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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [collection]
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Dictionary English German: [collection]

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

English German
china {adj} [attr.] [e.g. clay, collection, doll, painter, vase]
Porzellan- [z. B. Erde, Sammlung, Puppe, Maler, Vase]
educ. teaching {adj} [attr.] [e.g. activity, collection, content, material]Lehr- [z. B. Tätigkeit, Sammlung, Inhalt, Material]
to disinter sth. [something that is well hidden, e.g. a collection of writings]etw. wieder ausgraben [fig.] [z. B. ein Buch, Sachen von früher]
smorgasbord [fig.] [diverse collection of things]
Sammelsurium {n}
roundup [collection of suspects or criminals]
Aushebung {f} [Festnahme von Verdächtigen oder Verbrechern]
publ. miscellany [collection]
Sammlung {f}
repository [collection]
Sammlung {f} [Aufbewahrungsort]
petition [collection of signatures]
Unterschriftensammlung {f}
lit. corpus [collection of writings]
Werk {n}
box [collection box or for saving]
Büchse {f} [Sparbüchse, Sammelbüchse]
assemblage [collection]
Sammlung {f}
deaccession [selling of objects from a museum collection]
Verscherbeln {n} [ugs.] [von Museumsgut]
hist. lit. legendary [collection of legends]
Legendar {n}
logjam [jumbled collection of logs blocking a river]
Holzansammlung {f}
ecol. [bag / sack for the collection of recyclable packaging material, e.g. yoghurt pots, tetrapacks, PET bottles in Switzerland]Sammelsack {m} [schweiz.] [Gelber Sack]
geogr. hist. pol. [collection of persons with citizenship linked to a particular community in Switzerland]Bürgergemeinde {f} [schweiz.]
admin. RadioTV [fee collection center of public-law broadcasting institutions in the Federal Republic of Germany]Gebühreneinzugszentrale {f} der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland <GEZ>
[heavy collection of fumes]Gedünst {n} [veraltet] [geh.]
ecol. [yellow bag / sack for the collection of recyclable packaging material, e.g. yoghurt pots, detergent bottles (Germany, Austria)]Gelber Sack {m} [gelber Wertstoffsack zur Rückgabe von Verpackungsabfällen]
ecol. [yellow bag / sack for the collection of recyclable packaging material, e.g. yoghurt pots, detergent bottles]gelber Sack {m} [gelber Wertstoffsack]
ecol. [yellow refuse bin for the collection of recyclable packaging material, e.g. yoghurt pots, detergent bottles]Gelbe Tonne {f} [gelbe Wertstofftonne]
ana [collection of a famous person's sayings]Ana {f} [veraltend]
acad. archaeo. antiquarianism [collection and study of antiquities]Altertumskunde {f}
lit. Diwan [collection of Persian, Arabic or Urdu poetry]Dīwān {m} [persische, arabische oder urduische Lyriksammlung]
MedTech. resistome [collection of all the antibiotic resistance genes]Resistom {n} [Gesamtheit aller Antibiotika-Resistenzgene]
ecol. Seabin [floating debris collection device]Seabin {m} [schwimmender Mülleimer]
smorgasbord [fig.] [diverse collection of things]bunte Mischung {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to gather sth. up [in a collection]etw. zusammensuchen [in einer Sammlung]
to pick sth. out [from a collection of potential targets]etw.Akk. ausgucken [ugs.] [aussuchen]
2 Words: Nouns
bin collection [Br.] [waste collection]Müllabfuhr {f} [Abholung]
med. blood extraction [blood collection]Blutentnahme {f}
cloth. Unverified capsule range [capsule collection]Sonderkollektion {f}
econ. fin. fee collection [also: collection of fees]Gebühreneinzug {m}
comp. language pack [software collection]Sprachpaket {n} [Software-Sammlung]
log jam [jumbled collection of logs blocking a river]Holzansammlung {f}
numerous collection [art collection etc.]große Sammlung {f} [Kunstsammlung etc.]
numerous collection [art collection etc.]umfangreiche Sammlung {f} [Kunstsammlung etc.]
poison wagon [hazardous household waste collection]Giftmobil {n}
relig. prayer book [collection of prayers]Gebetssammlung {f} [in Buchform]
audio room modes [collection of resonances]Raummoden {pl}
ecol. shoe bank [collection container]Sammelbehälter {m} für Altschuhe
philat. stamp mount [for stamp-collection]Klemmtasche {f} [für Briefmarkensammlung]
treasure trove [collection, source]Schatzhöhle {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to complete the set [e.g. stamp collection]den Satz komplettieren [geh.] [z. B. Briefmarkensammlung]
3 Words: Nouns
mus. body of song [collection of songs]Liedgut {n}
astron. hist. lit. Book of Nut [collection of ancient Egyptian astronomical texts]Nutbuch {n} [Sammlung von altägyptisch-astronomischen Texten]
comm. ecol. waste-collection system [also: waste collection system]Abfallsammelsystem {n}
5+ Words: Others
biol. comp. basic local alignment search tool {adj} [attr.] <BLAST> [bioinformatics tool, software collection]BLAST- [Software-Sammlung]
hist. I gave gold for iron. [slogan of the collection of private jewelry to finance the Prussian uprising against Napoleon I in 1813]Gold gab ich für Eisen. [Motto der Schmucksammlung zur Finanzierung der Befreiungskriege gegen Napoleon I. in Preußen 1813]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Amok [Amok: Novellas of a Passion (collection of novellas)]Amok [Amok: Novellen einer Leidenschaft (Novellensammlung)] [Stefan Zweig]
lit. F Downfall of the Heart [in his collection of 3 novellas: A Failing Heart]Untergang eines Herzens [Stefan Zweig]
lit. F Look Back, Mrs. Lot! (or Anything can happen - in Israel) [Ephraim Kishon, collection of satires]Drehn Sie sich um, Frau Lot! - Satiren aus Israel
lit. F The Lottery [Shirley Jackson] [collection of short stories]Die Teufelsbraut [Kurzgeschichtensammlung]
lit. F The Other Days [collection of novellas]Die anderen Tage [Vicki Baum, Novellensammlung]
lit. F The Seasick Whale [Ephraim Kishon, collection of satires]Der seekranke Walfisch oder Ein Israeli auf Reisen [Sammlung von Satiren]
lit. F The Serapion Brethren [collection of novellas, fairytales, and essays]Die Serapionsbrüder [Sammlung von Erzählungen, Märchen und Aufsätzen von E. T. A. Hoffmann]
lit. F There Goes Kafka [collection of essays]Da geht Kafka [Essay-Sammlung; Johannes Urzidil]
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