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Dictionary English German: [context]

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
archaeo. find {adj} [attr.] [e.g. complex, context, density]
Fund- [z. B. Komplex, Zusammenhang, Dichte]
comp. falsy {adj} [also: falsey] [coerced to false in a Boolean context]
falsy [auch: falsey] [implizit in falsch umgewandelt in einem booleschen Kontext]
Nyet! [coll.] ["No" in a Russian context]Njet! [ugs.] [aus dem Russischen für: Nein!]
comp. truthy {adj} [coerced to true in a Boolean context]truthy [implizit in wahr umgewandelt in einem booleschen Kontext]
to alert sb. [esp. in nautical context]jdn. wahrschauen [warnen] [bes. Seemannsspr.] [sonst sehr selten]
bummer [Am.] [coll.] [Careful: can also mean "a bad situation". Only the context can guarantee the correct interpretation]
Schnorrer {m} [ugs.]
admin. pol. [person likely to threaten public safety, esp. in context of islamistic terrorists]
Gefährder {m}
gastr. jobs server [often in context of institutional cafeteria]
Diener {m} [veraltet] [Kellner]
pol. [politician with special expertise in subject relevant to context]Fachpolitiker {m}
forerunnership [rare] [the condition of a forerunner] [esp. in a religious context]Vorläuferschaft {f}
jobs mil. replacements [esp. in a military or workplace context]Ersatzleute {pl}
2 Words
pretty good {adj} [note: connotations dependent on tone of voice and context]ziemlich gut
bibl. to pronounce sb. blessed [esp. in context of the Beatitudes]jdn. seligpreisen [bes. bei der Bergpredigt]
mil. (troop) unit ['troop' is added when the context is ambiguous]Truppeneinheit {f}
comp. context awareness [context sensitivity]Kontextsensitivität {f}
ethn. relig. native religion [Am.] [in a North American context: American Indian, Native American]indianische Religion {f}
shocking words [context]abscheuliche Worte {pl}
3 Words
astron. (the) earth's orbit ["(the) Earth's orbit" in context with other celestial bodies]die Umlaufbahn {f} der Erde
4 Words
either more or less {adv} [in context of negation; e.g.: We would be unlikely to smoke either more or less.]weder mehr noch weniger [z. B.: Wir würden wahrscheinlich weder mehr noch weniger rauchen.]
med. to do an abortion on sb. [often used in a negative context]eine Abtreibung an jdm. vornehmen
5+ Words
astron. the orbit of (the) earth ["the orbit of (the) Earth" in context with other celestial bodies]die Umlaufbahn {f} der Erde
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