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English-German translation for: [due]
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Dictionary English German: [due]

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husky {adj} [voice, esp. when due to a cold]
belegt [Stimme]
even {adj} [having nothing due on either side or having exacted full revenge]
quitt [nur prädikativ]
appropriate {adj} [due, proper]
streaky {adj} [coll.] [unreliable due to varying quality]
unzuverlässig [aufgrund von Qualitätsmängeln]
sports [suspended due to accumulated yellow cards] {adj}
[if the default (failure to perform in due time) is due to intent or gross negligence] {adv}wenn / sofern der Verzug auf Vorsatz oder grober Fahrlässigkeit beruht
crashed {adj} {past-p} [due to a collision] [e.g. car, train]verunglückt [durch eine Kollision] [z. B. Auto, Zug]
proportionable {adj} [archaic] [proportional, being in due proportion]im richtigen Verhältnis [nachgestellt]
sports to choke [coll.] [perform badly due to nerves]
[e.g. of cattle or horses; to go wild due to attacks of gadflies]biesen [selten] [z. B. von Rindern oder Pferden; sich von Biesfliegen/Viehbremsen geplagt wild gebärden]
to claim sth. [draw, demand one's due]etw.Akk. (für sichAkk.) in Anspruch nehmen
charge [fee, due]
Tarif {m} [Gebühr]
failure [due to neglect or omission]
Unterlassung {f}
exfoliation [flaking due to aging]
Abblättern {n} [des Metalls, Alterung]
undesirables {pl} [people] [e.g. due to their politics or race]
Missliebige {pl} [geh.]
law [failure to file for insolvency in due time]
Insolvenzverschleppung {f}
[due diligence] Due Dilligence {f} [FALSCH für: Due Diligence]
phys. [loss due to range]Wegverlust {m}
insur. [pay for absence due to sick child]Kinderkrankengeld {n}
[sudden drop in birthrates due to oral contraceptives]Pillenknick {m} [ugs.]
econ. fin. insur. Unverified matureness [date upon which sth. becomes due, e.g. a bill]Fälligkeit {f} [Datum, an dem etw. fällig wird, z. B. eine Rechnung]
audio med. nosoacusis [hearing loss due to disease, as opposed to aging]Nosoakusis {f}
oppression [fig.] [due to heat, climate]bedrückende Atmosphäre {f}
2 Words: Others
thanks to {prep} [because of, due to]wegen [+Gen., ugs. auch +Dat.] [dank]
thanks to {prep} [due to]aufgrund [+Gen.]
2 Words: Verbs
to back down [due to lack of courage]kneifen [ugs.]
to become haggard [e.g. due to illness]hagern [selten] [hager werden]
to bottle out [Br.] [sl.] [fail to act due to lack of courage]kneifen [ugs.] [sich drücken]
to waste away [due to illness]hinsiechen [geh.]
to waste away [due to illness]versiechen [veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. airport closure [temporary due to bomb threat etc.]Flughafensperrung {f}
aviat. airport closure [temporary due to bomb threat etc.]Flughafen-Sperrung {f}
comm. damaged merchandise [due to an accident e.g. during transportation]Havarieware {f}
sports dead rubber [irrelevant match due to earlier results]Spiel {n} um die goldene Ananas [ugs.] [hum.] [sarkastisch: für Pflichtspiel, welches wegen Tabellenkonstellation irrelevant geworden ist]
electr. extrinsic properties [due to impurity conduction][durch Störstellenleitung bedingte Eigenschaften]
failing powers [e.g. due to old age]nachlassende Kräfte {pl}
heavy bill [due to exorbitant prices]gepfefferte Rechnung {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
med. housewife's dermatitis [skin inflammation caused due to contact with an irritating substance]Waschfrauenhände {pl}
med. housewife's dermatitis [skin inflammation caused due to contact with an irritating substance]Waschhände {pl}
husky voice [esp. due to a cold]belegte Stimme {f}
tech. instrumental error [error due to faults arising in a measuring instrument]Messgerätefehler {m}
med. oath hand [due to median nerve palsy]Schwurhand {f} [bei Medianuslähmung]
3 Words: Verbs
to fail to do sth. [due to incapability]außerstande sein, etw. zu tun
to fail to do sth. [due to incapability]unfähig sein, etw. zu tun
to fail to do sth. [due to incapability]nicht im Stande sein, etw. zu tun
to have difficulty breathing [due to asthma]es auf der Plauze haben [ugs.] [regional] [bes. ostmitteld.] [asthmatisch sein]
to want to travel [due to wanderlust]verreisen wollen
3 Words: Nouns
med. psych. baby brain syndrome [memory lapses due to a pregnancy]Mutterschaftsdemenz {f} [ugs.]
4 Words: Verbs
to be accounted for by sth. [to be due to]an etw.Dat. liegen
to be accounted for by sth. [to be due to]etw.Dat. geschuldet sein
idiom to be fit to drop [due to fatigue] [Br.]zum Umfallen müde sein
idiom to be ready to drop [due to fatigue]zum Umfallen müde sein
journ. to have (a) bad press [Br.] [idiom] [have a bad reputation due to media criticism]eine schlechte Presse haben [Redewendung]
to have a snow day [to have a day off school/work due to heavy snow]schneefrei haben [wegen starkes Schneefalls einen Schul- oder Arbeitstag frei haben]
4 Words: Nouns
aviat. alarm aircraft-on-ground <AOG> [due to maintenance work]Alarm {m} Flugzeug-am-Boden [wegen Wartungsarbeiten]
solid fine particle erosion [flaking due to aging]Abblättern {n} [des Metalls, Alterung]
5+ Words: Others
comm. If the purchaser defaults on any payment due on this contract, the full amount shall be immediately due and payable.Wenn der Käufer mit irgendwelchen auf Grund dieses Vertrages zu leistenden Zahlungen in Verzug kommt, so wird sofort der gesamte Betrag fällig.
idiom in a coon's / raccoon's age {adv} [Am.] [coll.; rare use due to the offensive slang term 'coon']seit ewigen Zeiten
comm. sth. scans at an incorrect price [due to wrong barcode]etw. wird mit einem falschen Preis gescannt [wegen falschem Barcode]
5+ Words: Nouns
law ban from certain occupational activities [e.g. due to risk of infection]Tätigkeitsverbot {n} [z.B. wegen Ansteckungsgefahr]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F To each his own! [also: To each only his due!]Nur jedem das Seine! [J. S. Bach, BWV 163]
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