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English-German translation for: [column]
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Dictionary English German: [column]

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
comp. math. table {adj} [attr.] [e.g. column, row, entry]
Tabellen- [z. B. Spalte, Zeile, Eintrag]
supporting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. beam, column or pillar, tissue, wall]
Stütz- [z. B. Balken, Pfeiler, Gewebe, Mauer]
archi. shaft [pillar, column]
Säule {f}
archi. art pedestal [of a statue or column]
Fuß {m} [einer Statue od. Säule]
geol. stack [Br.] [column of rock in the sea]
Brandungspfeiler {m}
archi. flute [column]
Rille {f} [Säule]
archi. shaft [column]
Stele {f}
archi. constr. summer [support of a column]
Tragbalken {m}
archi. atlas [support or column]
Atlant {m}
archi. constr. summer [support of a column; corbel, perch]
Kragstein {m}
archi. shaft [column]
Obelisk {m}
fluting [column]
Rille {f} [Säule]
journ. neol. [Name for a column in the online version of Der Spiegel. Literally: Data Harvest.]Datenlese {f}
journ. lit. feuilleton [serial story column]Fortsetzungsroman {m} [Spalte, Teil einer Zeitung]
archi. flute [vertical groove in a column]Kannelur {f} [senkrechte Rille am Säulenschaft]
archi. flute [vertical groove in a column]Kannelüre {f} [senkrechte Rille am Säulenschaft]
geol. hoodoo [column of weathered rock]Hoodoo {m} [Felspfeiler]
archi. spec. trumeau [column supporting a tympanum of a doorway at its center]Trumeaupfeiler {m} [mittlerer Steinpfeiler eines Portals]
print widow [a single short line of text continued at the top of a new column]Hängezeile {f} [Ausgangszeile am Seiten- oder Kolumnenanfang]
2 Words: Nouns
mil. weapons armored point [Am.] [armored column]Panzerspitze {f}
anat. cervical curve [of the vertebral column]Halslordose {f} [der Wirbelsäule]
archaeo. art column krater [also: column crater]Kolonettenkrater {m} [auch: Kolonnettenkrater]
publ. comments column [also: comment column]Kommentarspalte {f}
archi. death-lantern [also: death lantern] [lantern of the dead] [usu. a column surmounted by a lantern; in a churchyard or cemetery]Totenleuchte {f} [Totenlaterne, auch «Lanterne des morts» als Teil eines Eigennamens in Frankreich]
constr. displacement pile [displacement column]Verdrängungspfahl {m}
sports flexion exercises [e.g. for the spinal column]Beugeübungen {pl} [z. B. für die Wirbelsäule]
anat. lumbar curve [of the vertebral column]Lendenlordose {f} [der Wirbelsäule]
mil. travel route column [marching column] [also: column of route]Marschkolonne {f}
tech. speaker column [loudspeaker column]Lautsprechersäule {f}
anat. thoracic curve [of the vertebral column]Brustkyphose {f} [der Wirbelsäule]
3 Words: Others
column after column {adv}Spalte für Spalte
column by column {adv}spaltenweise
3 Words: Nouns
journ. cards of thanks [Am.] [regional or dated] [as newspaper column heading]Danksagungen {pl} [als Spaltenüberschrift für Danksagungsanzeigen in amerik. Zeitungen]
archi. hist. TrVocab. Column of Igel [Igel Column]Igeler Säule {f}
anat. pelvic / sacral curve [of the vertebral column]Kreuz- / Steißbeinkyphose {f} [der Wirbelsäule]
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