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English-German translation for: [cost]
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Dictionary English German: [cost]

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ballpark {adj} [attr.] [figure, cost, etc.] [coll.]
geschätzt [Zahl, Kosten etc.]
prohibitive {adj} [price, cost]
unerschwinglich [Preis, Kosten]
free {adj} [of cost / charge]
acceptable {adj} [cost etc.]
tragbar [akzeptabel: Kosten etc.]
anat. zool. costi- {adj} [also cost-, costo-] [L. costa, side, rib]Rippen- [costal] [zur Rippe gehörend]
economically {adv} [cost-effectively]kostengünstig
to run sb. sth. [Am.] [to cost money]
jdn. etw. kosten [Geld]
to reduce sth. [price, cost]
etw. drücken [Preis, Kosten]
to cost sth. [estimate the cost of sth.]die Kosten etw.Gen. berechnen
estimate [of cost]
Kostenvoranschlag {m} <KVA>
fin. rate [cost, price]
Preis {m}
comm. fin. law abatement [decrease in cost, debts etc.]
Nachlass {m} [Preisnachlass, Schuldennachlass]
acc. [principle of allocation by which variable costs must be traced to cost centres and costing units where such costs originated]
Kostenverursachungsprinzip {n}
portage [cost]
Transportkosten {pl}
textil. [cotton fabric imitating low-cost woollen fabric]Zeugstoff {m}
TrVocab. couchsurfing [also: couch surfing] [to stay overnight with a series of hosts who typically provide basic accommodations (such as a couch to sleep on) at no cost]Couchsurfen {n} [Übernachten auf fremden Sofas]
2 Words: Others
all-in {adj} [esp. Br.] [price, sum, fee, cost, etc.]Gesamt- [Preis, Summe, Gebühr, Kosten etc.]
pro rata {adj} {adv} [cost, share, etc.]anteilig [Kosten]
2 Words: Verbs
to keep sth. down [e.g. expenses, the cost of living]etw.Akk. klein halten [z. B. Ausgaben, Kosten]
to pay for sth. [to assume the cost of something]für etw.Akk. aufkommen [die entstehenden Kosten für etw. übernehmen]
to rein sth. in [cost etc.]etw.Akk. einschränken [Kosten etc.]
to whittle sth. down [budget, cost, etc.]nach und nach etw.Akk. kürzen [Etat, Kosten etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
fin. basic cost {sg} ['cost' used as a mass noun]Grundkosten {pl}
acc. econ. cost center [Am.]Kostenbereich {m} [Cost Center]
econ. ind. cost efficiency [also: cost-efficiency]Wirtschaftlichkeit {f}
comm. costs hike [cost hike, cost increase]Kostensprung {m} [Anstieg der Kosten]
free test [cost-free]Gratistest {m}
increase in ... [e.g. cost]Mehr {n} an ... [Zuwachs; Plus; z. B. ein Mehr an Kosten]
econ. pol. migration costs [migration cost]Migrationskosten {pl} [Kosten der Migration]
econ. QM scoring model [cost-utility analysis]Scoring-Modell {n} [Punktwertverfahren]
comm. supply costs [also supply cost]Versorgungskosten {pl}
econ. fin. trade-off [cost-benefit analysis]Kosten-Nutzen-Abwägung {f} [Entscheidungstheorie, Kostenrechnung]
3 Words: Others
at a loss {adv} [below cost, at a financial loss]mit Verlust
That is included. [e.g. answering "Does that cost extra?"]Das gehört dazu. [z. B. auf die Frage „Kostet das extra?“]
3 Words: Verbs
to be allotted to sb./sth. [e.g. money, cost]auf jdn./etw. entfallen [z. B. Geld, Kosten]
to be apportioned to sb./sth. [e.g. money, cost]auf jdn./etw. entfallen [z. B. Geld, Kosten]
3 Words: Nouns
constr. cost over-run [cost exceeding the contract amount]Kostenüberschreitung {f}
constr. cost over-run [cost exceeding the contract amount]Kostenüberziehung {f} [Überschreiten der Kosten]
market. cost per mille <CPM, cost ‰>Tausenderkontaktpreis {m} <TKP>
market. cost per mille <CPM, cost ‰>Cost-per-Mille {f} <CPM>
market. cost per thousand <CPT, cost ‰>Tausenderpreis {m}
4 Words: Nouns
acc. quantity structure of costs [cost accounting]Mengengerüst {n} der Kosten [Kostenrechnung]
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