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English-German translation for: [constant]
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Dictionary English German: [constant]

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
habitual {adj} [constant]
stable {adj} [constant]
level {adj} [constant, unvarying]
level {adj} [constant, unvarying]
constantest {adj} [rare] [archaic] [most constant]beständigste
natural {adj} [e.g. assets, bristles, casing, constant, disaster, event]Natur- [z. B. Güter, Borsten, Darm, Konstante, Katastrophe, Ereignis]
haggle [(constant) bargaining; an instance of haggling]
Gefeilsche {n} [pej.] [Feilschen]
[a person in constant pursuit of fame, which plans to commit a crime as a means of achieving fame]Herostrat {m} [ein Verbrecher aus Geltungsbedürfnis]
tech. capstan [allows the tape to run at a precise and constant speed]Tonwelle {f} [auch Capstan; bei Tonbandgeräten, Filmprojektoren usw.]
math. orbiform [curve of constant width] [geometry]Orbiforme {f} [„Kreisförmige“]
whiner [constant complainer](ewiger) Nörgler {m} [pej.]
2 Words
phys. time-constant {adj} [constant as a function of time]zeitkonstant
phys. Big G [coll.] [(Newtonian) gravitational constant] <G>(Newton'sche) Gravitationskonstante {f} <G>
phys. Coulomb constant [also: Coulomb's constant]Coulomb-Konstante {f}
tech. CV joint [constant velocity joint]Gleichlaufgelenk {n}
phys. Dirac's constant [also: Dirac constant]diracsche Konstante {f}
phys. Hammett constant [also: Hammett's constant]Hammett-Konstante {f}
phys. Loschmidt constant [sometimes used to refer to the Avogadro constant]Avogadro-Konstante {f}
phys. Planck constant <h> [also: Planck's constant]plancksche Konstante {f} <h>
phys. Planck constant <h> [also: Planck's constant]Plancksche Konstante {f} <h> [alt]
math. Pythagoras's constant [also: Pythagoras' constant]Quadratwurzel {f} aus 2
econ. shortage economy [economy characterized by constant shortages]Mangelwirtschaft {f}
phys. Sommerfeld's constant <α> [fine-structure constant]Sommerfeldkonstante {f} <α> [Feinstrukturkonstante]
math. variation constant [also: constant of variation]Variationskonstante {f}
3 Words
caeteris / ceteris paribus {adv} [literally translated as "with other things the same," or "all other things being equal or held constant"]unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen <c.p., cet. par.>
electr. optics telecom. core refractive index [constant refractive index across the core of an optical fiber]Kernbrechzahl {f}
automot. CV boot kit [short for: constant velocity joint boot kit]Achsmanschettensatz {m} [auch: Achsmanschetten-Satz]
phys. general gas constant [universal gas constant] <R>allgemeine Gaskonstante {f} <R>
phys. reduced Planck constant [also: reduced Planck's constant]reduzierte Planck'sche Konstante {f}
4 Words
to stake out (a house) [coll.] [to maintain constant watch over a house](ein Haus) polizeilich überwachen
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