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English-German translation for: [chest-type]
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Dictionary English German: [chest type]

Translation 1 - 50 of 315  >>

freezer [chest-type]Gefriertruhe {f}
freezer [chest-type]Tiefkühltruhe {f}
freezer [chest-type]Truhe {f} [kurz für: Kühltruhe]
Partial Matches
furn. commode [low chest of drawers or chiffonier of a decorative type popular in the 18th century]Kommode {f} [bes. stark verzierte, niedrige Kommode des 18. Jahrhunderts]
anat. biol. fast glycolytic fibers [Am.] [type IIb fibers, type IIx fibers]Typ-IIb-Fasern {pl} [Typ-IIx-Fasern]
anat. biol. fast glycolytic fibres [Br.] [type IIb fibres, type IIx fibres]Typ-IIb-Fasern {pl} [Typ-IIx-Fasern]
tools Frearson screw [type 2 recess, type II cross recess]Frearson-Schraube {f}
travel leisure house [A. public leisure center/centre, B. type of private house in one's garden, C. type of private house, e.g. in a holiday-home area]Freizeithaus {n} [A. öffentliches Haus mit Freizeitangeboten für alle, B. Typ von Gartenhaus, C. Typ von Ferienhaus]
urban lamppost [whip-type]Peitschenlampe {f}
urban lamppost [whip-type]Peitschenleuchte {f}
comp. string [data type]Zeichenfolge {f}
gastr. [type of cough sweet]Blockmalz {n}
textil. broadloom [type of carpeting]Bahnenware {f}
bot. capsule [type of fruit]Kapselfrucht {f}
archi. coving [Br.] [moulding type]Hohlkehlleiste {f}
sports dirtboard [type of skateboard]Allterrainboard {n}
sports dirtboard [type of skateboard]Mountainboard {n}
weapons flintlock [type of gun]Steinschlossgewehr {n}
econ. industry [type of trade]Branche {f}
econ. industry [type of trade]Wirtschaftszweig {m}
textil. kilim [carpet type]Kelim {m} [Teppichart]
biol. geol. kind [type]Beschaffenheit {f} [Art, Sorte]
sports mountainboard™ [type of skateboard]Allterrainboard {n}
sports mountainboard™ [type of skateboard]Dirtboard {n}
hist. panopticon [prison type]Panoptikum {n} [Gefängnistyp]
for. pinewood [type of wood]Kiefernholz {n}
gastr. oenol. roemer [type of wineglass]Römer {m}
gastr. oenol. rummer [type of wineglass]Römer {m}
run [type]Art {f} [Sorte, Typ]
print size [type size]Grad {m} [Schriftgrad]
sports sport [type of sport]Sportart {f}
electr. RadioTV trailing [type of streaking]Nachlaufen {n}
comp. typecast [data-type conversion]Typumwandlung {f}
print in bold {adj} [postpos.] [type]fettgedruckt
FoodInd. gastr. cereal breakfast [meal type]Cerealienfrühstück {n}
constr. Dutch clinker [brick type]Klinker {m}
urban lamp post [whip-type]Peitschenlampe {f}
urban lamp post [whip-type]Peitschenleuchte {f}
gastr. TrVocab. Primus® (stove) [traditional type]Petroleumkocher {m}
same {adj} [of an identical type]gleich
archaeo. med. tech. cutaway [a type of drawing]Risszeichnung {f}
weapons flintlock [type of gun]Flinte {f} [Steinschlossgewehr]
econ. game [coll.] [type of business]Branche {f}
cloth. girdle [type of corset]Mieder {n} [Korsage]
urban lamppost [whip-type]Peitschenmast {m} [Laternenmast, Straßenlampe]
mus. mode [type of scale]Gattung {f} [Tongeschlecht]
tech. acoustic alarm [type of sensor]Luftschallmelder {m}
for. Arolla pine [type of wood]Zirbelholz {n}
theatre grand dame [type part]Salondame {f} [Rollenfach]
educ. middle school [type of school]Realschule {f}
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