| English | German | |
| comm. transp. shipping {adj} [attr.] [e.g. box, costs, date, department, fee, papers] | 39 Versand- [z. B. Karton, Kosten, Datum, Abteilung, Gebühr, Papiere] | |
| culinary {adj} [e.g. herbs, department, use] | 13 Küchen- [z. B. Kräuter, Abteilung, Gebrauch] | |
| comm. toys toy {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dealer, fair, department] | 6 Spielwaren- [z. B. Händler, Messe, Abteilung] | |
Verbs |
| to administer [company, department] | die Verwaltungsangelegenheiten regeln von | |
Nouns |
| division [department] | 485 Bereich {m} [selten {n}] [Fachbereich, Abteilung] | |
| comm. store [Br.] [department store] | 410 Kaufhaus {n} | |
| intelligence [department] | 310 Geheimdienst {m} | |
| FireResc med. casualty [Br.] [department] | 305 Notaufnahme {f} [Station] | |
| bureau [administrative department] | 214 Büro {n} [z. B. Auslandsniederlassung einer Zeitung] | |
| comm. emporia [department stores] | 203 Warenhäuser {pl} | |
| comm. emporium [department store] | 178 Warenhaus {n} | |
| forensics [police department] | 126 Spurensicherung {f} <SpuSi> | |
| counterpart [person with equivalent rank in another department, country etc.] | 122 Amtskollege {m} [in anderer Behörde, anderem Land] | |
| admin. fin. revenue [usually: the revenue] [department] | 97 Finanzbehörde {f} | |
| security [department] | 83 Sicherheitsdienst {m} | |
| immigration [immigration department] | 54 Einreisebehörde {f} | |
| comm. store [Br.] [department store, emporium] | 48 Warenhaus {n} | |
| jobs personnel [department] | 31 Personalabteilung {f} | |
| comm. [German department store chain] | 28 Karstadt {m} | |
| comm. [German department store business] | 26 Kaufhof {m} [Galeria Kaufhof] | |
| educ. school [university department] | 20 Institut {n} | |
| admin. law pol. investigator [female] [from government department] | 19 Untersuchungsbeamtin {f} | |
| comm. haberdashery [Br.] [department] | 13 Kurzwarenabteilung {f} | |
| pol. administration [Am.] [ministry, department] | 10 Direktion {f} [schweiz.] [Ministerium] | |
| FireResc med. casualty [Br.] [short for: casualty department] | 10 Unfallambulanz {f} [im Krankenhaus] | |
| admin. [branch of local police department responsible for food safety in Austria, Switzerland] | Lebensmittelpolizei {f} [(amtliche) Lebensmittelüberwachung in Österreich und der Schweiz] | |
| admin. jobs [head of a Swiss state health department] | Gesundheitsvorsteher {m} [schweiz.] | |
| hist. mil. [main ordnance department of the German Navy 1939 - 1945] | Marinewaffenhauptamt {n} [Kriegsmarine 1939 - 1945] <MWa> | |
| pol. [minister not responsible for any government department] | Sprechminister {m} [veraltet] | |
| [police department in charge of registered societies in Austria] | Vereinspolizei {f} | |
| express [postal department] | Eilbote {m} | |
| pol. secretary [federal department head in USA] [female] | Ministerin {f} | |
| archi. mil. pol. the Pentagon [building; fig.: U.S. Department of Defense] | das Pentagon {n} [Gebäude; fig.: US-Verteidigungsministerium] | |
| fin. the Treasury [government department] | der Fiskus {m} [Finanzministerium] | |
| jobs transferee [female] [transferred to an other department, subsidiary etc.] | Versetzte {f} [versetzte Mitarbeiterin] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| admin. administrative division [department] | Verwaltungsabteilung {f} | |
| comm. deli department [coll.] [short for: delicatessen department] | Feinkostabteilung {f} | |
| comm. dispatch department [also: shipping department] | Expedit {n} [österr.] [Versandabteilung einer Firma] | |
| comm. dispatch department [also: shipping department] | Expedition {f} [selten] [Versandabteilung] | |
| admin. jobs errand boy [in an office, department] | Aktenträger {m} | |
