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English-German translation for: [climate]
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Dictionary English German: [climate]

Translation 1 - 27 of 27

English German
intemperate {adj} [climate]
extrem [Klima]
unforgiving {adj} [climate, landscape etc.]
unforgiving {adj} [climate, nature]
sickly {adj} {adv} [e.g. climate]
to stand sth. [heat, climate, noise etc.]
etw. ertragen [Hitze, Klima, Lärm etc.]
to climatize sth. [to prepare or modify (a building, vehicle, etc.) for use or comfort in a specific climate]
etw. klimatisieren
oppressiveness [of heat, climate]
Schwüle {f}
urban [Climate Booklet for Urban Development]Städtebauliche Klimafibel {f}
oppression [fig.] [due to heat, climate]bedrückende Atmosphäre {f}
2 Words
meteo. climate-dependent {adj} [also: climate dependent]klimaabhängig
sth. agrees with sb. [climate, diet etc.]etw. bekommt jdm. (gut)
to disagree with sb. [food, climate, etc.]jdm. nicht bekommen
acad. attribution studies [e.g. to determine climate effects]Zuordnungsstudien {pl} [z. B. zur Bestimmung von Klimaauswirkungen]
climate gluer [climate protester who glues themselves to road surfaces, works of art, etc.]Klimakleber {m}
climate gluer [female] [climate protester who glues herself to road surfaces, works of art, etc.]Klimakleberin {f}
constr. meteo. climatic concept [less common] [climate concept]Klimakonzept {n}
acad. consensus science [combat term of climate change deniers]Konsenswissenschaft {f} [Kampfbegriff der Leugner des Klimawandels]
ecol. econ. flat earthers [hum.] [President Obama about climate change sceptics or "deniers"]Klimaleugner {pl} [ugs.] [pej.] [Leugner des menschengemachten Klimawandels, insbesondere der globalen Erwärmung]
ecol. meteo. pol. global warming [climate change]Klimawandel {m} [globale Erwärmung]
ecol. phys. tipping element [in the climate system]Kippelement {n} [im Klimasystem]
3 Words
beginning of records [e.g. of climate data]Aufzeichnungsbeginn {m} [z. B. von Klimadaten]
acad. ecol. meteo. climate change research [climate change and climate change impact]Klimafolgenforschung {f}
geogr. meteo. dry summer climate [Mediterranean climate]mediterranes Klima {n}
EU EU burden sharing [climate policy]EU-Lastenverteilung {f}
meteo. pol. two-degrees target [climate warming] <2 °C target>Zwei-Grad-Ziel {n} [Klimaerwärmung]
5+ Words
ecol. pol. Fifth Assessment Report <AR5> of the IPCC [short] [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]Fünfter Sachstandsbericht {m} des IPCC <AR5> [für Klimaänderungen]
ecol. pol. Fourth Assessment Report <AR4> of the IPCC [short] [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change]Vierter Sachstandsbericht {m} des IPCC <AR4> [für Klimaänderungen]
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