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English-German translation for: [di]
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Dictionary English German: [di]

Translation 1 - 18 of 18


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gastr. buffalo mozzarella [mozzarella di bufala]Büffelmozzarella {m}
med. DiGeorge syndrome [also Di George syndrome]Thymusaplasie {f}
FoodInd. gastr. mustard fruits [mostarda di Cremona, mostarda di frutta; Italian condiment made of candied fruit and a mustard-flavoured syrup]Senffrüchte {pl}
gastr. queen's soup [Zuppa Regina di Riso] [Ital.]Königinsuppe {f} [Reissuppe]
relig. Stigmatine Sisters <PFSS> [Povere Figlie delle Sacre Stimmate di S. Francesco d'Assisi]Stigmatinerinnen {pl}
archi. art UWH Trevi Fountain [Italian: Fontana di Trevi]Trevi-Brunnen {m}
3 Words
rail Ceneri Base Tunnel <CBT> [Italian: Galleria di base del Monte Ceneri]Ceneri-Basistunnel {m} <CBT>
clay earth pigments [e.g. umber, ochre, sienna]Erdfarben {pl} [z. B. Ocker, Grünerde, Rötel, Terra di Siena, Umbra, Zinnober]
med. DiGeorge / DiGeorge's syndromeDiGeorge-Syndrom {n} [auch Di-George-Syndrom]
5+ Words
archi. relig. Basilica of Maxentius (and Constantine) [Basilica Nova] [Italian: Basilica di Massenzio] [Roman basilica]Konstantinbasilika {f} [auch: Konstantinsbasilka] [ugs. für: Maxentiusbasilika]
archi. relig. Basilica of Maxentius (and Constantine) [Basilica Nova] [Italian: Basilica di Massenzio] [Roman basilica]Maxentiusbasilika {f} [Basilica Nova] [römische Basilika]
Hunchback of the Rialto (statue) [Gobbo di Rialto]Buckliger von Rialto {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Mister Scarface [Fernando di Leo] [also: Rulers of the City]Zwei Supertypen räumen auf
lit. F Smoke over Birkenau [Il fumo di Birkenau] [Liana Millu]Der Rauch über Birkenau
film F The Canterbury Tales [Italian: I racconti di Canterbury] [Pier Paolo Pasolini]Pasolinis tolldreiste Geschichten
lit. F The Leopard [Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, novel and film]Der Leopard
film F The Lions of St. Petersburg [I leoni di Pietroburgo; Mario Siciliano]Die Löwen von Petersburg
mus. F Mad Scene [Donizetti: Lucia di Lammermoor]Wahnsinnsarie {f}
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