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English-German translation for: [difficulties]
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Dictionary English German: [difficulties]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
rocky {adj} [full of difficulties]
Unverified extricable {adj} [(soon to be) set free from complications and difficulties]
entwirrbar [(bald) befreit von Komplikationen und Schwierigkeiten]
troubled {adj} [in difficulties]in Schwierigkeiten [nachgestellt]
to compound sth. [problem, difficulties, injury, etc.]
etw.Akk. verschlimmern
to overcome sth. [problems, difficulties, etc.]
etw. bewältigen [Probleme, Schwierigkeiten etc.]
to overcome sth. [difficulties]
etw. nehmen [Schwierigkeiten]
to encounter sb./sth. [meet sb. unexpectedly; unexpectedly experience sth. (e.g. difficulties)]auf jdn./etw. treffen [jdm. unvermutet begegnen; auf etw. stoßen (z. B. Schwierigkeiten)]
to loom [difficulties]sich auftürmen [fig.]
trouble {sg} [difficulties]
Schwierigkeiten {pl}
pharm. panacea [solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases]
Panazee {f} [Allheilmittel] [oft pej.]
trouble {sg} [difficulties]
Schwulitäten {pl} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
sth. bristles with sth. [fig.] [difficulties, obstacles etc.]etw. ist gespickt mit etw.Dat. [fig.] [Schwierigkeiten, Hindernissen etc.]
2 Words: Verbs
to act up [coll.] [causing difficulties or problems]Sperenzchen machen [ugs.] [Schwierigkeiten / Probleme machen]
to carry sth. through [to bring sth. safely out of difficulties]etw.Akk. zu einem guten Ende führen / bringen
to get sb. in sth. [trouble, difficulties, etc.]jdm. etw.Akk. einbrocken [ugs.] [fig.]
to iron out sth. [problems, difficulties]etw. aus dem Weg räumen
to play sth. down [difficulties, problems, etc.]etw.Akk. verniedlichen [Schwierigkeiten, Probleme etc.]
to wrestle with sth. [with difficulties, problems, etc.]sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. abmühen [mit Schwierigkeiten, Problemen etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
rocky road [full of problems or difficulties]mühevoller Weg {m} [große Mühe und Anstrengung erfordernd]
teething troubles [fig.] [initial difficulties]Anfangsschwierigkeiten {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to be bedeviled by sth. [Am.] [problems, difficulties]von etw. geplagt werden
to be bedevilled by sth. [Br.] [problems, difficulties]von etw. geplagt werden
to be in extremis [in difficulties]sich in höchster Not befinden
to be mired in sth. [difficulties, debt etc.]in etw.Dat. stecken [Schwierigkeiten, Schulden etc.]
4 Words: Others
pol. proverb Unverified Ad astra per aspera. [USA] [Kansas state motto: To the stars through difficulties.]Auf rauhen Pfaden zu den Sternen. [Motto des US-Staates Kansas]
any ... that may arise [objections, costs, difficulties etc.]etwaige ... [Einwände, Kosten, Schwierigkeiten etc.]
It's got its snags. [hidden difficulties]Die Sache hat ihre Mucken. [ugs.] [auch: Haken]
4 Words: Verbs
to navigate a way through [fig.] [difficulties etc.]sichAkk. hindurchlavieren
5+ Words: Others
Bend over, here it comes again. <BOHICA> [idiom] [Get ready for more unavoidable problems or difficulties.][Nicht schon wieder, alle Mann in Deckung! (Veränderungen am Arbeitsplatz werden in England zynisch so bezeichnet)]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be in the hot seat [be in difficulties]in der Bredouille sein [ugs.]
to be in the hot seat [idiom] [be in difficulties]in Bedrängnis sein
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