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English-German translation for: [connection]
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Dictionary English German: [connection]

Translation 1 - 51 of 51

English German
here {adv} [on doing so, in this connection]
comp. keyboard {adj} [attr.] [e.g. connection, driver, entry, layout, lockout]
Tastatur- [z. B. Anschluss, Treiber, Eingabe, Belegung, Verriegelung]
fin. bank {adj} [attr.] [e.g. account, card, clerk, connection, customer]
Bank- [z. B. Konto, Karte, Angestellter, Verbindung, Kunde]
comp. electr. wireless {adj} [connection]
drahtfrei [selten] [Verbindungsart]
tech. articulated {adj} [e.g. connection]
gelenkartig [z. B. Verbindung]
electr. math. series {adj} [attr.] [e.g. connection, convergence, formation, terminal]
Reihen- [z. B. Schaltung, Konvergenz, Bildung, Klemme]
hidden {adj} [connection, sense]
electr. plugless {adj} [e.g. connection]
steckerlos [z. B. Verbindung]
electr. power {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cable, connection, distributer, pack, plug]
Netz- [z. B. Kabel, Anschluss, Verteiler, Teil, Stecker]
relig. authoritative {adj} [esp. in connection to Jesus]vollmächtig [mit Vollmacht, bes. Jesus]
to relate [establish relation or connection between]einen Zusammenhang herstellen zwischen
relatedness [connection]
Bezug {m} [Beziehung, Verbindung]
junction [connection, interface]
Verbindung {f}
link [connection]
Zusammenhang {m}
association [connection in the mind]
Vorstellung {f} [gedankliche Assoziation]
concern [connection]
Beziehung {f} [Bezug]
law [low pressure connection regulation]
Niederdruckanschlussverordnung {f} <NDAV>
relationship [connection, tie]
Verquickung {f} [Verhältnis, Verbindung]
electr. tap [electrical connection]
Abgriff {m}
electr. lug [soldering connection]
Fahne {f} [Löten]
comp. telecom. handshake [initialization of a data connection]
Handshake {m}
electr. breadboard [connection base for electronic prototyping]Steckbrett {n}
archi. relig. carnary [charnel house] [vault or crypt in connection with a church, used as a repository for human bones]Carnarium {n} [Kapelle mit Beinhaus] [bes. österr., südd.]
disconnection [connection break]Verbindungsabbruch {m}
telecom. flagfall [esp. Aus. for: connection fee]Verbindungsgebühr {f}
presumptuousness [in connection with sb.'s abilities]Anmaßung {f}
2 Words: Others
partly responsible {adj} [in connection with other parties]mitverantwortlich
tech. transition-free {adj} [e.g. connection]übergangslos
admin. Unverified with priority {adv} [e.g. road, telephone connection]mit Vorrang [z. B. Straße, Telefonanschluss]
2 Words: Verbs
comp. telecom. to be up [connection]stehen [ugs.] [vorhanden sein, funktionieren; z. B. Verbindung]
to be up [connection]aufgebaut sein [funktionieren; z. B. Verbindung]
to go down [connection]unterbrochen werden [Verbindung]
electr. tech. to string together [electr. connection of PV-modules]verstringen [elektr. Verbindung von Fotovoltaikelementen]
2 Words: Nouns
weapons bayonet attachment [connection]Bajonettverschluss {m}
telecom. connection establishment [establishing a communication connection]Verbindungsaufnahme {f}
TrVocab. direct route [direct connection]direkte Verbindung {f}
telecom. flag fall [esp. Aus. for: connection fee]Verbindungsgebühr {f}
electr. tech. Unverified hood joint [for fiber-optic cable connection]Haubenmuffe {f} [zum Spleißen der Glasfaser]
FireResc hose connection [e.g. Storz connection]Schlauchkupplung {f} [z. B. Storz-Kupplung]
telecom. line rental [connection charges for land lines]Anschlussgebühr {f}
fin. supplementary tax [Germany: for membership in a national church or in connection with the reunification]Zuschlagsteuer {f} [Deutschland] [Kirchensteuer, Solidaritätszuschlag]
tech. TV spigot [physical connection device]TV-Zapfen {m} [Verbindungselement, z. B. für Scheinwerfer, Lautsprecher]
3 Words: Others
tech. metal to metal [connection, sealing]Metall auf Metall [Verbindung, Dichtung]
3 Words: Verbs
tech. to fasten sth. finger tight [screw connection]etw.Akk. handfest anziehen [Schraubverbindung]
3 Words: Nouns
shrink disc connection [shaft-hub connection]Welle-Nabe-Verbindung {f}
comp. telecom. three-way handshake [initialization of a data connection]Drei-Wege-Handschlag {m} [selten]
comp. telecom. three-way handshake [initialization of a data connection]Drei-Wege-Handshake {m}
electr. vee-vee connection <VV connection, V-V connection>VV-Schaltung {f}
5+ Words: Others
law med. Whatever, in connection with my professional service, or not in connection with it, I see or hear, in the life of men, which ought not to be spoken of abroad, I will not divulge, ... [Hippocr. Oath]Was ich bei der Behandlung sehe oder höre oder auch außerhalb der Behandlung im Leben der Menschen, werde ich, soweit man es nicht ausplaudern darf, verschweigen ... [Eid des Hippokrates, Anfang]
5+ Words: Nouns
MedTech. female Luer-Lok® (fitting) connection [Luer-Lock connection]weiblicher Luer-Lock-Anschluss {m} [Luer-Konus, Innenkegel]
MedTech. male Luer-Lok® (connection) fitting [Luer-Lock connection]männlicher Luer-Lock-Anschluss {m} [Luer-Konus, Außenkegel]
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