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English-German translation for: [channel]
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Dictionary English German: [channel]

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
weapons bullet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. channel, wound]
Schuss- [z. B. Kanal, Wunde]
RadioTV to zap [coll.] [from one TV channel to another]
zappen [ugs.] [von einem TV-Kanal zum anderen]
RadioTV to zap [coll.] [from one TV channel to another]
durchzappen [ugs.]
hydro. ditch [channel]
Schloot {m} [nordd.] [regional]
drainage [conduit, channel]
Ableitungskanal {m}
dyke [channel]
Entwässerungsgraben {m}
hydro. naut. channel [shipping channel]
Fahrrinne {f}
mining sluice [channel]
Schleusenkanal {m}
dent. sprue [casting channel]
Gusskanal {m}
hydro. dike [channel]
Fleet {n} [nordd.]
rail transp. Chunnel [coll.] [Channel Tunnel]
Eurotunnel {m}
gully [narrow channel]
Senkloch {n} [selten] [Kanalisationsschacht]
dyke [channel]
Kanal {m}
archi. drip [channel]
Wasserablaufrinne {f}
RadioTV [second channel of German television broadcasting]Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen {n} <ZDF>
geogr. Alderney <.gg> [channel island]Alderney {n}
dike [channel]Entwässerungsgraben {m}
dike [channel]Kanal {m}
fish T
geogr. naut. gat [channel or passage between islands]Seegatt {m}
geogr. Sark <.gg> [channel island]Sark {n}
2 Words: Others
Swedish-language {adj} [attr.] [song, TV channel, newspaper, etc.]schwedischsprachig
2 Words: Verbs
constr. to chisel (out) [a channel or access to a leak in brick or concrete]aufspitzen [schweiz.] [österr.] [südd.] [aufmeißeln; mit einem Meißel eine Beton- oder Backsteinwand zwecks Installationen aufstemmen]
2 Words: Nouns
pol. back channel [unofficial informal channel of communication] [diplomacy etc.]inoffizieller Kanal {m} [Diplomatie u. ä.]
RadioTV cable channel [television channel broadcast over cable rather than air]Kabelkanal {m} [ugs.] [Kabelfernsehen]
Channel coast [English Channel]Kanalküste {f}
communication line [channel]Informationsweg {m} [Kanal]
mus. key chamber [channel inside the wind chest of an organ which delivers wind to a pipe or pipes]Tonkanzelle {f} [Orgel]
hydro. loop lake [abandoned channel]verlassene Flussschlinge {f}
med. wound track [channel]Wundkanal {m}
3 Words: Others
across the Channel {adv} [across the English Channel]jenseits des Ärmelkanals
3 Words: Verbs
naut. to buoy sth. (off / out) [e.g. a channel]etw. ausbojen [z. B. ein Fahrwasser]
naut. to buoy sth. (off / out) [e.g. a channel]etw. mit Bojen markieren [z. B. ein Fahrwasser]
3 Words: Nouns
tech. hot-gas channel [also: hot gas channel]Heißgaskanal {m}
hydro. meteo. melt-water channel [also: melt water channel]Schmelzwasserkanal {m}
audio tech. telecom. talk-back channel [also: talkback channel]Rücksprechkanal {m}
rail transp. the Channel Tunnel [railway tunnel under the English Channel]der Kanaltunnel {m} [Ärmelkanal]
4 Words: Nouns
tech. cast-in Halfen channel [Halfen® cast-in channel]einbetonierte Halfenschiene {f} [Halfen®]
geogr. the island of Jersey [one of the Channel Islands]die Kanalinsel {f} Jersey
5+ Words: Nouns
electr. n-channel / N-channel transistorn-Kanal- / N-Kanal-Transistor {m}
electr. p-channel / P-channel transistorp-Kanal- / P-Kanal-Transistor {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
fish T
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