| English | German | |
| cavalier {adj} [casual, easy-going] | 677 ungezwungen | |
| cavalier {adj} [casual, easy-going] | 594 nonchalant [geh.] | |
| relaxed {adj} [easy and informal in manner] | 541 gelassen [entspannt, lässig, locker] | |
| understandably {adv} [for reasons that are easy to understand or sympathise with] | 428 verständlicherweise | |
| soft {adj} [easy] | 351 locker [bequem] | |
| relaxed {adj} [easy] | 329 unverkrampft | |
| snap {adj} [coll.] [easy] | 318 kinderleicht | |
| potty {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [obs.] [easy] | 218 kinderleicht | |
| cavalier {adj} [casual, easy-going] | 103 lässig | |
| simple {adj} [easy] | 57 leicht [einfach] | |
| cursive {adj} [having a flowing, easy character] | 30 fließend [fig.] | |
| understandably {adv} [for reasons that are easy to understand] | 19 begreiflicherweise | |
| understandably {adv} [for reasons that are easy to understand] | 18 nachvollziehbarerweise | |
| facile {adj} [easy to get on with] | 12 umgänglich | |
| dégagé {adj} [easy in manner or style] | 5 ungezwungen | |
| harder {adj} [less easy] | weniger leicht | |
| plain {adj} [easy to understand] | leicht verständlich | |
| sensitive {adj} [easy to hurt] | leicht zu verletzen [nur prädikativ] | |
| sensitive {adj} [easy to hurt] | leicht zu verletzend [attr.] [leicht verletzbar] | |
Verbs |
| to demystify sth. [to make easy to understand] | 20 etw.Akk. vereinfachen | |
| to elucidate sth. [make clear and easy to understand] | 9 etw.Akk. beleuchten [fig.] [erhellen, deutlich machen] | |
| to blow sth. [coll.] [throw away easy victory] | etw.Akk. verstolpern | |
Nouns |
| patsy [Am.] [coll.] [easy victim of a swindle] | 136 Leichtgläubiger {m} | |
| sports blowout [Am.] [coll.] [easy victory] | 52 Kantersieg {m} | |
| slut [easy lay, whore] | 11 Badhur {f} [österr.] [sehr derb] | |
| sports sitter [Br.] [coll.] [easy catch, shot, etc.] | 9 Hundertprozentige {f} [ugs.] [sehr gute Tormöglichkeit] | |
| fixture [for keeping sth. in easy reach] | 6 Halterung {f} | |
| photo. Instamatic™ [a series of inexpensive, easy-to-load 126 and 110 cameras] ["Instamatic" became a generic term, esp. for cartridge-loading cameras] | Instamatic-Kamera {f} [Instamatic®] | |
| pushover [easy success] [coll.] | kinderleichte Sache {f} [ugs.] | |
| rudypoot [sl.] [rare] [easy girl] | leichtes Mädchen {n} [veraltend] [pej.] | |
| tib [archaic] [easy girl] | leichtes Mädchen {n} | |
2 Words: Others |
| child's play {adj} [very easy] | kinderleicht | |
| sth. cuts well [easy to cut] | etw. schneidet sich gut | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to soft-pedal [fig.] [go easy] | sich zurückhalten | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mus. beautiful music <BM, EZ> [Am.: easy listening] | [Klassifizierung eingängiger Musik] | |
| textil. cloth cover [esp. easy to take off / put on] | Stoffhülle {f} | |
| comm. convenient price [price that is easy to transact] | bequemer Preis {m} | |
| textil. fabric cover [esp. easy to take off / put on] | Stoffhülle {f} | |
| fall guy [coll.] [easy victim] | leichtes Opfer {n} | |
| gastr. flop two [Am.] [coll.] [two fried eggs over easy] | zwei beidseitig gebratene Spiegeleier {pl} [auch: zwei gewendete Spiegeleier] | |
| royal road [fig.] [auspicious or easy way to achieve something] | Königsweg {m} [fig.] | |
| ling. simple language [literally: easy language] | Leichte Sprache {f} [für kognitiv eingeschränkte Personen] | |
3 Words: Others |
| none too easy [less easy than one had expected] | gar nicht so leicht | |
| sensitive to magnetism {adj} [pred.] [easy to disturb] | empfindlich gegen magnetische Einflüsse [nur prädikativ] | |
| That's child's play. [easy] | Das ist ein Pappenstiel. [leicht] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| fin. easy money policy [easy monetary policy] | lockere Geldpolitik {f} | |
| cloth. Unverified quick-fuck pants [pants that are easy to doff so they are suitable for mating quickly] | Schnellfickerhose [ugs.] [vulg.] | |
| short cut / shortcut [easy solution] | Patentlösung {f} | |
4 Words: Others |
| proverb Easy come, easy go. | Wie gewonnen, so zerronnen. | |
| There's nothing to it. [coll.] [idiom] [It's easy to do.] | Da ist nichts dabei. [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Das ist doch nicht schwer.] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be duck soup (for sb.) [Am.] [coll.] [fig.] [to be an easy task] | (für jdn.) ein Kinderspiel sein [Redewendung] | |
| pol. sports to win (in) a blowout [Am.] [coll.] [win an easy victory] | einen klaren Sieg einfahren [ugs.] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to be a piece of cake [idiom] [easy to do] | ein Kinderspiel sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [leicht zu tun] | |
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