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| audio aided {past-p} [ear etc.] | 9 versorgt [Ohr usw.] | |
| earless {adj} [without an ear or ears] | ohrlos | |
Verbs |
| to give sb. sth. [inflict] [e.g. a box on the ear, a bad mark] | 124 jdm. etw. verpassen [ugs.] [z. B. eine Ohrfeige, eine schlechte Note] | |
Nouns |
| anat. lobe [of ear] | 297 Ohrläppchen {n} | |
| anat. audio med. promontory [a prominence on the inner wall of the tympanum of the ear] | 6 Promontorium {n} | |
| gastr. [puff pastry, supposedly shaped like a pig's ear] | Schweinsohr {n} [Gebäck aus Blätterteig] | |
| MedTech. auriscalp [ear pick] | Ohrlöffel {m} | |
| audio jobs aurist [dated] [ear specialist, audiologist] | Gehörspezialist {m} [selten] [Audiologe] | |
| cosmet. earpick [spv.] [also: ear-pick] | Ohrlöffel {m} | |
| audio mus. spec. earplug [for in-ear monitoring] | Earplug {m} [fachspr.] [Ohrhörer für In-Ear-Monitoring] | |
| anat. helix [the incurved rim of the external ear] | Ohrleiste {f} | |
| anat. audio manubrium [Manubrium] [process of the malleus of the ear] | Hammergriff {m} | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| bot. T | | |
| med. otoblennorrhea [Am.] [mucous discharge from the ear] | Otoblennorrhö {f} [muköser / schleimiger Ohrenausfluss] | |
| med. otoblennorrhoea [Br.] [mucous discharge from the ear] | Otoblennorrhö {f} [muköser / schleimiger Ohrenausfluss] | |
| med. otoplasty [plastic surgery of the external ear] | Otoplastie {f} | |
| med. otopyorrhea [Am.] [discharge of pus from the ear] | Otopyorrhoea {f} [veraltet] [Eiterausfluss aus dem Ohr] | |
| med. ototomy [incision of the ear] | Ohreröffnung {f} | |
| anat. audio VetMed. sacculus [the smaller chamber of the membranous labyrinth of the ear] | Sacculus / Sakkulus {m} [das kleine Vorhofsäckchen] | |
| sleeper [Br.] [ring or post worn to keep ear-piercing hole from closing] | Schlafohrring {m} | |
| fish zool. stratolith [ear stone] | Stratolith {m} [Ohrstein] | |
| anat. audio VetMed. utriculus [the larger of the two fluid-filled cavities forming part of the labyrinth of the inner ear] | Utriculus {m} [das große Vorhofsäckchen] [Teil des Vestibularorgans] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to catch it [Br.] [coll.] [get a box on the ear] | (sichDat.) eine fangen [ugs.] [eine Ohrfeige bekommen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| VetMed. zool. (ear) scutulum [rare] [scrutiform cartilage of the ear] | Dreiecksknorpel {m} [Ohr] | |
| audio med. adhesive process [e.g. in the middle ear] | Verwachsung {f} [z. B. im Mittelohr] | |
| med. adobe ear [rare] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] | Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa] | |
| med. Dhobie ear [rare] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] | Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa] | |
| anat. audio ductus reuniens [a passage in the ear that connects the cochlea and the saccule] | Ductus reuniens {m} [Gang zwischen dem Sacculus des Innenohres und dem Ductus cochlearis] | |
| sports ear clearing [ear pressure equalization esp. while diving] | Druckausgleich {m} [z. B. beim Tauchen] | |
| ear cuff [ear clip] | Ohrklemme {f} | |
| cloth. ear nut [secures earring's ear post] | Ohrmutter {f} [am Ohrring] | |
| cosmet. ear-pick [also: ear pick, earpick] | Ohrenlöffel {m} | |
| med. ENT clinic [ear, nose, and throat clinic] | HNO-Klinik {f} [Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Klinik] | |
| jobs med. ENT surgeon [ear, nose and throat surgeon] | HNO-Chirurg {m} [Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Chirurg] | |
| med. Frank's sign [also: Frank sign] [a diagonal ear lobe crease] | Frank-Zeichen {n} | |
| med. itching ear [coll.] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] | Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa] | |
| med. mildew ear [coll.] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] | Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa] | |
| med. Panama ear [rare] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] | Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa] | |
| pointy ear [person or dog with a pointy ear, or the ear itself] [esp. referring to Vulcans in Star Trek] | Spitzohr {n} | |
| med. Singapore ear [coll.] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] | Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa] | |
| med. VetMed. stink ear [coll.] [rare] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] | Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa] | |
| med. surfer's ear [an exostosis or abnormal bone growth within the ear canal] | Gehörgangsexostose {f} | |
| audio tiny bone [in the ear] | Knöchelchen {n} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| med. Hong Kong ear [coll.] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] | Schwimmerohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa] | |
| med. Hong Kong ear [coll.] [Otitis externa (diffusa)] [swimmer's ear] | Taucherohr {n} [Otomykose, Otitis externa] | |
| med. other specified diseases [e.g. of inner ear] | sonstige näher bezeichnete Krankheiten {pl} [z. B. des Innenohres] | |
4 Words: Others |
| from ear to ear {adv} | von einem Ohr zum anderen / andern | |
| from ear to ear {adv} [fig.] | (bis) über beide Ohren [grinsen, lachen, strahlen etc.] | |
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