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English-German translation for: [communication]
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Dictionary English German: [communication]

Translation 1 - 25 of 25

English German
law med. privileged {adj} [information, communication] [Am.]
Woot! [coll.] [especially in electronic communication]
spec. intersystem {adj} [attr.] [communication, interference, etc.]Intersystem- [Kommunikation, Beeinflussungen usw.]
Internet to cancel sb. [to ban sb. from certain communication media]jdn. ausradieren [in sozialen Netzwerken löschen]
media {pl} [in communication and advertising, often treated as sg.]
Medien {pl}
letter [esp. official communication, reply, comment on a subject, fan mail etc.]
Zuschrift {f}
comm [coll.] [communication, interaction]
Verbindung {f}
ling. shorthand [fig.] [short version, simplified communication]
Kurzform {f}
murmuring [semi-secret communication]
Geraune {n}
transmission [e.g. of an infection or a communication]
Übergabe {f} [Übertragung]
acad. communications [communication science; usually treated as sg.]
Kommunikationswissenschaft {f} <KW>
[small notebook designed to facilitate communication between teachers and the parents of young students]Muttiheft {n} [ugs.]
confidence [confidential communication]vertrauliche Bemerkung {f}
electr. mil. jamming {sg} [e.g. RADAR, radio communication]elektronische Störmaßnahmen {pl}
comp. electr. tech. transmitter <Tx> [communication line]Transmitter {m} <Tx> [Datenleitung]
2 Words
pol. back channel [unofficial informal channel of communication] [diplomacy etc.]inoffizieller Kanal {m} [Diplomatie u. ä.]
communication dynamics [treated as sg.] [also: dynamics of communication]Kommunikationsdynamik {f}
complete rupture [e.g. of communication infrastructure]Totalausfall {m} [z. B. Kommunikationsinfrastruktur]
telecom. connection establishment [establishing a communication connection]Verbindungsaufnahme {f}
Internet pol. sociol. information guerilla [communication guerilla]Informationsguerilla {f}
Internet pol. sociol. information guerrilla [communication guerrilla]Informationsguerilla {f}
acad. publ. publication media {pl} [in communication and advertising, often treated as sg.]Publikationsmedien {pl}
3 Words
educ. communication in technology [also: technology communication]Technik-Kommunikation {f}
med. pharm. Dear Doctor letter <DDL> [coll.] [direct healthcare professional communication]Rote-Hand-Brief {m} <RHB> [Risikoinformation für Arzneimittel, die direkt vom pharmazeutischen Unternehmen verbreitet wird]
automot. inter-vehicle communication [also: intervehicle communication]Kommunikation {f} zwischen (den) Fahrzeugen
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