| English | German | |
| considerable {adj} [quantity, distance] | 317 schön [ugs.] [beträchtlich] | |
| apart {adv} [at a distance] | 175 entfernt | |
| over {adv} [at some distance, as in a direction indicated] | 72 drüben | |
| good {adj} [considerable] [e.g., "a good distance"] | ziemlich [attr.] [ugs.] [beträchtlich] [z. B. "eine ziemliche Strecke"] | |
| MedTech. tech. remotely {adv} [from a distance] | aus der Ferne [z. B. über Telekommunikation] | |
| shooting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. angle, distance, foot, position] | Schuss- [z. B. Winkel, Entfernung, Bein, Position] | |
| sympathetic {adj} [acts from a distance or indirectly] | sympathetisch [eine indirekte, geheime Wirkung ausübend] | |
Verbs |
| to peer [into distance] | 792 starren [in die Ferne] | |
| to recognise sb./sth. [Br.] [identify or discern in the distance] | 681 jdn./etw. ausmachen [in der Ferne erkennen] | |
| to detect sb./sth. [esp. in the distance] | 433 jdn./etw. ausmachen [(in der Ferne) entdecken] | |
| to perceive sb./sth. [observe, esp. in the distance] | 412 jdn./etw. ausmachen [wahrnehmen, bes. (in der Ferne) erkennen] | |
| to recognize sb./sth. [identify or discern in the distance] | 244 jdn./etw. ausmachen [in der Ferne erkennen] | |
| to spot sb./sth. [detect or discern, esp. in the distance] | 228 jdn./etw. ausmachen [entdecken, (in der Ferne) erkennen] | |
| to travel sth. [a specified distance] | 149 etw. zurücklegen [eine bestimmte Strecke] | |
| to cover sth. [travel a particular distance] | 117 etw.Akk. zurücklegen [eine Strecke, Entfernung etc.] | |
| to cover sth. [a distance] | 18 etw.Akk. durchmessen [geh.] [Strecke] | |
| to extend [time, distance] | sich dehnen [sich erstrecken] | |
| to recede [move further away into the distance] | sichAkk. entfernen [sich vom Betrachter weiter weg bewegen: z. B. Fluten, Meer, Zug etc.] | |
| to walk sth. [a certain distance] | etw. zu Fuß zurücklegen [Strecke] | |
Nouns |
| range [maximum distance attainable, area of influence, etc.] | 1399 Reichweite {f} [Aktionsradius, Einflussbereich, Wirkungsbereich] | |
| transp. haul [distance covered] | 263 Strecke {f} | |
| drive [trip, distance] | 186 Fahrt {f} [Reise, Spazierfahrt, auch Fahrtdauer, Distanz] | |
| stretch [distance] | 72 Stück {n} | |
| remove [distance or degree of separation or remoteness] | 25 Distanz {f} [Abstand] | |
| remove [distance or degree of separation or remoteness] | 25 Entfernung {f} | |
| electr. optics phys. Lidar [laser-based optical method for measuring distance and velocity] | 18 LiDAR {n} [Methode zur optischen Abstands- und Geschwindigkeitsmessung mit Lasern] | |
| fall [distance which sth. falls] | 9 Fallhöhe {f} | |
| run [journey, distance] | 6 Strecke {f} | |
| QM travel [travel distance, travel path] [spaghetti diagram, Six Sigma] | 6 Laufweg {m} [auch: Laufdistanz] [Spaghetti-Diagramm, Six Sigma] | |
| ind. optics photo. register [flange focal distance] | 5 Auflagemaß {n} | |
| rail [railway station served by long-distance trains] | Fernbahnhof {m} | |
| photo. [The distance between similar image points on two different photographs properly set up for stereoscopic viewing] | Blickpunktentfernung {f} | |
| sports distancer [distance runner] | Distanzläufer {m} | |
| print leading [distance between baselines of successive lines of text] | Leading {n} [Zeilendurchschuss] | |
| print leading [distance between baselines of successive lines of text] | Zeilendurchschuss {m} [auch: Interlinea] | |
| naut. offing [distance off shore] | Abstand {m} (zur Küste) | |
| geogr. travel Rheinsteig [long-distance walking trail along the east bank of the Rhine River in Germany] | Rheinsteig {m} [Fernwanderweg entlang des Mittelrheins und des nördlichsten Teil des Oberrheins auf der rechten Rheinseite] | |
| way [paid for distance on a ticket] | Fahrt {f} [angegebene/bezahlte Strecke, auf Fahrkarte] | |
2 Words: Others |
