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English-German translation for: [dogs]
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Dictionary English German: [dogs]

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trained {adj} {past-p} [dogs etc.]
zool. cobby {adj} [of dogs, cats, horses, etc.: stocky, thickset]
gedrungen [stämmiger Körperbau bes. bei Hunden, Katzen, Pferden]
cyno- {prefix} [relating to dogs]Kyno- [Hunde-]
to place sb./sth. [e.g. children with foster parents; redundant workers into employment; dogs, cats, etc. with a family]
jdn./etw. vermitteln [z. B. Kinder zu Pflegeeltern; Arbeitslosen eine Stelle; Hunde, Katzen etc. in eine Familie]
to exercise sth. [e.g. dogs, horses]
etw. bewegen [Pferde etc.]
to socialise sb. [Br.] [also animals such as dogs]
jdn. sozialisieren [auch Tiere, z. B. Hunde]
to defecate [esp. dogs]sich lösen [fachspr.] [seine Notdurft verrichten (Hund)]
hunting to defecate [of dogs]losen [veraltet] [koten] [Hunde]
zool. to paw sb./sth. [of cats, dogs]jdn./etw. bepfoteln [ugs.] [bei Katzen, Hunden]
collar [esp. for dogs, cats]
Halskette {f} [bes. Hunde, Katzen]
collar [for dogs and cats]
Halsband {n} [für Hunde und Katzen]
kennel [boarding establishment for dogs]
Hundepension {f}
gastr. treat [titbit] [Swiss: sweet] [also a treat for dogs, horses, etc.]
Leckerli {n} [ugs.] [schweiz.] [sonst bes. Belohnung für Haustiere]
mutts [coll.] [dogs, mongrels]
Köter {pl} [pej.]
bay [of dogs]
Bellen {n}
zool. puppies [young dogs]
Hundewelpen {pl}
psych. cynophobia [irrational fear of dogs]
Canophobie {f}
psych. cynophobia [irrational fear of dogs]
Kynophobie {f}
pack [of dogs, hounds]
Rotte {f} [Hunde]
hunting bay [of dogs]
Melden {n}
zool. housebreaking [dogs]
Sauberkeitserziehung {f} [Hunde]
hunting zool. vulva [of female dogs, foxes, wolves, etc.]
Schnalle {f} [jägerspr.] [äußeres weibliches Geschlechtsteil von Hunden, Füchsen, Wölfen usw.]
bay [of dogs]
Gebell {n}
pack [of dogs]
Koppel {f}
[a type of sausage similar to American hot dogs in flavor but thicker]Stumpen {m} [schweiz., bes. St. Gallen] [schweizer Brühwurst (Cervelat), ähnlich der Bockwurst]
hist. mil. [literally: "chain-dogs", pejorative nickname of uniformed military police units of German forces of the 19th and 20th century]Kettenhunde {pl} [fig.] [ugs.] [Bezeichnung der Feldgendarmerie in dt. Streitkräften des 19. und 20. Jh.]
gastr. franks [coll.] [Am: hot dogs]Würstchen {pl}
VetMed. gag [surgical gag; here: e.g. for dogs]Maulsperre {f} [Vorrichtung zum Offenhalten]
jobs groomer [of cats and dogs]Groomer {m}
zool. T
Pointer {pl}
zool. pups [young dogs]junge Hunde {pl}
hunting zool. retrievers [hunting dogs]Apportierhunde {pl} [Jagdhunde]
zool. T
Setter {pl}
sports skijoring [skiing behind horses, dogs, snowmobiles]Skijöring {n} [Skifahren hinter Pferden, Hunden, Motorschlitten]
sports the races [dogs]Hunderennen {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to call off [e.g. dogs]wegrufen
to kill game [done by straying dogs and cats, primarily]wildern [von z. B. Hunden, Katzen, die herumstreunen und dabei Wild, wild lebende Tiere töten]
2 Words: Nouns
sports agility competition [esp. for dogs]Geschicklichkeitswettbewerb {m}
basic nature [of humans, dogs, matter, etc.]Grundcharakter {m} [Grundeigenschaften]
boarding kennel [for dogs]Hundepension {f}
button ear [in dogs]Knopfohr {n} [bei Hunden]
med. cancer scent [detectable by dogs]Krebsgeruch {m}
chain collar [esp. for dogs]Kettenhalsband {n} [bes. für Hunde]
toys chew toy [Am.] [for dogs]Kaugegenstand {m} [für Hunde]
VetMed. dermoid sinus <DS> [in dogs and cats]Dermoidsinus {m} <DS>
dog meat [food for dogs]Hundefutter {n}
VetMed. dog panties {pl} [one pair] [for female dogs in heat]Hundeschutzhöschen {n} [Höschen gegen Läufigkeit]
dog pillow [pillow for dogs]Hundekissen {n}
toys fetch stick [for dogs]Apportierstock {m}
man-trailing [with dogs]Mantrailing {n} [Personensuche mit Spürhunden]
zool. milk treading [of cats, dogs etc.]Milchtreten {n} [von Katzen, Hunden etc.]
obedience training [dogs]Obedience-Training {n} [Hunde]
pet stairs {pl} [for cats and dogs]Katzen- und Hundetreppe {f}
hunting zool. predatory animals {pl} [esp. stray dogs, cats]Raubzeug {n} [nur sing.] [bes. wildernde Hunde und Katzen]
hunting zool. water dogs [hunting dogs]Wasserhunde {pl} [Jagdhunde]
3 Words: Nouns
fenced run area [e.g. for dogs]eingezäunter Auslauf {m} [z. B. für Hunde]
comm. gastr. hot-dog stallWürstchenbude {f} [Verkauf von Hot Dogs]
VetMed. intervertebral disk disease <IVDD> [of dachshunds and other breeds of dogs]Dackellähme {f}
4 Words: Nouns
VetMed. demodectic mange in dogs [demodicosis in dogs]Haarbalgmilbenbefall {m} beim Hund [Demodikose]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
VetMed. zool. T
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