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English-German translation for: [diet]
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Dictionary English German: [diet]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
bland {adj} [air, diet, also comment etc.]
frugal {adj} [food, diet]
einfach [Mahl]
market. lite {adj} [Am.] [diet]
leicht [z. B. kalorienreduziert]
med. bland {adj} [not irritating or stimulating] [e.g. diet]
bland [mild, reizlos] [z. B. Diät]
med. alimentary {adj} [diet-related, nutritional, e.g. disease]
nutrition [nourishment, diet]
Ernährung {f} [Nahrungsaufnahme; auch: Nahrung]
variation [in style, diet, routine, programme]
Abwechslung {f}
food [fare, diet]
Kost {f}
abstemiousness [of meal, diet]
Bescheidenheit {f}
Bantingism [diet]Banting-Kur {f} [Diät]
jobs med. dietician [an expert on diet and nutrition]Diät- und Ernährungsberater {m}
med. limotherapy [rare for: starvation diet]Limotherapie {f} [selten für: Fastenkur, Hungerkur]
2 Words: Others
plant-based {adj} [material, diet, etc.]pflanzlich [Stoff, Ernährung etc.]
sth. agrees with sb. [climate, diet etc.]etw. bekommt jdm. (gut)
2 Words: Nouns
zool. barf feeding [natural raw diet]Barfen {n} [Fütterungsform, bes. für fleischfressende Haustiere]
complementary feeding [to a baby's diet of breastmilk or formula]Beikost {f} [für Säuglinge]
hist. pol. spec. curiate vote [in the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire]Kuriatstimme {f}
hist. electoral diet [also: Electoral Diet]Kurfürstentag {m}
hist. spec. imperial recess [resolution of the imperial German Diet]Reichsabschied {m}
hist. pol. spec. individual vote [in the Imperial Diet of the Holy Roman Empire]Virilstimme {f}
gastr. light food [special diet]Schonkost {f}
FoodInd. Mentos eruption [mint candy and Diet Coke]Mentosfontäne {f}
gastr. paleo diet [Am.] [paleolithic diet] [also: caveman diet, Stone Age diet, hunter-gatherer diet]Steinzeiternährung {f} [auch: Steinzeitdiät, Paleo-Diät]
poor diet [unhealthy diet]schlechte Ernährung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
house of princes [imperial diet]Fürstenbank {f} [Reichstag]
hist. Landtag of Prussia [Landtag (state diet) of the Kingdom of Prussia]Preußischer Landtag {m}
4 Words: Verbs
gastr. to eat half as much [diet]FdH machen [ugs.] [FdH: Friss die Hälfte]
to give sth. a try / go [coll.] [e.g. a diet, a type of sport]es einmal mit etw.Dat. versuchen [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be on bread and water [former prison punishment diet]bei Wasser und Brot sein
5+ Words: Nouns
a month on bread and water [former prison punishment diet]ein Monat {m} bei Wasser und Brot
hist. house of free imperial cities [imperial diet]Städtebank {f} [Reichstag]
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