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English-German translation for: [different]
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Dictionary English German: [different]

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
distinct {adj} [different]
verschieden [unterschiedlich]
strange {adj} [different, unfamiliar]
fremd [andersartig, unvertraut]
distinct {adj} [different]
distinct {adj} [different]
eigen [anders als andere]
odd {adj} [different]
alien {adj} [strange, different to the point of incompatibility]
distinct {adj} [different]
getrennt [verschieden]
otherwise {adv} [in a different way]
[rarely used; two different meanings: a) venerating, deferential; b) venerable] {adj}
verehrensvoll [selten für: a) verehrungsvoll; b) verehrenswert]
[capable of performing different tasks flexibly] {adj}aufgabenflexibel
otherguess {adj} [archaic] [different]anderlei [geh.]
slightly {adv} [better, different, etc.]ein wenig [besser, anders etc.]
to resort sth. [sort in a different way]
etw. umsortieren
to shift sth. [move to a different place]
etw. verstellen [an andere Stelle]
to stain [take on a different colour]
to move sth. [to a different place]
etw.Akk. verlagern [an einen anderen Ort]
to oscillate [shimmer in different colours]
changieren [in verschiedenen Farben]
to translate sth. [into a different language]
etw.Akk. übertragen [geh.] [in eine andere Sprache]
to restore [store in a different place]
umlagern [anderswo lagern]
textil. to trim [e.g. in a different colour]
to shimmer [in different colours]
to differentiate [to become different in character]unterschiedlich entwickeln
to embrace sth. [different things, e.g. opinions]etw.Akk. (in sichDat.) vereinigen [verschiedene Dinge, z. B. Meinungen]
educ. jobs to retrain [learn new skills so as to be able to do a different job]sich umschulen lassen
jobs newcomer [different background]
Quereinsteiger {m}
fin. budgets [of different institutions etc.]
Haushaltsmittel {pl} [verschiedener Einrichtungen etc.]
relig. [a societal state where people with different worldviews allow their differences to dominate their consciousness]
Gegeneinander {n} [Kirchenjargon]
ling. [numeral showing how many different kinds, with -erlei suffix]
Gattungszahlwort {n}
admin. [border between regions designated for different uses]Nutzungsartengrenze {f} [Kulturgrenze]
admin. RealEst. [boundary between regions of different land use]Nutzungsartengrenze {f} [Kulturgrenze]
jobs naut. [female person who pilots and tows different kinds of ships in large ports, and takes part in loading and unloading]Hafenschifferin {f}
sports [friendly relationship between supporters of different teams, esp. in soccer]Fanfreundschaft {f}
photo. [The distance between similar image points on two different photographs properly set up for stereoscopic viewing]Blickpunktentfernung {f}
oenol. [Viennese mixed grape blend; different grapevines growing in the same vineyard]Gemischter Wiener Satz {m}
mus. spec. alternatimpraxis [performance by different groups in sequence]Alternatimpraxis {f}
herald. mil. Balkenkreuz [national identification cross on German military vehicles in different forms since 1918]Balkenkreuz {n} [dt. Streitkräfte]
move [of an object to a different place]Verschiebung {f} [an einen anderen Platz]
bot. snakewood [a common name of several different plants]Schlangenholz {n}
2 Words: Others
another time {adv} [on a different occasion]ein andermal
distinct from sb./sth. {adj} [pred.] [different]von jdm./etw. getrennt [unterschieden]
distinct from sb./sth. {adj} [pred.] [different]von jdm./etw. verschieden [unterschiedlich]
with me [as in "With me it's different."]bei mir [wie in "Bei mir ist das anders."]
2 Words: Verbs
cloth. to change into sth. [different clothes]sichDat. etw.Akk. anziehen [andere Kleidung]
to mix (with) [people, different households]sichAkk. treffen [Menschen, unterschiedliche Haushalte]
to ride behind [on different bicycle]hinterherfahren
equest. to ride behind [on different horse]hinterherreiten
2 Words: Nouns
pol. boundary commission [responsible for determinig boundaries; different contexts]Grenzkommission {f} [zuständig für Grenzfestlegungen; verschiedene Zusammenhänge]
relig. double church [for two different confessions]Simultankirche {f}
med. pol. drug policies {pl} [e.g. of different countries]Drogenpolitik {f} [z. B. verschiedener Länder]
math. Egyptian fraction [depiction of a fraction as sum of different unit fractions]ägyptischer Bruch {m} [Darstellung eines Bruchs als Summe verschiedener Stammbrüche]
biol. gene transfer [here: between different cell compartments (compartmentalization)]Genverlagerung {f} [hier: Gentransfer zwischen verschiedenen Zellkompartimenten (Kompartimentierung)]
rail interchange station [with lines crossing each other at different levels]Turmbahnhof {m}
interfaith marriage [different denominations]interkonfessionelle Ehe {f}
interfaith marriage [different religions]interreligiöse Ehe {f}
biol. step twins [dizygotic twins with two different fathers, born at the same time]Stiefzwillinge {pl} [zweieiige Zwillinge von zwei unterschiedlichen Vätern]
3 Words: Verbs
to be distinct from sb./sth. [to be different]sichAkk. von jdm./etw. unterscheiden
to feel transported into sth. [a different world etc.]sichAkk. in etw.Akk. versetzt fühlen [eine andere Welt etc.]
to share a joke [usually only of a greater community where a joke is told repeatedly in different groups]sich einen Witz erzählen [meist nur von einer größeren Gemeinschaft, in der ein Witz mehrfach in unterschiedlichen Gruppen erzählt wird]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. naut. Naval High Command [high command of different German naval forces]Oberkommando {n} der Marine <OKM>
pol. the honourable gentleman [Br.] [member for a different party]der Herr Abgeordnete {m}
4 Words: Others
of a different cast {adj} [different sort, kind]von anderer Art
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to be of different opinions [rarer: to be of different opinion]geteilter Meinung sein
5+ Words: Others
proverb Different strokes for different folks.Jedem Tierchen sein Pläsierchen.
quote If you wake up at a different time in a different place, could you wake up as a different person? [Fight Club]Wenn man in einer anderen Zeit aufwacht, an einem anderen Ort, könnte man auch als anderer Mensch aufwachen?
5+ Words: Verbs
to be a far cry from sth. [idiom] [very different]weit entfernt von etw. sein [fig.]
to be at cross purposes (with sb.) [have different aims from one another](mit jdm.) gegensätzliche Vorstellungen haben [unterschiedliche Ziele verfolgen]
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. Austrian royal imperial chartered railways [many different companies]österreichische k.k. privilegierte Eisenbahnen {pl} [viele verschiedene Gesellschaften]
educ. semi-independent part of a school [in a different building]Expositur {f} [österr.] [Teil einer Schule außerhalb des eigentlichen Schulgebäudes]
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