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| med. laboratory {adj} [attr.] [chemical analysis] | 18 laborchemisch | |
| chem. emitting {adj} {pres-p} [chemical substances, e.g. formaldehyde-emitting] | ausdünstend [chemische Substanzen, z. B. Formaldehyd etc.] | |
Verbs |
| chem. to precipitate [separate from a chemical solution] | 53 ausscheiden [ausfällen] | |
| chem. to prepare sth. [synthesize (a chemical substance)] | 20 etw.Akk. darstellen [(einen Stoff) gewinnen, herstellen] | |
| chem. to precipitate sth. [cause to separate from a chemical solution] | 11 etw.Akk. ausscheiden [ausfällen] | |
| to refine sth. [e.g., chemical or physical refining] | 6 etw. reinigen [scheiden, affinieren; Edelmetalle] | |
Nouns |
| chem. phys. deposition [esp. in chemical and physical vapor deposition] | 27 Beschichtung {f} [Abscheidung, Deposition] | |
| aviat. meteo. myth. chemtrails [chemical trails] | 8 Chemiestreifen {pl} | |
| chem. chemistry [chemical properties or composition] | Chemismus {m} | |
| chem. spec. firststuffs [chemical elements] [neol.] | Elemente {pl} | |
| chem. transp. HazChem [hazardous chemical code system; warning plate system used in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and the UK for vehicles transporting hazardous substances, and on storage facilities] | HazChem-Code {m} [gefährliche Chemikalien] | |
| biochem. FoodInd. vitamer [chemical compound of a vitamin] | Vitamer {n} | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mil. ABC warfare [atomic-biological-chemical warfare] | ABC-Kriegsführung {f} | |
| ACS style | ACS-Stil {m} [von der American Chemical Society entwickelte Zitierweise] | |
| Elsan® (toilet) [Br.] [a type of portable chemical toilet] | [transportable chemische Toilette] | |
| weapons incapacitating agent [atomic, biological and chemical warfare] | kampfunfähig machender Kampfstoff {m} | |
| pharm. QM lead substance [used to define the worst case substance with respect to physico-chemical behaviour; risk assessment] | Leitsubstanz {f} [repräsentativer Vertreter einer Risikogruppe, der bezüglich des Risikofaktors den Worst Case darstellt] | |
| chem. Pharaoh's serpent [chemical phenomenon] | Pharaoschlange {f} [chemische Erscheinung] | |
| chem. Pharaoh's serpent [chemical phenomenon] | Schlange {f} des Pharao [Pharaoschlange] [chemische Erscheinung] | |
| possessor states [of chemical weapons stockpiles] | Besitzerstaaten {pl} [von Chemiewaffenbeständen] | |
| chem. hist. radical theory [chemical radicals] | Radikaltheorie {f} | |
| med. skin burn [chemical] | Hautverätzung {f} | |
| mil. smoke blanket [chemical warfare] | künstliche Nebeldecke {f} | |
| mil. smoke curtain [chemical warfare] | künstliche Nebelwand {f} | |
| mil. smoke haze [chemical warfare] | künstlicher Nebelschleier {m} | |
| mil. smoke screen [chemical warfare] | künstliche Nebelwand {f} | |
| med. toxic pinkeye [chemical pinkeye] | rosa Auge {n} [auch: rotes Auge] [ugs.] | |
| water regime [e.g. chemical industry, urban areas] | Wasserhaushalt {m} | |
| wood preservative [chemical solution used for wood protection] | Holzschutzimprägnierung {f} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. blue-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent] | Blaukreuzgranaten {pl} [Nasen- und Rachenkampfstoff] | |
| chem. Chemical Abstracts Service <CAS> [a division of the American Chemical Society] | CAS {f} [Chemical Abstracts Service {m}] | |
| jobs chemical plant operator [Am.] [chemical plant worker] | Chemikant {m} | |
| hist. mil. white-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent] | Weißkreuzgranaten {pl} | |
| hist. mil. weapons yellow-cross shells [World War I chemical warfare agent; sulfur mustard] | Gelbkreuzgranaten {pl} | |
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