| telecom. DX / dx [morse code abbreviation, telegraphic shorthand] [international: "(long) distance (contact)", "distant (exchange)"] [English also: "foreign countries"] | DX / dx [Morsezeichen-Abkürzung] [„(große) Entfernung“, „(weit) entfernt“, „Fernverbindung“] | |
| far from sth. {adv} [in distance] | abseits etw.Gen. [örtlich] | |
| graduated by sth. {adj} {past-p} [postpos.] [e.g. by distance] | abgestuft nach etw.Dat. [nachgestellt] [z. B.: nach der Entfernung] | |
| pretty far {adv} [distance] [also fig.] | ziemlich weit [Entfernung] [auch fig.] | |
| remote from sth. {adj} [a long distance from sth.] | abseits etw.Gen. [weit entfernt] | |
| shy of {prep} [coll.] [a short distance from sth.] | (kurz) vor [räumlich] | |
| within hail {adv} [within hailing distance] | in Rufweite | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to pull away [e.g. increase distance to pursuer] | davonziehen [schneller laufen etc., Vorsprung vergrößern] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| distancing rule [e.g. social distance during the corona crisis] | Abstandsregel {f} [z. B. während der Corona-Krise] | |
| mil. weapons firing range [of a weapon, the distance over which a projectile can be fired] | Schussreichweite {f} | |
| photo. focus setting [distance setting] | Entfernungseinstellung {f} | |
| aviat. landing run [distance taken for landing] | Landestrecke {f} | |
| marking compass [for circle drawing and distance measurement on drawings] | Anreißzirkel {m} | |
| MedTech. SID tracking [source-(to-) image distance] | SID-Tracking {n} | |
| telecom. signal distance [rare] [Hamming distance] | Hamming-Abstand {m} | |
| transp. staging points [long distance transports] | Kontrollstellen {pl} [Langstreckentransporte] | |
| photo. subject distance [distance from camera] | Motivabstand {m} | |
| tech. test length [distance] | Testdistanz {f} | |
| throw distance [also: distance of throw] | Wurfweite {f} | |
3 Words: Others |
| a call away {adv} [within calling distance] | in Rufweite | |
| an hour away {adj} [pred.] [postpos.] [distance] | eine Stunde entfernt [prädikativ] [nachgestellt] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to catch sight of sb./sth. [idiom] [spot in the distance or in the crowd] | jdn./etw. ausmachen [in der Ferne oder in der Menge entdecken] | |
| to step back (from sb./sth.) [view one's problems etc. from a distance] | (zu jdm./etw.) Abstand gewinnen [zu sich, den eigenen Problemen, Ereignissen] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| electr. (electrical) power line [long-distance above-ground transmission of electricity] | Stromtrasse {f} | |
| EU textil. inside leg length [EN 13402] [distance between the crotch and the soles of the feet] | innere Beinlänge {f} [EN 13402] | |
| traffic long-distance bus [also: long distance bus] | Fernbus {m} | |
| traffic long-distance coach [Br.] [also: long distance coach] | Fernbus {m} | |
4 Words: Others |
| beaten by a mile {adj} {past-p} [idiom] [beaten by a large amount or distance] | mit Abstand geschlagen | |
| from centre to centre [Br.] [e.g. distance] | von Mitte zu Mitte [z. B. Abstand] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to shave sth. off a journey [distance or time] [fig.] | eine Reise um etw. verkürzen [Zeit oder Entfernung] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| geogr. travel Appalachian (National Scenic) Trail <A.T.> [long-distance hiking trail in the USA] | Appalachian Trail {m} [Fernwanderweg in den USA] | |
| electr. high-voltage transmission line [long-distance above-ground transmission of electricity] | Stromtrasse {f} | |
| mil. optimum height of burst [vertical distance from ground surface or target to the point of detonating burst] | wirksame Sprengpunkthöhe {f} | |
| MedTech. target-to-film distance <TFD> [source-to-film distance] | Fokus-Film-Abstand {m} <FFA> | |
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