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English-German translation for: [dust]
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Dictionary English German: [dust]

Translation 1 - 54 of 54

English German
tenuous {adj} [e.g. dust cloud, atmosphere]
dünn [z. B. Staubwolke, Atmosphäre]
dusted {adj} {past-p} [covered in dust]
astron. stellar {adj} [e.g. calendar, dust, mass]
Sternen- [z. B. Kalender, Staub, Masse]
hazed {adj} {past-p} [by dust, smoke, clouds]
verschleiert [durch Dunst, Qualm, Wolken]
culmiferous {adj} [containing coal dust]kohlenstaubhaltig
astron. astronau Mars {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dust, flight, mission, probe, symbol]Mars- [z. B. Staub, Flug, Mission, Sonde, Symbol]
astron. star {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dust, cradle, system]Sternen- [z. B. Staub, Wiege, System]
sth. dusts [covers with dust]etw. verstaubt
to haze sth. [by dust, smoke, clouds] [rare]
etw.Akk. verschleiern [durch Dunst, Qualm, Wolken]
tech. to breathe sth. [e.g. inhale dust, fumes]
etw.Akk. einatmen
to fly [sparks, dust, etc.]
to sprinkle [dust, powder]
to collect [dust, moisture etc.]sich absetzen [Staub, Feuchtigkeit]
to collect [water, dust]sich ansammeln
to mop (sth.) [with a dust mop](etw.Akk.) moppen
to settle [diseases, dust, lice, etc.]sich festsetzen
tech. to settle [dust, pointer of an instrument]sich beruhigen [z. B. der Zeiger eines Messinstruments]
libr. publ. blurb [also: dust cover blurb]
Klappentext {m}
plume [of dust, smoke etc.]
Wolke {f} [z. B. Rauchwolke, Staubwolke]
powder [dust]
Staub {m} [Pulver, Puder]
nucl. fallout [radioactive dust]
Fallout {m}
hazing [by dust, smoke, clouds] [rare]
Verschleierung {f} [durch Dunst, Qualm, Wolken]
jet [e.g. of sand, dust]
Fontäne {f} [Sandfontäne, Staubfontäne]
stour [Scot., N. Engl. or archaic] [cloud of dust]
Staubwolke {f}
relig. [strewing dirt three times over the coffin while saying "Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust"](dreifacher) Erdwurf {m} [«Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub»]
med. aluminosis [lung-disease caused by aluminum dust]Aluminiumstaublunge {f}
briquette [block of compressed coal dust]Pressling {m} [Brikett]
culm [archaic] [coal dust, slack]Grus {m}
culm [archaic] [coal dust, slack]Kohlenstaub {m}
tech. duster [for applying dust, powder]Stäubegerät {n}
nucl. fallout [radioactive dust]Fall-out {m}
fallouts [radioactive dust]Fallouts {pl}
smother [dust cloud](dichte) Staubwolke {f}
2 Words: Others
(slightly) dusty {adj} [covered with dust]angestaubt [leicht verstaubt]
2 Words: Verbs
to bite it [coll.] [to die] [cf. to bite the dust]ins Gras beißen [ugs.] [sterben]
to brush sth. off [dust, dirt, etc.]etw.Akk. abbürsten [Staub, Schmutz etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
cup mask [against dust] [dust mask]Schalenmaske {f} [gegen Staub] [Staubschutzmaske]
meteo. dancing devil [Am.] [regional] [dust devil]Staubteufel {m}
dust catcher [dust remover]Entstauber {m}
tools dust collector [dust remover]Entstauber {m}
med. dust exposition [exposition to dust]Staubexposition {f}
astron. meteo. meteor dust [also: meteoric dust]Meteorstaub {m}
meteo. sand auger [Am.] [regional] [dust devil]Sandhose {f}
meteo. sand devil [less common] [dust devil]Sandteufel {m} [Kleintrombe]
meteo. sand devil [less common] [dust devil]Sandtrombe {f} [Sandteufel, Kleintrombe]
meteo. willy-willy [Aus.] [dust devil]Staubteufel {m} [Staubtrombe]
3 Words: Nouns
material med. uranium-bearing dust [also: uranium bearing dust]uranhaltiger Staub {m}
tech. vacuum cleaner filter [not a dust bag; additional to main filtering system]Staubsaugerfilter {m} [kein Staubsaugerbeutel; zusätzlich zum Hauptfiltersystem]
4 Words: Verbs
to get coated with dust [gather dust]sichAkk. mit Staub überziehen [staubig werden]
5+ Words: Others
relig. Ash to ash, dust to dust.Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub.
relig. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub.
relig. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub.
bibl. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. [Genesis 3:19; KJV]Im Schweiße deines Angesichts sollst du dein Brot essen, bis daß du wieder zu Erde werdest, davon du genommen bist. Denn du bist Erde und sollst zu Erde werden. [1. Mose 3,19; Luther 1912]
5+ Words: Nouns
meteo. dust or sand whirls seen (in last hour), but no dust (storm) or sandstorm [WMO code 08]gut entwickelte Staub- oder Sandwirbel {pl} [aber kein Staub- / Sandsturm]
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