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English-German translation for: [cleaning]
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Dictionary English German: [cleaning]

Translation 1 - 50 of 50

English German
scavenging {adj} {pres-p} [cleaning up filth from sth.]
reinigend [z. B. Straße]
hearty {adj} [cleaning, wash, etc.]
gründlich [Reinigung, Wäsche etc.]
street {adj} [attr.] [e.g. art, carnival, child, cleaning, directory]Straßen- [innerorts] [z. B. Kunst, Karneval, Kind, Reinigung, Verzeichnis]
mil. to fieldstrip sth. [esp. Am.] [a firearm for cleaning or inspection]
etw.Akk. zerlegen [eine Feuerwaffe, zur Reinigung oder Funktionsprüfung]
engin. material to pickle sth. [industrial cleaning process]etw.Akk. dekapieren
cosmet. tools comb [toothed instrument for separating, cleaning, adjusting, etc.]
Kamm {m} [mit Zinken versehenes Gerät zum Glätten, Ordnen usw.]
rag [for cleaning]
Putzlappen {m}
cleaners {pl} [dry-cleaning establishment]
Reinigung {f} [Geschäft]
clearance [removal, cleaning]
Beseitigung {f}
cleaner [cleaning agent]
Reiniger {m} [Reinigungsmittel]
clout [archaic] [cleaning rag]
Wischlappen {m}
jobs biddy [cleaning woman]
Hausangestellte {f}
cosmet. med. Lysol® [Am.] [hygiene products, cleaning products]
Sagrotan® {n} [Hygiene-Produkte, Reinigungsmittel usw.]
[rotating time period during which a resident of e.g. an apartment is responsible for cleaning shared areas in and around the building such as sidewalks, driveways, hallways, etc.]
Kehrwoche {f} [südd.] [bes. schwäb.]
clearance [removal, cleaning]
Kahlschlag {m} [Beseitigung, Abbau] [fig.]
dent. odontexesis [tooth cleaning]
Zahnreinigung {f}
agr. aspirator [grain cleaning machine]
Tarar {m} [Maschine zur Getreidereinigung]
cleanings {pl} [things collected by cleaning]
Kehricht {m} [auch {n}] [(zusammengefegter) Schmutz, Unrat]
cosmet. med. Dettol® [Br.] [hygiene products, cleaning products]
Sagrotan® {n} [Hygiene-Produkte, Reinigungsmittel usw.]
gastr. jobs [cleaning of tableware in a restaurant, not pots and pans]Weißabwasch {f} [österr.] [fachspr.]
[traditional thorough house cleaning before Christmas]Weihnachtsputz {m} [Hausputz]
cleaner [cleaning machine]Reinigungsmaschine {f}
floorcloth [Br.] [floor cleaning cloth]Aufputztuch {n}
gastr. hist. knifeboard [for cleaning]Messerputzbrett {n}
engin. material pickling [industrial cleaning process]Dekapieren {n}
2 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. (die) Putzgruppe ["Cleaning squad", a group of German streetfighters in the 1970s](die) Putzgruppe {f} [Zusammenschluss aus der Frankfurter linksradikalen Szene in den 1970ern]
acid wash [acid solution used for cleaning]Säurewaschlösung {f}
comp. clean screen [function for cleaning the touch screen on mobile panels]Putzbild {n} [Funktion]
kitchen towels [paper towels, disposable cleaning towels]Haushaltstücher {pl} [Einmaltücher, z. B. als Papierküchenrolle]
leather cleaner [cleaning material]Lederreiniger {m} [Reinigungsmittel]
lens paper [cleaning]Linsenpapier {n}
optics lens wipe [lens (cleaning) cloth]Linsenputztuch {n}
optics lens wipe [lens (cleaning) cloth]Linsenwischtuch {n}
loo cleaner [Br.] [coll.] [toilet cleaner] [cleaning agent or person]Kloreiniger {m} [ugs.] [WC-Reinigungsmittel oder Beruf]
relig. ritual cleansing [also: ritual cleaning]rituelle Reinigung {f}
silver bath [used in photography and for cleaning sterling silver]Silberbad {n} [in der Photographie und zur Silberreinigung]
toilet cleaner [cleaning agent] [also job]Kloreiniger {m} [ugs.] [WC-Reinigungsmittel] [auch Beruf]
toilet cleaner [cleaning agent] [also job]Toilettenreiniger {m} [Reinigungsmittel] [auch Beruf]
toilet cleaner [cleaning agent] [also job]WC-Reiniger {m} [WC-Reinigungsmittel] [auch Beruf]
window cleaner [cleaning fluid]Fensterputzmittel {n}
window cleaner [cleaning fluid]Scheibenreiniger {m}
wringing out [e.g. cleaning rag]Auswinden {n} [z. B. Putzlappen] [schweiz.] [regional] [Auswringen]
3 Words: Nouns
agr. air-recycling aspirator [grain cleaning machine]Umluft-Tarar {m} [Maschine zur Getreidereinigung]
clean-in-place <CIP, CiP> [totally automatic cleaning sequence with no manual involvement]Reinigung {f} vor Ort [vollautomatisch, ohne Zerlegen der Anlagen]
cleaning in place <CIP, CiP> [totally automatic cleaning sequence with no manual involvement]Reinigung {f} vor Ort [vollautomatisch, ohne Zerlegen der Anlagen]
photo. dust reduction system [automatic sensor cleaning in digital cameras]automatische Sensorreinigung {f}
photo. dust removal system [automatic sensor cleaning in digital cameras]automatische Sensorreinigung {f}
ind. MedTech. pharm. wash-in-place <WIP> [semi- or fully-automated cleaning without disassembly work]Reinigung {f} vor Ort [halb- oder vollautomatisch, ohne Zerlegen der Anlagen]
ind. MedTech. pharm. washing in place <WIP> [semi- or fully-automated cleaning without disassembly work]Spülen / Reinigen {n} vor Ort [halb- oder vollautomatisch, ohne Zerlegen der Anlagen]
4 Words: Verbs
to deep-clean one's house [house cleaning]einen Großputz machen [regional] [Hausputz]
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