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English-German translation for: [crisis]
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Dictionary English German: [crisis]

Translation 1 - 29 of 29

English German
imminent {adj} [of thunderstorm, danger, crisis etc.]
drohend [bevorstehend]
monetary {adj} [e.g. assets, crisis, economy, payment]
Geld- [z. B. Vermögen, Krise, Wirtschaft, Zahlung]
critical {adj} [being in a state of crisis]
lingering {adj} {pres-p} [crisis]
schwelend [Krise]
fin. banking {adj} [attr.] [e.g. collapse, crisis, district, group, sector]
Banken- [z. B. Kollaps, Krise, Viertel, Gruppe, Sektor]
leadership {adj} [attr.] [e.g. skills, crisis, claim, role, personality]
Führungs- [z. B. Qualitäten, Krise, Anspruch, Rolle, Persönlichkeit]
econ. RealEst. housing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. boom, bubble, crisis, industry, market, prices]
Immobilien- [z. B. Boom, Blase, Krise, Wirtschaft, Markt, Preise]
life {adj} [attr.] [e.g. crisis, cycle, expectancy, insurance, span]
Lebens- [z. B. Krise, Zyklus, Erwartung, Versicherung, Spanne]
national {adj} [e.g. bankruptcy, border, budget, crisis, debt, deficit]Staats- [z. B. Bankrott, Grenze, Haushalt, Krise, Schulden, Defizit]
to resolve sth. [crisis, dispute, differences]
etw.Akk. beilegen [Streit, Meinungsverschiedenheit etc.]
to deepen [fig.] [crisis etc.]sich verschärfen
pol. exigency [crisis situation]Krisensituation {f}
2 Words
self-caused {adj} [crisis etc.] [self-inflicted]selbstverschuldet [Krise etc.]
to be over [winter, storm, crisis, etc.]vorüber sein [vorbei sein: Winter, Sturm, Krise etc.]
to deal with sth. [a crisis, problems, etc.]etw. bewältigen [eine Krise, Probleme etc.]
to escalate (into sth.) [into violence, crisis, war, etc.]sich (bis zu etw.) steigern [Gewalt, Krise, Krieg etc.]
hist. Bosnian crisis [also: annexation crisis, First Balkan Crisis] [1908]Bosnische Krise {f} [auch: Bosnische Annexionskrise]
hist. pol. Caribbean Crisis [also: Caribbean crisis]Karibikkrise {f} [Kubakrise]
distancing rule [e.g. social distance during the corona crisis]Abstandsregel {f} [z. B. während der Corona-Krise]
economical crisis [WRONG for: economic crisis] [Wirtschaftskrise, Konjunkturkrise]
relig. Neo-orthodoxy [also: theology of crisis, dialectical theology]Dialektische Theologie {f}
hist. pol. October crisis [also: October Crisis] [Cuban missile crisis]Oktoberkrise {f} [Kubakrise]
econ. hist. oil shock [oil crisis]Ölkrise {f}
med. thyroid storm [thyrotoxic crisis]thyreotoxische Krise {f}
3 Words
hist. pol. first Moroccan crisis [also known as the Tangier crisis, 1905 - 1906]Erste Marokkokrise {f} [1905 - 1906]
hist. pol. The Missile Scare [Cuban Missile Crisis]Kubakrise {f}
4 Words
hist. mil. pol. panther's leap to Agadir [Second Moroccan Crisis, 1911]Panthersprung {m} nach Agadir [Zweite Marokkokrise, 1911]
5+ Words
to slip from crisis to crisisvon einer Krise in die nächste schlittern
to work one's way out of sth. [crisis etc.]sichAkk. aus etw.Dat. herausarbeiten
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