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| |
| convenient {adj} [date, time] | 2311 passend [zeitlich] | |
| contemporary {adj} [up to date, modern] | 1686 zeitgemäß | |
| contemporary {adj} [modern, up to date] | 1594 zeitnah [zeitgemäß, gegenwartsnah (und zeitkritisch)] | |
| timeless {adj} [not restricted to a particular time or date (e.g. poetry, themes); also: eternal] | 597 zeitlos [nicht zeitgebunden (z. B. Dichtung, Themen); auch: ewig] | |
| comm. stale {adj} [out-of-date, expired] | 546 abgelaufen | |
| appropriate {adj} [up to date] | 259 zeitgemäß | |
| supposed {adj} [date of birth, site of temple, author also] | 108 mutmaßlich | |
| modern {adj} [up-to-date; often pej.: newfangled] | 60 neumodisch [oft pej.] | |
| comm. transp. shipping {adj} [attr.] [e.g. box, costs, date, department, fee, papers] | 38 Versand- [z. B. Karton, Kosten, Datum, Abteilung, Gebühr, Papiere] | |
| dated {adj} {past-p} [date] | 34 datiert | |
| agr. hort. sowing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. date, depth, tray] | 7 Aussaat- [z. B. Termin, Tiefe, Schale] | |
| booking {adj} [attr.] [e.g. code, confirmation, date, fee, request] | Buchungs- [z. B. Nummer, Bestätigung, Datum, Gebühr, Anfrage] | |
| by {prep} [+ precise date] | vor / bis zu [+ genaue Zeitangabe] | |
| dated {adj} {past-p} <dd, DD, dtd, DTD> [with a date] | mit Datum versehen | |
| effective [+ date] | mit Wirkung vom [+ Datum] | |
| Effective [date]. | Stand vom [Datum]. | |
| film shooting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. date, location, permit, script] | Dreh- [z. B. Termin, Ort, Erlaubnis, Fassung] | |
| ultimo {adj} [dated] [postpos.] [of date in previous month] | des letzten / vorigen Monats | |
Verbs |
| to settle sth. [date, meeting, etc.] | 1002 etw.Akk. abmachen [Termin, Treffen etc.] | |
| to predate sth. [affix a prior date] | 710 etw. rückdatieren [seltener] [zurückdatieren] | |
| to predate sth. [affix a prior date to a letter, etc.] | 351 etw.Akk. zurückdatieren [einen Brief etc.] | |
| to fix sth. [attach firmly; decide on a date (for sth.)] | 343 etw.Akk. festmachen [fest anbringen; (einen Termin) fest vereinbaren] | |
| to set sth. [a deadline, a date; a price, a value] | 251 etw.Akk. ansetzen [eine Frist, einen Termin; einen Preis, einen Wert] | |
| to agree sth. [Br.] [agree on sth.] [e.g. a price, a date] | 211 etw.Akk. abmachen [vereinbaren] | |
| to fix sth. [a date, a price, etc.] | 168 etw. verabreden [einen Zeit- oder Treffpunkt, einen Preis etc.] | |
| to date sth. [to mark e.g. a check with a date] [also: to determine the time of origin; e.g. to date a fossil] | 119 etw. datieren [etw. mit einem Datum versehen] [auch: die Entstehungszeit von etwas bestimmen] | |
| to mark sth. [sb.'s birth or death, a historical date, etc.] | 111 etw.Akk. begehen [geh.] [feiern] [jds. Geburts- od. Todestag, einen Jahrestag etc.] | |
| to upgrade sth. [bring up-to-date] | 84 etw.Akk. aktualisieren | |
| to fix sth. [arrange, e.g. a date] | 48 etw.Akk. abmachen [vereinbaren, z. B. einen Termin] | |
| Internet to leak [to publish software, music etc. on the internet before the official release date] | 32 leaken [Software, Musik etc. über das Internet verbreiten vor der offiziellen Veröffentlichung] | |
| to postdate sth. [on later date] | 11 etw.Akk. vordatieren [auf späteres Datum] | |
| law to cancel sth. [a hearing date] | 6 etw. abberaumen [österr.] [absagen] | |
| to antedate [date before the actual time] | antedatieren [veraltet] [(ein Schreiben) vorausdatieren od. zurückdatieren] | |
Nouns |
| appointment [meeting, date] | 2361 Verabredung {f} [Termin] | |
| deadline [date of delivery] | 2122 Abgabetermin {m} | |
| term [fixed date] | 232 Termin {m} | |
| [best-before (date)] | Verfallsdatum {n} [FALSCH für: Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum] | |
| med. appointment [date] | 18 Sprechstundenvereinbarung {f} [Termin] | |
| Internet leaking [to publish software, music etc. on the internet before the official release date] | 6 Leaken {n} [Verbreiten von Software, Musik etc. über Internet vor der offiziellen Veröffentlichung] | |
| [asterisk used to denote "date of birth"] | Geborenzeichen {n} | |
| birthday [date of birth] | Geburtsdatum {n} | |
| date [person you go on a date with] | Ausgehpartner {m} | |
| bot. T | | |
| hist. spec. dating [assignment of a date] | Ansatz {m} [Datierung] | |
| poop [sl. esp. Am. for: inside or up-to-date information] [dated] | interne Information {f} | |
| poop [sl. esp. Am. for: inside or up-to-date information] [dated] | Up-to-date-Information {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| as from [date] | Stand (vom) [Datum] | |
| as of [date] | Stand vom [Datum] | |
| as of ... [date / time] | Stand ... [Datum / Uhrzeit] | |
| FoodInd. best before [date] | mindestens haltbar bis [Datum] | |
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