| comm. food hall [in a department store] | Lebensmittelabteilung {f} [im Kaufhaus] | |
| med. fracture clinic [orthopaedic outpatients department] | orthopädische Poliklinik {f} | |
| comm. econ. general procurement <GP> [department] | allgemeine Beschaffung {f} [Abteilung] | |
| mil. guards battalion [Federal Department of Defense, Germany] | Wachbataillon {n} [Bundesministerium der Verteidigung] | |
| admin. traffic Highways Agency [an executive agency, part of the Department for Transport in England] | [Behörde in England, die für den Unterhalt der Autobahnen und Fernstraßen zuständig ist] | |
| pol. Interior Department [USA] [coll.] [Department of the Interior] | [ein dem deutschen Innenministerium nicht vergleichbares US-Ministerium] | |
| law legal team [legal department] | Rechtsabteilung {f} | |
| mil. mus. military band [wind band in the military, and also in police and fire department] | Musikkorps {n} | |
| production planning [department] | Arbeitsvorbereitung {f} [Abteilung] | |
| cloth. FireResc rescue jacket [fire department etc.] | Einsatzjacke {f} [Feuerwehr etc.] | |
| tech. setup cart [workshop, production, assembly department] | Rüstwagen {m} [Werkstatt, Fertigung, Montageabteilung] | |
| admin. pol. State Department [U.S. Department of State] | Außenministerium {n} der Vereinigten Staaten | |
| cloth. comm. women's wear [in a department store] | Damenoberbekleidung {f} [im Kaufhaus] | |
| econ. xyz department [e.g. sales department] | Abteilung xyz {f} [z. B. Abteilung Verkauf] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| med. accidents and emergencies [Br.] <A & E, A&E> [department] | Notaufnahme {f} [Abteilung im Krankenhaus] | |
| law chief legal officer <CLO> [chief lawyer of a legal department in a company or US government agency] | Chief Legal Officer {m} <CLO> [Leiter der Rechtsabteilung eines Unternehmens oder einer US-Behörde] | |
| econ. human resources section [department] | Personalabteilung {f} | |
| comp. econ. information technology department <IT department, ITD> | Informationstechnologie-Abteilung {f} <IT-Abteilung> | |
| comp. econ. information technology department <IT department, ITD> | Abteilung {f} (für) Informationstechnologie <Abteilung IT> | |
| pol. minister without portfolio [not responsible for any government department] | Minister {m} ohne Portefeuille | |
| econ. QM quality assurance unit <QAU> [e.g. department, team] | Qualitätssicherungseinheit {f} <QSE> [z. B. Abteilung, Gruppe] | |
| Scientific Investigation Division <SID> [Los Angeles Police Department] | Spurensicherung {f} <SpuSi> [Name der Dienststelle] | |
| Serious Fraud Office [Br.] [government department] <SFO> | Betrugsdezernat {n} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| admin. head of a department [in a government department] | Sektionschef {m} [österr.] [in D.: hist.] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to be at the head of sth. [department etc.] | etw. leiten [Abteilung etc.] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| City of Los Angeles Police Department [officially for: Los Angeles Police Department, LAPD] | Los Angeles Police Department {n} <LAPD> [die Polizeibehörde von Los Angeles, Kalifornien] | |
| City of New York Police Department <NYPD, NYCPD> [ New York City Police Department] | New York City Police Department {n} <NYPD, NYCPD> | |
| admin. pol. public safety, municipal and social affairs [department] | Sicherheit, Kommunales und Soziales [Abteilung] | |
| hist. pol. Race and Settlement Main Office [department of the SS] | Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt {n} <RuSHA> [eines der Hauptämter der SS] | |
| admin. pol. United States Department of Agriculture <USDA> [coll.] [Agriculture Department] | Landwirtschaftsministerium {n} der Vereinigten Staaten | |
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