| English | German | |
| snowy {adj} [covered with snow: field, landscape, etc.] | 1267 verschneit [schneebedeckt] | |
| grassy {adj} [covered in grass] | 389 grasbedeckt | |
| snowy {adj} [covered with snow] | 308 schneebedeckt | |
| caked {adj} {past-p} [covered] | 108 verkrustet | |
| knobbly {adj} [covered with knobs, bumpy] | 69 knubbelig [bes. nordd.] [ugs.] [mit Knubbeln, uneben] | |
| bare {adj} [not covered, veiled] [also fig.] | 34 unverhüllt [auch fig.: Wahrheit usw.] | |
| clammy {adj} [of skin, covered with cold sweat] | 31 kaltschweißig | |
| dusted {adj} {past-p} [covered in dust] | 27 verstaubt | |
| mossy {adj} [moss-covered] | 19 moosbedeckt | |
| textil. arrased {adj} {past-p} [covered with arras] | 16 gewirkt | |
| geol. glaciated {adj} [covered by glaciers] | 10 vergletschert | |
| ivied {adj} [covered in ivy] | 9 efeuumrankt | |
| reedy {adj} [full of reeds, covered with reeds] | 9 schilfbestanden | |
| constr. sb. roofed [covered with a roof] | 9 jd. überdachte [versah mit einem Dach] | |
| turfy {adj} [turf-covered] | 9 rasenbedeckt | |
| archi. constr. tech. clad {adj} {past-p} [covered] | 7 plattiert | |
| knobbly {adj} [covered with knobs, bumpy] | 6 knubblig [bes. nordd.] [ugs.] [mit Knubbeln, uneben] | |
| iced {adj} [covered with ice] | 5 eisbedeckt | |
| ashy {adj} [covered with ash] | mit Asche bedeckt | |
| backed {adj} {past-p} [covered] | unterlegt | |
| brushy {adj} [covered with brushwood] | mit Buschwerk bewachsen / überwachsen | |
| frosted {adj} [covered with frost] | mit Reif bedeckt | |
| gritty {adj} [covered with grit] | mit (grobem) Sand bedeckt | |
| tech. jacketed {adj} {past-p} [covered, insulated] | ummantelt | |
| bot. overgrown {adj} [covered] [with bushes etc.] | bestanden [bewachsen] [mit Büschen etc.] | |
| piny {adj} [covered with pine trees] | mit Kiefern bewachsen | |
| pubescent {adj} [covered with fine soft short hairs] | flaumig behaart | |
| reeded {adj} [covered with reeds, reedy] | schilfbedeckt | |
| snawy {adj} [Scot.] [covered in snow] | verschneit | |
| sooty {adj} [soot-covered] | rußbedeckt | |
| willowy {adj} [covered by willows] | mit Weiden zugewachsen | |
Nouns |
| automot. mileage [number of miles travelled or covered] | 477 Kilometerstand {m} [eigentlich: Meilenstand] | |
| transp. haul [distance covered] | 260 Strecke {f} | |
| insur. pharm. formulary [list of medications covered by a health plan] | 21 Positivliste {f} | |
| weapons sap [Am.] [coll.] [leather-covered bludgeon] | 14 Schläger {m} [lederbezogener Knüppel] | |
| gastr. [chocolate-covered cake with vanilla pudding and sour cherries] | 12 Donauwelle {f} | |
| gastr. [small chocolate-covered cream cake] | 10 Mohrenkopf {m} [veraltet, heute diskriminierend] [Schokokuss] | |
| gastr. [chocolate-covered cake with vanilla pudding and sour cherries] | 8 Schneewittchenkuchen {m} [ostd.] | |
| oenol. fiasco [straw-covered bottle for wine, esp. for Chianti] | 6 Fiasco {m} [mit Stroh umflochtene Flasche für Chianti] | |
| geogr. mound [covered with grass or moss] | 6 Bülte {f} [nordd.] | |
| anat. med. [a person covered in hair, usually with hypertrichosis] | Haarmensch {m} [veraltet] | |
| urban [area covered by a binding land-use plan] | Bebauungsplangebiet {n} | |
| gastr. [chocolate-covered candies, originally from the Halloren® chocolate factory in Halle, Germany] | Halloren-Kugeln {pl} [Gattungsname] [Original Halloren Kugeln®] | |
| gastr. [flat doughnuts covered with hot red wine; seasoned with sugar and cinnamon] | Versoffene Jungfern {pl} [fränk.] | |
| gastr. [Lebkuchen cookies filled with marzipan, apricot jelly, covered with icing of dark chocolate] | Dominosteine {pl} | |
| mileage [on odometer] [number of miles travelled or covered] | Meilenstand {m} | |
| mileage [on odometer] [number of miles travelled or covered] | Meilenzahl {f} | |
| geogr. mound [in a moor, covered with grass or moss] | Bult {m} [nordd.] [grasbewachsene Bodenerhebung in Moor oder Bruch] | |
2 Words: Others |
| (slightly) dusty {adj} [covered with dust] | angestaubt [leicht verstaubt] | |
| (very) dirty {adj} [covered in mud etc.] | eingesaut [salopp] | |
| fur-covered {adj} [also: fur covered] | pelzumkleidet | |
| put over {past-p} [covered] | gestülpt | |
| tarped-off {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [covered with a tarpaulin, the load area of a truck] | überplant [mit einer Plane bedeckt, Ladefläche eines LKW] | |
| tarped-off {adj} {past-p} [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [covered with a tarpaulin] | mit einer Plane bedeckt | |
| tarped-off {adj} [Am.] [Aus.] [NZ] [coll.] [covered with tarpaulin] | beplant [mit einer Plane bedeckt] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| RadioTV sports commentary position [covered position for TV and radio commentators] | Kommentatorenplatz {m} | |
| furn. plush furniture {sg} [covered with plush] | Plüschmöbel {pl} | |
3 Words: Others |
| all round us {adv} [of several surrounding persons or objects; if all the vicinity is covered] | überall um uns herum | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| mil. area fighter commander [usually covered several JGs] | Jagdführer {m} <Jafu> [Luftwaffe] | |
| sports woodchip (jogging) trail [covered in mulch or woodchips] | Finnenbahn {f} | |
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