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| |
| religious {adj} [without belonging to a church etc.] | 302 gottgläubig [veraltet] [bes. Nazi-Ausdruck] | |
| mother {adj} [attr.] [e.g. animal, goddess, cell, church, company] | 121 Mutter- [z. B. Tier, Gottheit, Zelle, Kirche, Firma] | |
| archi. brick {adj} [attr.] [e.g. architecture, building, church, Gothic] | 29 Backstein- [z. B. Architektur, Gebüde, Kirche, Gotik] | |
| rural {adj} [e.g. church, community, school, store] | 9 Dorf- [z. B. Kirche, Gemeinschaft, Schule, Laden] | |
| archi. relig. abbatial {adj} [relating to an abbey, e.g. church] | Abtei- [z. B. Kirche] | |
| archi. churchy {adj} [suggestive of a church] | kirchenhaft [Aussehen etc.] | |
| relig. Moravian {adj} [pertaining to the Moravian Church] | brüderisch [der Brüdergemeine betreffend] | |
Verbs |
| relig. to church sb. [bring to church for ceremonies] | jdn. zur Kirche geleiten [z. B. Mutter zur Segnung] | |
| hist. relig. to church sb. [perform a church service of thanksgiving for a woman after childbirth] | jdn. aussegnen [Wöchnerin] | |
| pol. relig. to disestablish [a state church] | entstaatlichen [eine Staatskirche] | |
| to disestablish [the Church] | vom Staat trennen | |
Nouns |
| jobs relig. vicar [Church of England] | 454 Pfarrer {m} | |
| fold [the members of a church, congregation] | 232 Herde {f} [geh.] [Gemeinde] | |
| mus. relig. anthem [antiphonal church song] | 123 Wechselgesang {m} [antiphonisches Kirchenlied] | |
| archi. aisle [lateral section of church] | 93 Seitenschiff {n} | |
| jobs relig. curate [Church of England] | 71 Vikar {m} [Hilfspfarrer] | |
| archi. gallery [esp. in a church] | 54 Empore {f} | |
| elders [of tribe, church] | 43 Älteste {pl} | |
| archi. bay [of a church building] | 34 Joch {n} | |
| archi. relig. vestry [building attached to a church, used for prayer meetings, for the Sunday school, etc.] | 31 Gemeindesaal {m} [einer Kirche] | |
| archi. relig. fane [a church in classical antiquity] [archaic] | 28 Gotteshaus {n} | |
| priory [in church names] | 21 Münster {n} | |
| relig. commemoration [church service] | 19 Gedenkgottesdienst {m} | |
| jobs relig. vicar [Church of England] | 19 Pastor {m} [ev. Pfarrer] | |
| archi. relig. abbey [church of an abbey] | 17 Abteikirche {f} | |
| agr. jobs relig. [church supplied farm helper as a stand-in for a farmer's wife during illness, etc.] | 16 Dorfhelferin {f} | |
| relig. dean [Catholic Church] | 16 Dekan {m} | |
| archi. relig. abbey [church of an abbey] | 13 Klosterkirche {f} | |
| heads [of church, family] | 13 Oberhäupter {pl} | |
| admin. econ. pol. state [attr.] [e.g. affair, award, banquet, capitalism, church] | 12 Staats- [z. B. Angelegenheit, Preis, Bankett, Kapitalismus, Kirche] | |
| relig. matins [Anglican church] | 8 Frühandacht {f} | |
| journ. relig. [weekly published by a church] | 7 Kirchenzeitung {f} | |
| autum [sl.] [obs.] [spv.] [church] | 7 Kirche {f} | |
| relig. dignitary [of the Roman Catholic Church] | 7 Dignitar {m} | |
| relig. spec. reconciliation [Catholic Church] | 7 Rekonziliation {f} | |
| hist. relig. spec. grievance [against the church prior to the Reformation] | 6 Gravamen {n} | |
| relig. matins [Anglican church] | 5 Morgenandacht {f} | |
| [catholic church wedding embodied into Holy Mass] | Brautmesse {f} | |
| relig. [celebration commemorating the consecration of the local church] | Kirchfeier {f} [veraltet] [Kirchweih] | |
| hist. [constitution of St. Pauls Church, Frankfurt] | Paulskirchenverfassung {f} | |
| relig. [German Evangelical Church flag] | evangelische Kirchenfahne {f} [Kirchenfahne der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland] | |
| relig. [governing board of a church organisation] | Bruderrat {m} | |
| relig. Unverified [medieval term for a church with a priest appointed by the local bishop instead of a priest belonging to an order] | Leutkirche {f} [südd.] [schweiz.] [veraltet] | |
| relig. [noontime church bell ringing] | (das) Mittagsläuten {n} | |
| archi. relig. [protestant church built according to the rules of the Patent of Tolerance of 1781 in Austria] | Toleranzkirche {f} | |
| relig. [ringing of church bells shortly before a church service] | Zusammenläuten {n} [auch: Hauptläuten] | |
| relig. [Title of honour in the Roman Catholic Church and other churches] | Geistlicher Rat {m} | |
| relig. [typical assemblage of scents of a church] | Kirchengeruch {m} | |
| [youth organization of the Catholic Church in Switzerland] | Jungwacht {f} [katholischer Jugendverband, Schweiz] | |
| relig. acathistus [Marian office in the Orthodox Church] | Akathistos {m} | |
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