| English | German | |
| quite {adv} [completely, perfectly] | 1926 durchaus | |
| quite {adv} [completely] | 956 völlig | |
| sketchy {adj} [Am.] [coll.] [skiing, etc.] [not completely safe or not completely honest] | 767 grenzwertig [meist ugs.] [an der Grenze des Zulässigen oder Sicheren] | |
| quite {adv} [completely] | 488 gänzlich | |
| whacked {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [completely exhausted] | 367 erschossen [ugs.] [völlig erschöpft] | |
| quite {adv} [completely] | 357 vollständig | |
| quite {adv} [completely] | 239 vollkommen | |
| completely {adv} [e.g. clean one's plate completely] | 86 ratzeputz [ugs.] [restlos, z. B. seinen Teller ratzeputz leeressen] | |
| beat {adj} [coll.] [completely exhausted] | 50 erschossen [ugs.] [völlig erschöpft] | |
| perfectly {adv} [completely] | 49 völlig | |
| quite {adv} [completely] | 45 schlechthin [absolut] | |
| all {adj} {adv} [completely] | 22 vollkommen [völlig, gänzlich] | |
| unredacted {adj} [completely readable] | 19 ungeschwärzt [vollständig lesbar] | |
| flat {adv} [completely, exactly] | 15 glatt [ugs.] [vollkommen, genau] | |
| perfectly {adv} [completely] | 12 ganz | |
| all {adv} [completely] | 9 total | |
| roundly {adv} [completely] | 7 ganz | |
| all {adv} [completely, absolutely] | 6 vollständig | |
| all {adv} [completely] | komplett [vollständig, total] | |
| clean {adv} [coll.] [completely] | gänzlich | |
| clean {adv} [coll.] [completely] | komplett | |
| clean {adv} [coll.] [completely] | völlig | |
| perfectly {adv} [completely] | total [ugs.] [ganz und gar] | |
| singularly {adv} [completely] | ganz und gar | |
Verbs |
| to quash sth. [extinguish completely] | 482 etw.Akk. zermalmen [vernichten, auslöschen] | |
| to split sth. [completely, into two or more parts] | 319 etw. zerspalten | |
| to collapse [fail suddenly and completely (theory, talks, etc.)] | 39 platzen [ugs.] [ein schnelles Ende finden (Theorie, Verhandlungen etc.)] | |
| to waste sth. [destroy completely] | 28 etw. vernichten | |
| to round sth. [pass completely around] | 24 etw. umrunden | |
| to checkmate sb. [fig.: thwart; defeat completely; literally: chess] | 18 jdn. mattsetzen [fig.: jdm. jede Handlungsmöglichkeit nehmen; jdn. als Gegner ausschalten; wörtl.: Schach] | |
| to checkmate sb. [fig.] [thwart; defeat completely] | jdn. matt setzen [alt] [fig.] [jdm. jede Handlungsmöglichkeit nehmen; jdn. als Gegner ausschalten] | |
| to collapse [fail suddenly and completely] | (rasch) scheitern [z. B. Verhandlungen] | |
| to forlese sth. [obs.] [lose entirely or completely] | etw.Akk. endgültig verlieren | |
| to nuke sth. [sl] [destroy completely] | etw.Akk. vernichten | |
| to pants sb. [Am.] [sl.] [typical school prank: to yank sb's pants down (or off completely) in a public or semi-public venue] | jdm. die Hosen herunterziehen [oft in der Öffentlichkeit] | |
| to shipwreck sth. [fig.] [completely ruin] | etw.Akk. zum Scheitern bringen [komplett ruinieren] | |
Nouns |
| brew [layer of brown gunk when the kräusen has fallen back completely] | Schlaucherdecke {f} | |
| biol. med. zool. monochromat [also an individual who is completely color-blind] | Monochromat {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| 100 percent {adj} {adv} [Am.] [completely, entirely] | 100prozentig [alt] [100-prozentig, 100%ig] | |
| 100 percent [Am.] [completely, entirely] | hundertprozentig <100-prozentig, 100%ig> | |
| completely wrecked {adj} [coll.] [completely exhausted] | ganz kaputt [ugs.] [völlig erschöpft] | |
| dead beat {adj} [coll.] [person] [completely exhausted] | fix und fertig [ugs.] [Person] | |
| getting through {adj} {pres-p} [coll.] [spending completely] | durchbringend | |
| You're toast. [esp. Am.] [coll. for: completely ruined] [idiom] | Du bist erledigt. [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be fucked [vulg.] [be completely shattered / ruined] | im / am Arsch sein [vulg.] [hoffnungslos verloren sein] | |
| to cave in [fig.] [coll.] [yield completely, surrender] | nachgeben [Druck, Drängen] | |
| to pancake down [coll.] [to collapse completely] | (völlig) in sich zusammensacken [Gebäude] | |
| to rub sth. out [Am.] [coll.] [fig.] [destroy sth. completely] | etw. ausradieren [fig.] [ugs.] [völlig zerstören, dem Erdboden gleichmachen] | |
| to suck under [completely] | verschlingen | |
| to wig out [esp. Am.] [coll.] [become wildly enthusiastic; go completely wild] | ausflippen [ugs.] [außer sich geraten vor Begeisterung oder Wut] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| sports ghost game [coll.] [without supporters, i.e. in a completely empty stadium; as a sanction measure by the FIFA] | Geisterspiel {n} [ugs.] [Fußballspiel mit Ausschluss von Zuschauern; FIFA-Strafmaßnahme] | |
3 Words: Others |
| (good and) proper {adv} [esp. Br.] [coll.] [thoroughly, completely] | ganz und gar | |
| idiom sb./sth. knocked sb. for six [Br.] [Aus.] [coll.] [sb. was completely overwhelmed or surprised] | jd./etw. haute jdn. um [ugs.] [jd. wurde völlig überwältigt oder überrascht] | |
| stout and rout {adv} [Scot.] [obs.] [completely] | voll und ganz | |
| to the wide {adv} [Br.] [coll.] [completely] | vollkommen [vollständig] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be a different person [changed completely] | wie ausgewechselt sein | |
| to be all run down [be completely exhausted] | völlig erledigt sein [ugs.] [völlig erschöpft sein] | |
| to go out the window [coll.] [disappear completely] [idiom] | sich in Luft auflösen [Redewendung] | |
| to go the full monty [Br.] [coll.] [strip completely naked] | alle Hüllen fallen lassen | |
| to have sth. at one's fingertips [idiom] [to be completely familiar with sth.] | etw.Akk. aus dem Effeff beherrschen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to sink like a stone [fig.] [fail completely] | ein völliger Reinfall sein [ugs.] | |
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