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English-German translation for: [digital]
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Dictionary English German: [digital]

Translation 1 - 32 of 32


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[analog-digital (converter, etc.)] {adj} Analog-Digital- [FALSCH für: Analog-digital- (Wandler, Konverter usw.)]
[digital-digital (converter, etc.)] {adj} Digital-Digital- [FALSCH für: Digital-digital- (Wandler, Konverter usw.)]
mus. tech. ADD [SPARS code: analog tape recorder used during initial recording, digital tape recorder used during mixing / editing and for mastering]analoge Aufnahme, digitale Abmischung, digitales Mastering <ADD> [SPARS-Code]
mus. tech. DAD [SPARS code: digital tape recorder used during initial recording, analog tape recorder used during mixing / editing, digital mastering]digitale Aufnahme, analoge Abmischung, digitales Mastering <DAD> [SPARS-Code]
comp. SD™ {adj} [Secure Digital]SD-™
comp. to photoshop
photoshoppen [ein Bild digital bearbeiten, auch mit anderen Programmen als Photoshop®]
DVD [Digital Versatile Disc / Digital Video Disc]
DVD {f}
MedTech. roam [digital images]
Roaming {n} [Digitalaufnahmen]
photo. digicam [coll.] [digital camera]
Digitalkamera {f}
[German association for voluntary self-regulation of digital media service providers]Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle {f} Multimedia-Diensteanbieter <FSM>
mus. tech. DDD [SPARS code: digital tape recorder used during initial recording, mixing / editing and for mastering]digitale Aufnahme, digitale Abmischung, digitales Mastering <DDD> [SPARS-Code]
photo. digicam [coll.] [digital camera]Digicam {f} [ugs.] [Digitalkamera]
2 Words: Nouns
RadioTV DAB radio [digital audio broadcasting]DAB-Radio {n} [Digital Audio Broadcasting]
electr. telecom. decision circuit [for a digital signal]Entscheider {m} [für ein digitales Signal]
electr. telecom. decision circuit [for a digital signal]Entscheiderschaltung {f} [für ein digitales Signal]
photo. digi-cam [coll.] [digital camera]Digitalkamera {f}
electr. telecom. digit rate [in digital transmission]Digitrate {f} [bei digitaler Übertragung]
RadioTV Digital Betacam® <DigiBeta, D-Beta, DBC, Digi>Digibeta {n} [Digital Betacam®]
comp. digital copy [digital representation]Digitalisat {n}
educ. digital mediadigitale Medien {pl} [Studiengang, auch Digital Media]
comp. digital preservationLangzeitarchivierung {f} [digital vorliegender Informationen]
Internet journ. publ. digital subscriberDigitalabonnent {m} [auch: Digital-Abonnent]
comp. Internet secure distribution [of digital media]sichere Verteilung {f}
EU Internet law trusted flagger [Digital Services Act]Trusted Flagger {m} [vertrauenswürdiger Hinweisgeber, Digital Services Act]
EU Internet law trusted flagger [Digital Services Act]vertrauenswürdiger Hinweisgeber {m} [Digital Services Act]
3 Words: Nouns
comp. (digital) media designerMediengestalter {m} [Digital und Print]
photo. dust reduction system [automatic sensor cleaning in digital cameras]automatische Sensorreinigung {f}
photo. dust removal system [automatic sensor cleaning in digital cameras]automatische Sensorreinigung {f}
VetMed. hereditary footpad hyperkeratosis <HFH> [digital hyperkeratosis]erbliche Hyperkeratose {f} der Ballen
comp. Internet proof of authorisation [Br.] [digital credentials]Berechtigungsnachweis {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
telecom. digital subscriber line access multiplexer <DSLAM>DSL-Zugangskonzentrator {m} [auch: Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer, kurz: DSLAM {m}]
MedTech. direct digital full-field mammography [rare] [full-field digital mammography]direkte digitale Vollfeldmammographie {f}
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