| English  | German |  |
 | issued {adj} {past-p} [stamps, currency] | 22 verausgabt |  |
 | unissued {adj} [stamps, currency] | unverausgabt |  |
Verbs |
 | to exchange sth. [esp. currency, also words] | 864 etw. wechseln |  |
 | to collapse [cave in (e.g. platform); also: drop suddenly in value (price or currency)] | 81 einbrechen [einstürzen (z. B. Tribüne); auch: stark im Wert fallen (Kurs od. Währung)] |  |
 | to depreciate [currency] | an Kaufkraft verlieren |  |
 | to monetise sth. [Br.] [convert a security into currency] | etw. zu Geld machen |  |
Nouns |
 | fin. debasement [currency] | 547 Abwertung {f} [Währung] |  |
 | fin. denomination [of currency] | 72 Stückelung {f} |  |
 | curr. fiver [banknote representing 5 currency units] | 45 Fünfer {m} |  |
 | [banknote representing 20 currency units] | 23 Zwanziger {m} |  |
 | curr. renminbi <RMB, ¥> [Chinese currency] | 23 Renminbi {m} <RMB, ¥> [chinesische Währung] |  |
 | collapse [of a bridge, etc.; of prices, of a currency] | 22 Einbrechen {n} [Einsturz; Verfall (der Kurse, einer Währung)] |  |
 | [banknote representing 100 currency units] | 16 Hunderter {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | curr. [banknote representing 1000 currency units] | 16 Tausender {m} |  |
 | curr. [banknote representing 200 currency units] | 16 Zweihunderter {m} |  |
 | curr. [banknote representing 500 currency units] | 16 Fünfhunderter {m} |  |
 | curr. pfennig <pf.> [former German currency] | 16 Pfennig {m} <Pf.> |  |
 | curr. hist. sixpence [Br.] [replaced 1971 by decimal currency] | 13 Sixpencestück {n} |  |
 | econ. uttering [of currency] | 11 Inumlaufbringen {n} [von Geld, Falschgeld] |  |
 | curr. hist. schilling [Austrian pre-euro currency] | 10 Schilling {m} |  |
 | curr. punt [Irish pound; former Irish currency] | 8 Punt {n} [ehem. irische Währung] |  |
 | curr. drachma [Greek currency] | 7 Drachme {f} [griech. Währung] |  |
 | curr. lira [former Italian currency] | 7 Lira {f} [ehem. italienische Währung] |  |
 | curr. real <BRL, R$> [Brazilian currency] | 5 Real {m} <BRL, R$> [brasilianische Währung] |  |
 | curr. tolar <SIT> [Slovenian currency, replaced by the euro on 1 January 2007] | 5 Tolar {m} <SIT> [ehemalige slowenische Währung] |  |
 | curr. [banknote representing 50 currency units] | Fünfziger {m} |  |
 | hist. unit amole [salt bar, salt currency] | Amole {f} [Salzmaß, Salzgeld] |  |
 | curr. córdoba [Nicaraguan currency] | Córdoba {m} [nicaraguanische Währung] |  |
 | curr. Deutschmark [former German currency] | D-Mark {f} [Deutsche Mark] |  |
 | curr. Deutschmarks [former German currency] | Deutsche Mark {pl} <DM, DEM> |  |
 | curr. escudo [former Portuguese currency unit] | Escudo {m} [frühere portugiesische Währungseinheit] |  |
 | curr. lipa [Croatian currency subunit] [100 lipa = 1 kuna] | Lipa {f} [kroatische Währungsuntereinheit] [100 Lipa = 1 Kuna] |  |
 | comp. print louse <¤> [coll.] [neutral currency sign] | Schildkröte {f} <¤> [ugs.] [allgemeines Währungssymbol] |  |
 | curr. öre [Swedish currency subunit] | Öre {n} {f} |  |
 | curr. øre [Danish and Norwegian currency unit] | Öre {n} {f} |  |
 | curr. peseta [former Spanish currency] | Peseta {f} [ehem. spanische Währung] |  |
 | curr. peseta [former Spanish currency] | Pesete {f} [ehem. spanische Währung] |  |
 | curr. punt [Irish pound; former Irish currency] | Irisches Pfund {n} [ehem. irische Währung] |  |
 | curr. reais {pl} [Brazilian currency] | Reais {pl} [brasilianische Währung] |  |
