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English-German translation for: [contact]
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Dictionary English German: [contact]

Translation 1 - 58 of 58

English German
electr. tech. travel connecting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. adapter, contact, flight, train]
Anschluss- [z. B. Adapter, Kontakt, Flug, Zug]
electr. pitted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. contact breaker point]
electr. tech. lagging {adj} {pres-p} [contact, phase]
nacheilend [Kontakt, Phase]
telecom. radio {adj} [attr.] [e.g. contact, intelligence, interference, message, signal]
Funk- [z. B. Kontakt, Aufklärung, Störung, Spruch, Signal]
electr. tech. leading {adj} {pres-p} [contact, phase]
voreilend [Kontakt, Phase]
visual {adj} [e.g. approach, flight, contact, display]
Sicht- [z. B. Anflug, Flug, Kontakt, Anzeige]
human {adj} [concerning fellow human beings, e.g., contact, relationships]mitmenschlich
to maintain sth. [e.g. tension, eye contact]
etw.Akk. aufrechterhalten [z. B. Spannung, Augenkontakt] [beibehalten]
to approach sb. [contact]
jdn. kontaktieren
to liaise [chiefly British] [to be the contact person]
vermitteln [als Verbindungsperson fungieren]
to establish sth. [contact etc.]
etw. aufnehmen [Kontakt etc.]
Internet to ghost sb. [coll.] [abruptly cut off contact with]
jdn. ghosten [ugs.] [neol.] [so tun, als ob es einen nicht mehr gäbe]
to approach [contact]Kontakt aufnehmen
to spoon [to sleep with someone in close contact, both facing right or left]in der Löffelchen-Position schlafen
introduction [first contact]
Vorstellung {f} [erster Kontakt]
converse [discourse, contact]
Umgang {m} [gesellschaftlich]
MedTech. optics contact [coll.] [contact lens]
Kontaktlinse {f}
ICE [number of contact person in case of emergency]
IN [Nummer der Kontaktperson bei Notfallsituation]
[Soviet prisoner-of-war camp not allowing contact with home]Schweigelager {n}
telecom. DXing [amateur radio: attempting to receive and identify distant radio or television signals, or to make two-way radio contact with distant stations]DXen {n} [Amateurfunk: versuchen, weit entfernte Sender zu empfangen oder mit einer weit entfernten Funkstation in Verbindung zu treten]
ragchew [coll.] [an extended, informal conversation (amateur radio contact)]Plauder-QSO {n} [ugs.] [Amateurfunk]
2 Words: Others
telecom. DX / dx [morse code abbreviation, telegraphic shorthand] [international: "(long) distance (contact)", "distant (exchange)"] [English also: "foreign countries"]DX / dx [Morsezeichen-Abkürzung] [„(große) Entfernung“, „(weit) entfernt“, „Fernverbindung“]
electr. slow-action {adj} [attr.] [e.g. contact, switch]Schleich- [z. B. Kontakt, Schalter]
2 Words: Verbs
electr. to break contact [a certain contact]den Kontakt öffnen
electr. to break contact [any contact]einen Kontakt öffnen
to keep up [contact, deception, custom]aufrechterhalten
to keep up [contact, deception, custom]aufrechthalten
to keep up [contact, deception, custom]aufrecht halten
to keep up [maintain, perpetuate contact etc.]aufrechterhalten [Kontakt]
to make contact [a certain contact]den Kontakt schließen
to make contact [any contact]einen Kontakt schließen
2 Words: Nouns
electr. closing contact [less often for: normally open contact, make contact]Schließkontakt {m}
sports corked thigh [Aus.] [coll.] [internal bleeding in thigh muscle through contact injury]Pferdekuss {m} [ugs.]
electr. tech. dwell angle [contact breaker ignition system]Schließwinkel {m}
face time [Am.] [coll.] [time spent in face-to-face contact with someone]Zeit {f} für ein persönliches Gespräch / Treffen
biol. haptic stimulus [contact stimulus]Berührungsreiz {m}
med. housewife's dermatitis [skin inflammation caused due to contact with an irritating substance]Waschfrauenhände {pl}
med. housewife's dermatitis [skin inflammation caused due to contact with an irritating substance]Waschhände {pl}
ling. language contact [languages in contact]Sprachenkontakt {m}
gastr. plate grill [contact grill]Kontaktgrill {m}
med. Toxicodendron dermatitis [urushiol-induced contact dermatitis]Giftefeu-Ausschlag {m} [Hautausschlag nach Kontakt mit Giftefeu]
3 Words: Others
in contact with [physical contact]im Kontakt mit [physischer Kontakt]
aviat. without ground contact {adv} [without visual contact with the ground]ohne Erdsicht
3 Words: Verbs
to close the door [idiom] [break off contact]die Tür hinter sichDat. zumachen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [alle Bande / Verbindungen abbrechen]
comp. to delete a contact [an address book contact]einen Kontakt löschen [Adressbuch-Kontakt]
to go NC (with sb.) [coll.] [to go "no contact", to cut off contact]den Kontakt (zu / mit jdm.) abbrechen
to reach out to sb. [to initiate contact with sb.]jdn. kontaktieren
to reach out to sb. [to initiate contact with sb.]mit jdm. in Kontakt treten [bes. um zu helfen]
3 Words: Nouns
med. direct contact infection [by direct contact with an infected person]direkte Kontaktinfektion {f}
med. irritant contact eczema <ICE> [toxic contact dermatitis]irritatives Kontaktekzem {n} [toxische Kontaktdermatitis]
electr. normally closed contact <NC contact, N/C contact>Öffner {m}
electr. normally open contact [make contact acc. to IEC 60050]Schließerkontakt {m}
electr. normally open contact <NO contact, N/O contact>Schließer {m} [im Ruhezustand offener Melder]
med. poison ivy rash [contact dermatitis]Giftefeu-Ausschlag {m} [Hautausschlag nach Kontakt mit Giftefeu]
4 Words: Verbs
to be through with somebody [coll.] [cut off contact]mit jdm. fertig sein [fig.] [den Kontakt abbrechen]
to keep eye contact (with sb.) [also: keep eye-contact](mit jdm.) Augenkontakt halten
to make a contact (with sb.) [implying the contact (hopefully) to last]einen Kontakt (zu / mit jdm.) knüpfen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
biol. bot. T
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