| English | German | |
| tenuous {adj} [e.g. dust cloud, atmosphere] | 137 dünn [z. B. Staubwolke, Atmosphäre] | |
| dusted {adj} {past-p} [covered in dust] | 27 verstaubt | |
| astron. stellar {adj} [e.g. calendar, dust, mass] | 21 Sternen- [z. B. Kalender, Staub, Masse] | |
| hazed {adj} {past-p} [by dust, smoke, clouds] | 13 verschleiert [durch Dunst, Qualm, Wolken] | |
| culmiferous {adj} [containing coal dust] | kohlenstaubhaltig | |
| astron. astronau Mars {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dust, flight, mission, probe, symbol] | Mars- [z. B. Staub, Flug, Mission, Sonde, Symbol] | |
| astron. star {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dust, cradle, system] | Sternen- [z. B. Staub, Wiege, System] | |
| sth. dusts [covers with dust] | etw. verstaubt | |
Verbs |
| to haze sth. [by dust, smoke, clouds] [rare] | 122 etw.Akk. verschleiern [durch Dunst, Qualm, Wolken] | |
| tech. to breathe sth. [e.g. inhale dust, fumes] | 83 etw.Akk. einatmen | |
| to fly [sparks, dust, etc.] | 29 stieben | |
| to sprinkle [dust, powder] | 12 abstreuen | |
| to collect [dust, moisture etc.] | sich absetzen [Staub, Feuchtigkeit] | |
| to collect [water, dust] | sich ansammeln | |
| to mop (sth.) [with a dust mop] | (etw.Akk.) moppen | |
| to settle [diseases, dust, lice, etc.] | sich festsetzen | |
| tech. to settle [dust, pointer of an instrument] | sich beruhigen [z. B. der Zeiger eines Messinstruments] | |
Nouns |
| libr. publ. blurb [also: dust cover blurb] | 591 Klappentext {m} | |
| plume [of dust, smoke etc.] | 219 Wolke {f} [z. B. Rauchwolke, Staubwolke] | |
| powder [dust] | 77 Staub {m} [Pulver, Puder] | |
| nucl. fallout [radioactive dust] | 24 Fallout {m} | |
| hazing [by dust, smoke, clouds] [rare] | 10 Verschleierung {f} [durch Dunst, Qualm, Wolken] | |
| jet [e.g. of sand, dust] | 8 Fontäne {f} [Sandfontäne, Staubfontäne] | |
| stour [Scot., N. Engl. or archaic] [cloud of dust] | 8 Staubwolke {f} | |
| relig. [strewing dirt three times over the coffin while saying "Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust"] | (dreifacher) Erdwurf {m} [«Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub»] | |
| med. aluminosis [lung-disease caused by aluminum dust] | Aluminiumstaublunge {f} | |
| briquette [block of compressed coal dust] | Pressling {m} [Brikett] | |
| culm [archaic] [coal dust, slack] | Grus {m} | |
| culm [archaic] [coal dust, slack] | Kohlenstaub {m} | |
| tech. duster [for applying dust, powder] | Stäubegerät {n} | |
| nucl. fallout [radioactive dust] | Fall-out {m} | |
| fallouts [radioactive dust] | Fallouts {pl} | |
| smother [dust cloud] | (dichte) Staubwolke {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| (slightly) dusty {adj} [covered with dust] | angestaubt [leicht verstaubt] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to bite it [coll.] [to die] [cf. to bite the dust] | ins Gras beißen [ugs.] [sterben] | |
| to brush sth. off [dust, dirt, etc.] | etw.Akk. abbürsten [Staub, Schmutz etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| cup mask [against dust] [dust mask] | Schalenmaske {f} [gegen Staub] [Staubschutzmaske] | |
| meteo. dancing devil [Am.] [regional] [dust devil] | Staubteufel {m} | |
| dust catcher [dust remover] | Entstauber {m} | |
| tools dust collector [dust remover] | Entstauber {m} | |
| med. dust exposition [exposition to dust] | Staubexposition {f} | |
| astron. meteo. meteor dust [also: meteoric dust] | Meteorstaub {m} | |
| meteo. sand auger [Am.] [regional] [dust devil] | Sandhose {f} | |
| meteo. sand devil [less common] [dust devil] | Sandteufel {m} [Kleintrombe] | |
| meteo. sand devil [less common] [dust devil] | Sandtrombe {f} [Sandteufel, Kleintrombe] | |
| meteo. willy-willy [Aus.] [dust devil] | Staubteufel {m} [Staubtrombe] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| material med. uranium-bearing dust [also: uranium bearing dust] | uranhaltiger Staub {m} | |
| tech. vacuum cleaner filter [not a dust bag; additional to main filtering system] | Staubsaugerfilter {m} [kein Staubsaugerbeutel; zusätzlich zum Hauptfiltersystem] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to get coated with dust [gather dust] | sichAkk. mit Staub überziehen [staubig werden] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| relig. Ash to ash, dust to dust. | Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub. | |
| relig. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. | Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub. | |
| relig. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. | Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub. | |
| bibl. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. [Genesis 3:19; KJV] | Im Schweiße deines Angesichts sollst du dein Brot essen, bis daß du wieder zu Erde werdest, davon du genommen bist. Denn du bist Erde und sollst zu Erde werden. [1. Mose 3,19; Luther 1912] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| meteo. dust or sand whirls seen (in last hour), but no dust (storm) or sandstorm [WMO code 08] | gut entwickelte Staub- oder Sandwirbel {pl} [aber kein Staub- / Sandsturm] | |
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