 | curr. hist. reichsmark [1924-1948 German currency] | Reichsmark {f} <RM, ℛℳ> |  |
 | econ. hist. Rentenmark [also: rentenmark] [temporary German monetary unit issued in 1923 to stabilize currency] | Rentenmark {f} |  |
 | curr. hist. schilling [Austrian pre-euro currency] | Schlei {m} [österr. ugs.: Schilling] |  |
 | fin. hist. shinplaster [Am.] [Can.] [Aus.] [in most cases privately issued fractional paper currency] | Ersatzpapiergeld {n} [Notgeld von geringem Nennwert] |  |
 | curr. sol <S> [former currency of Peru, or short for the nuevo sol] | Sol {m} <S> [frühere Währung von Peru oder kurz für den Nuevo Sol] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | not issued {adj} [stamps, currency] | unverausgabt |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | econ. to back up [currency etc.] | stützen [Währung etc.] |  |
 | fin. to bail sth. out [company, bank, currency] | etw. retten [Unternehmen, Bank vor dem Konkurs, Währung vor dem Zusammenbruch] |  |
 | to eat into sth. [currency reserves, savings] | zehren von etw. [Reserven, Ersparnisse] |  |
 | fin. to lose ground [currency] | nachgeben [Währung] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | 100 eurocent [currency units] | 100 Eurocent {pl} [Währungseinheiten] |  |
 | curr. bolívar fuerte <VEF> [Venezuelan currency unit from 1 January 2008] | Bolívar {m} Fuerte <VEF> [venezolanische Währungseinheit] |  |
 | curr. Caribbean guilder <CMG> [proposed currency for Curaçao and Sint Maarten] | Karibischer Gulden {m} <CMG> [vorgestellte Währung für Curaçao und Sint Maarten] |  |
 | curr. currency band [currency strap] | Geldscheinbanderole {f} |  |
 | fin. currency conversion [currency translation] | Währungsumrechnung {f} |  |
 | econ. currency debasement [of fiat currency] | Geldentwertung {f} |  |
 | acc. curr. econ. default currency [local currency] | Stammwährung {f} |  |
 | curr. Deutsche Mark <DM, DEM> [former German currency] | Deutsche Mark {f} <DM, DEM> |  |
 | curr. Estonian kroon <EEK> [former currency of Estonia] | estnische Krone {f} <EEK> [frühere estnische Währung] |  |
 | exchange rate [in non-cash currency exchanges] | Devisenkurs {m} |  |
 | curr. hist. Forum Cheque [Br.] [a form of hard currency in the GDR] | Forumscheck {m} |  |
 | funny money [coll.] [artificially inflated currency] | wertlose Währung {f} |  |
 | curr. econ. internal value [of a currency] | Binnenwert {m} |  |
 | monetary decay [currency] | Währungszerfall {m} |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | fin. backed by gold {adj} [currency] [postpos.] | goldgedeckt |  |
 | curr. in denominations of {prep} [+ currency] | in Stücken zu [+ Währung] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | fin. to hold up well [currency] | sich gut behaupten [Währung] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | curr. hist. East German mark [currency of the German Democratic Republic] | Mark {f} der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik [offizielle Bezeichnung für die Währung der DDR] |  |
 | fin. value of billions [of some unit of currency] | Milliardenwert {m} |  |
 | curr. West German mark [Deutschmark, former German currency] | Westmark {f} [ugs.] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | ... or the equivalent value in ... [stamps, foreign currency (e.g. francs), etc.] | ... oder der Gegenwert in ... [Briefmarken, Fremdwährung (z. B. Francs) usw.] |  |
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