| English | German | |
| compartmentalized {adj} {past-p} [consisting of small, isolated parts] | 32 kleinteilig [aus kleinen, isolierten Teilen bestehend] | |
| geol. allochthonous {adj} [consisting of or formed from transported material] | 15 allochthon [aus ortsfremdem Material bestehend] | |
| quadruplicate {adj} [consisting of four identical copies] | 9 vierfach | |
| bot. for. arborous {adj} [consisting of trees] | aus Bäumen bestehend | |
| ashen {adj} [consisting of ashes] | aus Asche [nachgestellt] | |
| ashy {adj} [made or consisting of ashes] | aus Asche [nachgestellt] | |
| biliteral {adj} [consisting of two letters] | zweibuchstabig | |
| biliteral {adj} [consisting of two letters] | aus zwei Buchstaben bestehend [attr.] | |
| boarded {adj} [(consisting) of wooden boards] | brettern [selten] [aus Holzbrettern (bestehend)] | |
| compound {adj} [attr.] [consisting of several parts or elements] | aus mehreren Teilen bestehend [attr.] | |
| chem. diatomic {adj} [consisting of two atoms] | zweiatomig <2-atomig> | |
| fragmental {adj} [consisting of fragments] | aus Bruchstücken [nachgestellt] | |
| chem. heptatomic {adj} [consisting of seven atoms] | siebenatomig <7-atomig> | |
| chem. hexatomic {adj} [consisting of six atoms] | sechsatomig <6-atomig> | |
| omniferous {adj} [archaic] [consisting of all things] | allumfassend | |
| bot. thalloid {adj} [consisting of a thallus] | thalloid [über einen Thallus verfügend] | |
| triliteral {adj} [consisting of three letters] | dreibuchstabig | |
| triliteral {adj} [consisting of three letters] | aus drei Buchstaben bestehend [attr.] | |
| uniliteral {adj} [consisting of one letter] | einbuchstabig | |
| uniliteral {adj} [consisting of one letter] | aus einem Buchstaben bestehend [attr.] | |
| woolly {adj} [consisting of wool] | aus Wolle [nachgestellt] | |
Nouns |
| constr. wattle [material for making fences, walls, etc., consisting of rods or stakes interlaced with twigs or branches] | 425 Flechtwerk {n} | |
| gastr. supper [Scot., N. Engl: meal consisting of the specified food with chips; e.g. fish supper] | 10 [Gericht mit Pommes Frites als Beilage] | |
| FoodInd. spec. Unverified cortado [beverage consisting of equal amounts of Espresso and milk] | Cortado {m} [Getränk aus Espresso und Milch zu gleichen Teilen] | |
| lit. decameter [a line of verse consisting of ten metrical feet] | Zehnheber {m} [Vers] [vgl. Dekameter] | |
| lit. dodecameter [a line of verse consisting of 12 metrical feet] | Zwölfheber {m} [Vers] | |
| mineral. rosickyite [a mineral γ-S consisting of native sulfur in the gamma crystal form] | Rosickyit {m} | |
| mil. section [Br.] [a sub-subunit consisting of eight to fourteen soldiers] | Gruppe {f} <Grp> [Trupp aus acht bis zwölf Soldaten] | |
| gastr. snakebite [Br.] [drink consisting of draught cider and lager in equal proportions] | Snake Bite {m} {n} [auch: Snakebite] [Mischgetränk aus Apfelwein und hellem Bier] | |
| archi. hist. triglyph [tablet consisting of three vertically channeled bands separated by grooves] | Dreischlitz {m} [Triglyphe] [selten] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| hyphenated name [surname consisting of two names] | Doppelname {m} | |
| gastr. tripod barbecue [consisting of a fire bowl and a swinging grill] | Schwenkgrill {m} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| electr. telecom. direct-buried cable <DBC> [consisting of multiple layers of heavy metallic-banded sheathing, etc.] | Erdkabel {n} [mit einer besonders robusten Isolierung nach außen] | |
| jobs job application packet [consisting of multiple documents, e.g. cover letter, CV, copies of qualifications] | Bewerbungspaket {n} [eine Bewerbung mit mehreren Dokumenten, z. B. Bewerbungsbrief, Lebenslauf] | |
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