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English-German translation for: [counter]
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Dictionary English German: [counter]

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

English German
row {adj} [attr.] [e.g. counter, house, village]
Reihen- [z. B. Zähler, Haus, Dorf]
gastr. cheese {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cheese counter, cheese cake]
Käse- [z. B. Käsetheke, Käsekuchen]
comp. print publ. page {adj} [attr.] [e.g. break, counter, format, heading, layout, reference]
Seiten- [z. B. Umbruch, Zähler, Format, Überschrift, Gestaltung, Angabe]
tech. counterrotating {adj} [also: counter-rotating]
gegenläufig [in entgegengesetzter Richtung rotierend]
counterargument [also: counter-argument]
Gegengrund {m}
gastr. barroom [Am.] [room where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter; bar]
Schankstube {f} [Schankraum, Schenke]
comm. FoodInd. hist. [sales counter at a slaughterhouse selling low quality meat]
Freibank {f} [veraltend]
hist. mil. Abwehr [coll.] [1920-1944, shortname for intelligence, counter intelligence and sabotage offices of the German Reichswehr and Wehrmacht]
Abwehr {f} [ugs.] [1920-1944, Kurzbezeichnung für die Dienststellen der Reichswehr und der Wehrmacht die mit Spionageabwehr, Spionage und Sabotage befasst waren]
register [counter]
Zählwerk {n}
furn. gastr. buffet [counter, table]
Theke {f} [Büfett, Schanktisch, Anrichte]
gastr. bar [counter]
Bartheke {f}
[atheist counter-celebration to Easter]Hasenfest {n}
sports breakaway [counter-attack]Gegenangriff {m} [Konter]
pol. counter [vote counter]Auszähler {m} [Stimmenauszähler]
counterassault [also: counter-assault]Gegenangriff {m}
countercriticism [also: counter-criticism]Gegenkritik {f}
electr. postindication [of a counter]Nachanzeige {f} [eines Zählers]
hist. sports Spartakiad [also: Spartakiade] [counter-event of the Eastern Bloc countries to the Olympics during cold war]Spartakiade {f} [Gegenveranstaltung der Ostblockstaaten zur Olympiade während des kalten Kriegs]
2 Words: Nouns
comm. market. (counter) dispenser [on a retailer's counter]stummer Verkäufer {m} [Thekenaufsteller]
bean counter [coll.] [pej.] [also: bean-counter, beancounter]Erbsenzähler {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
philos. sociol. counter culture [also: counter-culture]Gegenkultur {f}
mus. counter melody [also: counter-melody, countermelody]Gegenmelodie {f}
counter suggestion [also: counter-suggestion]Gegenvorschlag {m}
mus. relig. spec. counter voice [also: counter-voice]Gegenstimme {f}
pol. counter-initiative [also: counter initiative, counterinitiative]Gegeninitiative {f}
hist. relig. Counter-Reformer [supporter of the Counter-Reformation]Gegenreformator {m}
customs clearance [counter]Abfertigungsschalter {m} [Zoll]
drying mat [mat placed on counter for letting washed dishes drain and dry]Abtropfunterlage {f}
agr. ecol. for. green wall [to counter desertification]Grüne Mauer {f} [gegen Wüstenausbreitung]
electr. tech. reset key [e.g. of a counter]Löschtaste {f} [z. B. eines Zählers]
electr. resolving time [counter]Auflösungsvermögen {n} [Auflösungszeit]
3 Words: Verbs
to be contrary to sth. [running counter to]etw.Dat. widersprechen [fig.] [im Gegensatz zu etw. stehen]
electr. tech. to reset to zero [e.g. counter]auf null einstellen / setzen / zurücksetzen
3 Words: Nouns
hist. law donatio proper nuptias [Latin: a sort of counter-dowry, given by the groom or his family]Widerlage {f}
fin. over the counter [esp. Am.] [coll.] [over-the-counter business]Tafelgeschäft {n}
protective sneeze guard [e.g. for counter, desk]Niesschutz {m} [Schutzabtrennung, z. B. für Theke, Schreibtisch]
4 Words: Nouns
posting of a letter [at a counter]Aufgabe {f} eines Briefes
posting of a letter [at a letterbox, a counter, or anywhere]Absenden {n} eines Briefes
5+ Words: Others
No liability for checked items. [sign at a coat check counter]Für Garderobe keine Haftung
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