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English-German translation for: [doctor]
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Dictionary English German: [doctor]

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country {adj} [attr.] [e.g. air, aristocrat, doctor, life, parson]
Land- [z. B. Luft, Adeliger, Arzt, Leben, Pfarrer]
family {adj} [attr.] [e.g. altar, doctor, friend, order, pet]Haus- [z. B. Altar, Arzt, Freund, Orden, Tier]
team {adj} [e.g., bus, captain, competition, doctor, etc.]Mannschafts- [Bus, Kapitän, Wettbewerb, Arzt etc.]
to tap sth. [e.g. a wall; doctor: sb.'s chest, etc.]
etw.Akk. abklopfen [z. B. eine Wand; Arzt: jds. Brust etc.]
to bleep sb. [e.g. doctor, in hospital]
jdn. rufen [mit einem Pager]
to strip [undress, esp. at the doctor's]sich freimachen [ausziehen]
to undress [at the doctor's]sich frei machen [beim Arzt entkleiden]
quack [quack doctor]
Kurpfuscher {m}
quack [quack doctor]
Quacksalber {m}
med. round [made by a doctor]
Visite {f}
caregiver [doctor]
Arzt {m}
jobs med. [female doctor's receptionist with additional medical duties, such as drawing blood]
Arzthelferin {f} [veraltet] [medizinische Fachangestellte]
med. gatekeeper [e.g. the family doctor]
Weichensteller {m} [auch: Gatekeeper] [z. B. der Hausarzt für weiterführende Diagnostik und Therapie]
med. [external doctor with a hospital affiliation]
Belegarzt {m}
insur. med. [non SHI-accredited doctor of your choice, whose bill gets fully or in part paid by your health insurance in Austria]
Wahlarzt {m} [österr.]
jobs VetMed. hippiater [rare] [horse doctor]
Pferdearzt {m}
med. doc [coll.] [short for: doctor] [physician]
Doktor {m} [ugs.] [Arzt]
educ. [person with multiple doctor titles]Dr. mult. [multiplex] [Doktor mit mehreren Doktortiteln]
med. [woman giving birth without a doctor or midwife in attendance]Alleingebärende {f}
doc [coll.] [doctor]Doc {m} [ugs.]
jobs med. inoculator [doctor]Impfarzt {m}
quack [quack doctor] [pej.]Medikaster {m} [veraltet] [pej.]
quack [quack doctor] [pej.]Medizinalpfuscher {m} [veraltet] [pej.]
quack [quack doctor] [pej.]Medizinalstorger {m} [veraltet] [pej.]
educ. jobs med. registrar [doctor training to be a specialist] [Br.]Arzt {m} in der Facharztausbildung
neol. RadioTV Whovian [coll.][Fan der Serie "Doctor Who"]
2 Words: Others
fully fledged {adj} [doctor, teacher etc.]vollqualifiziert
on-call {adj} [attr.] [room, duty, bus, doctor, etc.]Bereitschafts- [Raum, Dienst, Bus, Arzt usw.]
2 Words: Verbs
to call in [a doctor, a lawyer, the police]einschalten [hinzuziehen]
to call sb. in [a doctor, a consultant, etc.]jdn. zuziehen [einen Arzt, einen Berater etc.]
to refer sb. to sb. [a patient to another doctor]jdn. an jdn. überweisen [Patient]
to strike sb. off [doctor]jdm. die Zulassung entziehen [Artzt]
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. Doc Martens [coll.] [Dr. Martens®, Doctor Martens, Docs, DMs] [British footwear brand]Dr. Martens® {pl} [auch: Docs, Doc Martens; Schuhe]
med. domiciliary visit [of a doctor]Hausbesuch {m} [eines Arztes]
med. gatekeeper model [family doctor model]Hausarztmodell {n}
med. head mirror [ENT doctor]Stirnreflektor {m} [HNO-Arzt]
practice fee [doctor, e.g.]Praxisgebühr {f}
white coat [coll.] [doctor]Weißkittel {m} [ugs.]
3 Words: Verbs
med. to receive a call [to be called (doctor, nurse, etc.)]zu einem Hausbesuch gerufen werden [Arzt, Hebamme etc.]
3 Words: Nouns
acad. educ. Doctor of Science <DSc, ScD>Doktor {m} der Naturwissenschaften [doctor rerum naturalium] <Dr. rer. nat.>
follow-up consultation [e.g. with a doctor]Nachgespräch {n}
insur. med. independent examining doctor [fiduciary doctor]Vertrauensarzt {m}
jobs med. public assistance doctor [also: public-assistance doctor]Armenarzt {m}
med. pharm. red-hand letter [literal translation, do not use; cf. Dear Doctor letter]Rote-Hand-Brief {m} <RHB>
4 Words: Verbs
hist. to be on the panel [Br.] [of a doctor]Krankenkassenarzt sein
to have an appointment with sb. [doctor, dentist etc.]einen Termin bei jdm. haben
4 Words: Nouns
demi-god in white [fig.] [doctor]Halbgott {m} in Weiß [fig.] [Arzt]
dent. Doctor of Dental Science <DDS> [Am.] [Doctor medicine dentalis]Doktor {m} der Zahnheilkunde <Dr. med. dent.>
acad. educ. doctor of natural sciences <DSc, ScD>Doktor {m} der Naturwissenschaften [Doctor scientiae naturalis] <Dr. sc. nat.>
jobs med. family practice medical doctor [Am.] <FP MD, FP doctor, FP medical doctor>Hausarzt {m} [praktischer Arzt]
trust and confidence in sb. [doctor, politician etc.]fachliches und persönliches Vertrauen {n} in jdn. [Arzt, Politiker usw.]
5+ Words: Nouns
law Doctor of Canon and Civil Law <JUD, IUD, DUJ, DUI, DJU, DIU, UJD, UID, JUDr., Dr.iur.utr.> [juris / iuris utriusque doctor, doctor utriusque juris, doctor juris utriusque]Doktor {m} beider Rechte <Dr. iur. utr., auch Dr. jur. utr., Dr. j. u.>
man in a white coat [coll.] [doctor]Kittelmensch {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [pej.] [selten] [Arzt]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
tools RadioTV F sonic screwdriver [fictional tool in the TV series Doctor Who]Schallschraubenzieher {m} [fiktives Werkzeug aus der TV-Serie Doctor Who]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
fish T
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