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English-German translation for: [cooking]
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Dictionary English German: [cooking]

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
elaborate {adj} [cooking, ceremony, design]
elaborate {adj} [cooking, ceremony, design]
gastr. cooking {adj} [attr.] [suitable for cooking]zum Kochen geeignet
gastr. to add sth. [cooking / baking ingredients]
etw.Akk. zugeben [dazugeben]
gastr. to add sth. [cooking / baking ingredients]
etw.Akk. hineingeben
to clean sth. [for eating or cooking]etw.Akk. rüsten [schweiz.] [putzen]
to concoct sth. [prepare by cooking] [e.g. a new dish](sichDat.) etw.Akk. zusammenkochen [ugs.] [oft pej.]
campfire [outdoor fire for warmth or cooking]
Lagerfeuer {n}
gastr. cookery [cooking, cookery art]
Kochen {n} [Kochkunst]
gastr. flipper [coll.] [turner] [cooking utensil]
Pfannenwender {m}
gastr. gastronomy [art of cooking]
Gastronomie {f} [Kochkunst]
gastr. marmite [earthenware cooking pot]
Fleischtopf {m} [fachspr. auch Marmite {f}]
elaborateness [of cooking, ceremony, design]
Aufwändigkeit {f}
gastr. marmite [earthenware cooking pot]
Suppenkessel {m} [fachspr. auch Marmite {f}]
gastr. [method of cooking meat very slowly in its own fat, usually as preservation]
Konfieren {n} [Garmethode, bei der Fleisch im eigenen Fett gegart wird; bes. als Konservierungsmethode]
bot. gastr. T
elaborateness [of cooking, ceremony, design]
Aufwendigkeit {f}
gastr. [fruit suitable for cooking, baking]Küchenobst {n} [veraltend] [Obst zum Verkochen]
campfire [outdoor fire for warmth or cooking]Campingfeuer {n}
gastr. cloche [a bell-shaped cover of metal or glass placed over food in cooking or serving]Cloche {f}
dash [small addition of sth., esp. in cooking]kleine Beimischung {f} [Spur, Spritzer]
gastr. dashi [Japanese soup and cooking stock]Dashi {n}
gastr. girdle [Scot.] [used for cooking oatcakes, bannock, etc.] [griddle][schottische Eisenpfanne, mit und ohne Aufhängevorrichtung]
2 Words: Others
gastr. from scratch {adv} [cooking and baking]ohne Fertigprodukte [Kochen und Backen]
2 Words: Verbs
to boil away [alcohol in cooking]verfliegen [Alkohol beim Kochen]
gastr. to let sth. sit [when cooking]etw. ruhen lassen [Essenszubereitung]
gastr. to put sth. on [start cooking food on a stove]etw.Akk. zustellen [österr.] [Essen zum Kochen auf den Herd stellen]
2 Words: Nouns
camp fire [outdoor fire for warmth or cooking]Lagerfeuer {n}
gastr. cooking spray [e.g. cooking oil that can be sprayed on a pan]Kochspray {n} [seltener {m}]
educ. household arts {pl} [as cooking, sewing, baby care, concerned with the maintenance and care of a household]Hauswirtschaft {f} [Hauswirtschaftslehre]
mil. mess kit [soldiers' cooking and eating utensils]Gamelle {f} [schweiz.] [Koch- und Essgeschirr der Soldaten]
open hearth [for cooking]Feuerherd {m}
gastr. wooden spoon [cooking spoon]Küchenlöffel {m} [aus Holz]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (burner) heat diffuser [for a cooking stove burner]Simmerplatte {f}
gastr. (German) cooked cheese [also: cooking cheese]Brennkäse {m} [regional, z. B. Odenwald] [Kochkäse]
FoodInd. gastr. sous-vide cooking [sometimes also: sousvide cooking]Sousvide-Garen {n} [auch: Sous-vide-Garen] [Vakuumgaren]
gastr. white bread crumbs [used for cooking]Semmelbrösel {pl} [bes. bayer., österr.]
4 Words: Others
idiom the A to Z of [of cooking, computing, etc.]alles über [das Kochen, Computern etc.]
4 Words: Verbs
gastr. to cook up a storm [coll.] [esp. Am.] [idiom] [to do a large amount of cooking at once]eine große Menge Essen auf einmal kochen
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
gastr. mycol. T
gastr. mycol. T
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