch] | |
| high {adj} [e.g. chair, alp, altar, aristocracy, baroque, finance] | Hoch- [z. B. Stuhl, Alm, Altar, Adel, Barock, Finanz] | |
| repositionable {adj} [seat, chair] | verstellbar [Sitz, Stuhl] | |
Verbs |
| to burn [Am.] [sl.] [to execute / be executed in electric chair] | 303 [mit dem elektrischen Stuhl hinrichten / hingerichtet werden] | |
| to bestride sth. [literary] [a chair, etc.] | rittlings auf etw.Dat. sitzen | |
| electr. to bug sth. [putting a listening device in a chair, a picture frame, etc.] | eine Wanze an etw. [Dat., auch Akk.] anbringen [Abhörwanze] | |
| to repad sth. [e.g. repair or replace the upholstery of a chair seat, armrest, sofa, etc.] | etw. aufpolstern [die Polsterung von etw. aufarbeiten, erneuern usw.] | |
Nouns |
| furn. beanbag [chair] | 56 Sitzsack {m} [Knautschsack] | |
| commode [chair with toilet] | 52 Toilettenstuhl {m} | |
| furn. rung [of a chair] | 29 Querstab {m} | |
| furn. rung [crosspiece between the legs of a chair] | 23 Querverstrebung {f} [zwischen Stuhlbeinen] | |
| furn. arm [of a chair] | 22 Armlehne {f} | |
| strandkorb [rare] [traditional Baltic beach chair] | 17 Strandkorb {m} | |
| hist. transp. chair [sedan chair] | 12 Sänfte {f} | |
| furn. back [of a chair] | 11 Sessellehne {f} [österr.] [Rückenlehne eines Stuhls] | |
| educ. jobs offer [of a chair / professorship] | 8 Ruf {m} [an eine Universität etc.] | |
| base [e.g. treatment chair] | 7 Unterteil {n} [z. B. Behandlungsstuhl] | |
| furn. chaise [Am.] [short for: chaise longue] [long reclining chair] | 6 Chaiselongue {f} {n} [veraltend] [gepolsterte Liege mit Kopflehne] | |
| hist. chairman [chair bearer] | 5 Sänftenträger {m} | |
| commode [chair with toilet] | 5 Leibstuhl {m} [veraltend] | |
| furn. [a wooden chair with four slanted legs and a slab-like backrest dovetailed into the massive plank seat] | Stabelle {f} | |
| [chair-like sled to be pushed over the ice by a skater] | Stuhlschlitten {m} [Stoßschlitten; wird i. d. R. von einem Schlittschuhläufer geschoben] | |
| relig. cathedra [e.g. bishop's chair in his church] | Cathedra {f} [Ehrensitz, z. B. der eines Bischofs] | |
| chairmat [e.g. for office chair] | Bodenschutzmatte {f} | |
| chairmat [e.g. for office chair] | Schutzmatte {f} [Bodenschutzmatte] | |
| commode [chair with toilet] | Nacht-Stuhl {m} | |
| furn. faldstool [also: X-chair] | Scherenstuhl {m} [auch: X-Stuhl] | |
| furn. tech. rocker [chair skid] | Schaukelkufe {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| It's taken! [i.e. chair] | Der ist besetzt! [z. B. Stuhl] | |
| low-slung {adj} [chair, sports car] | niedrig | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to get up [chair, bed] | sichAkk. erheben [aufstehen] | |
| to lean sth. back [e.g. chair, head] | etw.Akk. zurücklehnen [z. B. Stuhl, Kopf] | |
| to lean sth. back [e.g. chair, instrument] | etw.Akk. nach hinten lehnen [z. B. Stuhl, Gerät] | |
| to settle oneself [in a chair, behind the wheel, etc.] | sichAkk. niederlassen [auf einem Stuhl, hinter dem Lenkrad etc.] | |
| to slump into sth. [chair] | in etw. hineinsacken [Sessel] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| hist. med. bath chair [dated] [also Bath chair] | Rollstuhl {m} [bes. solcher mit Verdeck (in Viktorianischer Zeit)] | |
| chair mat [e.g. for office chair] | Bodenschutzmatte {f} | |
| chair mat [e.g. for office chair] | Schutzmatte {f} [Bodenschutzmatte] | |
| furn. confidante (chair) [triple or s-shaped chair] | Confident {m} | |
| acad. extraordinary professor [not holding a chair] | außerordentlicher Professor {m} | |
| acad. full professor [holding a chair] | ordentlicher Professor {m} <o. Prof.> | |
| hot seat [sl.] [electric chair] | elektrischer Stuhl {m} | |
| furn. ladder-back [chair] | [Stuhl / Sessel mit gerader, leiterähnlicher Rückenlehne] | |
| dent. patient's chair [treatment chair] | Patientenliege {f} [Behandlungsstuhl] | |
| furn. Savonarola chair [also: X-chair] | Scherenstuhl {m} [auch: X-Stuhl] | |
| seating surface [chair] | Sitzfläche {f} | |
| furn. swing chair [hanging chair] | Schaukelstuhl {m} [abgehängt; nicht auf dem Boden stehend] | |
| furn. table seat [hook-on high chair] | Tischsitz {m} [für Kinder] | |
| educ. sociol. tenured sociologist [holding a chair] | Inhaber {m} eines Lehrstuhls für Soziologie | |
| wooden legs [e.g. on table, chair] | Holzbeine {pl} [am Tisch, Stuhl usw.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be high-backed [chair] | einen hohen Rücken haben | |
| to give sb. the chair [Am.] [idiom] [execute with the electric chair] | jdn. hinrichten [mit dem elektrischen Stuhl] | |
| to move sth. back / off [chair, table, etc.] | etw.Akk. abrücken [Stuhl, Tisch etc.] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to plonk oneself down on sth. [chair, bed, etc.] [coll.] | sich auf/in etw. plumpsen lassen [Stuhl, Bett usw.] [ugs.] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to come apart at the seams [idiom] [e.g. chair, marriage] | aus dem Leim gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [z. B. Stuhl, Ehe] | |
| to sit with one's legs crossed [e.g. on a chair] | mit übergeschlagenen Beinen sitzen | |
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