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English-German translation for: [earth]
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Dictionary English German: [earth]

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

English German
orbiting {adj} [orbiting the earth]
to bury sth. [hide in the ground; cover with earth]etw.Akk. verlochen [schweiz.] [vergraben, verscharren]
dirt [soil or earth, especially when loose]
Erde {f} [bes. lockere Erde]
burial [in the earth, in a grave]
Erdbestattung {f}
[In German folklore, a departed person who returns to earth in spiritual form at certain times.]
Wiedergänger {m}
aviat. aerosphere [atmosphere surrounding the earth]
Erdatmosphäre {f} [Lufthülle der Erde]
wall [earth wall, earth mound]
Erdwall {m}
agr. clamp [Br.] [heap of potatoes or other root vegetables stored under straw or earth]
Miete {f} [Kartoffel- oder Rübenmiete]
agr. clamps [Br.] [heaps of potatoes or other root vegetables stored under straw or earth]
Mieten {pl} [Kartoffel- oder Rübenmieten]
relig. [strewing dirt three times over the coffin while saying "Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust"](dreifacher) Erdwurf {m} [«Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub»]
astronau myth. [theory that extraterrestrials visited Earth during ancient times]Prä-Astronautik {f}
2 Words: Others
astron. earth-based {adj} [also: Earth-based]erdbasiert
astron. earth-like {adj} [also: Earth-like]erdartig
astron. Earth-size {adj} [also: earth-size]erdgroß
Earth-sized {adj} [also: earth-sized]erdgroß
hard-packed {adj} [earth]festgedrückt
astron. near-Earth {adj} [also: near-earth] [attr.]erdnah
2 Words: Verbs
to burst (open) [buds, earth etc. ]aufbrechen [Knospen, Erde etc.]
to fill in [with earth, concrete, etc.]verfüllen
2 Words: Nouns
archi. relig. earth altar [also: Earth Altar]Erdaltar {m}
astron. geogr. earth observation [also: Earth observation]Erdbeobachtung {f}
astron. earth year [also: Earth year]Erdjahr {n}
astron. Earth-crosser [near-earth object]Erdbahnkreuzer {m} [erdnahes Objekt]
phys. escape velocity [from Earth]Entweichgeschwindigkeit {f}
bibl. global flood [esp. used by young Earth creationists]globale Sintflut {f}
constr. ground work {sg} [earth work]Erdarbeiten {pl}
astron. moon's pole [of the Earth also: Moon's pole]Mondpol {m}
bibl. relig. Noah's Flood [esp. used by young Earth creationists]Sintflut {f}
philos. Twin Earth [Twin Earth thought experiment]Zwillingserde {f}
philos. un-ownableness [of the earth; from "Land and Liberty", Marx]Eigentumsausschluss {m} [aus: Der 'ökologische' Marx - Zum Marxschen Naturbegriff]
hist. mil. wagon fort [mobile fortification made of wagons, earth work and palisades]Tabor {m} [Wagenburg]
3 Words: Nouns
automot. constr. tech. deflection-limiting volume <DLV> [earth-moving machinery]Verformungsgrenzbereich {m} ["Überlebensraum"; Schutzaufbauten bei Erdbaumaschinen]
astron. earth observation mission [also: Earth observation mission]Erdbeobachtungsmission {f}
phys. force of gravity [on Earth]Erdanziehungskraft {f}
astron. low earth orbit [also: low Earth orbit]erdnahe Umlaufbahn {f}
rare earth hypothesis [also: rare-earth hypothesis]Rare-Earth-Hypothese {f}
rare earth hypothesis [also: rare-earth hypothesis]Seltene-Erde-Hypothese {f}
material phys. rare-earth magnet <REM> [also: rare earth magnet]Seltenerdmagnet {m}
material phys. rare-earth magnet <REM> [also: rare earth magnet]Seltene-Erden-Magnet {m}
chem. rare-earth metals <REMs> [also: rare earth metals, rare earths metals]Metalle {pl} der seltenen Erden
4 Words: Others
quote The earth is flat. [Flat Earth Society]Die Erde ist eine Scheibe.
4 Words: Nouns
electr. short circuit to earth [esp. Br.] [line-to-earth short circuit]Erdkurzschluss {m}
5+ Words: Others
lit. mus. quote Dark is life, dark is death. [The Song of the Earth]Dunkel ist das Leben, ist der Tod. [Das Lied von der Erde, Komponist: Gustav Mahler, Dichter: Hans Bethge]
relig. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub.
similar to (the) Earth / earth {adj}erdähnlich
5+ Words: Nouns
electr. EU requirements for earth electrode inspection housings and earth electrode seals [lightning protection system components] [IEC]Anforderungen {pl} an Revisionskästen und Erderdurchführungen [Blitzschutzsystembauteile] [IEC]
astron. the orbit of (the) earth ["the orbit of (the) Earth" in context with other celestial bodies]die Umlaufbahn {f} der Erde
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F The heavens laugh! The earth rejoices [also: The Heavens laugh! The earth doth ring with glory]Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret [J. S. Bach, BWV 31]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
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