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English-German translation for: [egg]
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Dictionary English German: [egg]

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gastr. fluffy {adj} [egg white]
addle {adj} [egg]
faul [Ei]
hatching {adj} {pres-p} [incubating an egg or eggs]
rotten {adj} [fruit, egg etc., also smell]
zool. hatching {adj} {pres-p} [emerging from its egg]schlüpfend
ooid {adj} [egg-shaped]eiförmig
ooidal {adj} [egg-shaped]eiförmig
sb. coddles [not an egg]jd. verhätschelt [ugs.]
entom. orn. zool. to hatch [emerge from an egg, chrysalis or pupa]
to crush sth. [squash] [e.g. a pill, an egg]
etw.Akk. zerdrücken [z. B. eine Tablette, ein Ei]
orn. to breed [hatch, sit on an egg]
entom. orn. zool. to hatch [emerge from its egg; also: emerge from a chrysalis or pupa ]
schlüpfen [Vogel, Fisch, Schlange etc.; auch: Schmetterling etc.]
to addle [e.g. egg]faul werden [z. B. Ei]
gastr. to egg sth. [dip in beaten egg]etw.Akk. in geschlagenes Ei tauchen
gastr. [breakfast made from scrambled egg with ham and fried potatoes]
Hoppelpoppel {n}
zool. hatchling [young animal that has newly emerged from an egg]
Schlüpfling {m} [gerade aus einem Ei geschlüpftes Tier, ob Vogel, Fisch oder Reptil]
gastr. [fried potatoes with scrambled egg and bacon]
Bauernfrühstück {n}
agr. comm. zool. layers [egg-laying hens]
Legehennen {pl} [eierproduzierendes Geflügel]
gastr. [brown bread with ham and fried egg]Strammer Max {m}
gastr. [egg]Gaggerla / Gaggala {n} [fränk. für: Ei]
[low-quality industrial grade egg product]Schleuder-Ei {n} [ugs. oder Branchenjargon] [pej.]
briquettes [egg-shaped]Eierbriketts {pl}
briquettes [egg-shaped]Eierkohle {f}
gastr. emulsion [of egg yolk, butter, vinegar etc.]Verbindung {f} [Emulsion]
gastr. Mignon™ [chocolate egg]Mignon-Ei {n} [mit Nougat gefülltes Hühnerei]
rottenness [vegetation, tooth, egg etc.]Faulheit {f}
gastr. royale [cooked-egg garnish]Eierstich {m}
biol. orn. T
gastr. tart [sweet or savory milk and egg dish baked in a bread or pastry shell]Wähe {f} [schweiz., südd.] [mit Teig]
vitellus [egg yolk]Dotter {m} [auch {n}]
vitellus [egg yolk]Eidotter {m} [auch {n}]
2 Words: Verbs
to break open sth. [also: to break sth. open] [an egg, a coconut, etc.]etw. aufschlagen [ein Ei, eine Kokosnuss etc.]
to firm up [egg, dough, etc.]fest / hart werden
biol. zool. to hatch out [hatch from an egg]ausschlüpfen [aus dem Ei kriechen]
gastr. to whisk sth. into sth. [e.g. an egg into the soup]etw. in etw.Akk. einquirlen [z. B. ein Ei in die Suppe]
2 Words: Nouns
orn. (egg) cuticle [bird egg]Eioberhaut {f} [auch: Ei-Oberhaut, Cuticula]
orn. (egg) cuticle [bird egg]Eioberhäutchen {n} [auch: Ei-Oberhäutchen, Cuticula]
gastr. (tea) infuser [egg- or ball-shaped]Teeei {n}
biol. air cell [empty space located at the large end of the chicken egg]Luftblase {f} [Hühnerei]
orn. zool. air space [egg]Luftkammer {f} [Ei]
gastr. coddled egg[ein im Egg Coddler gegartes Ei]
fish devil's pocketbook [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
fish devil's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
fish egg cases [also: egg capsules, mermaid's purses, etc.]Eikapseln {pl}
gastr. egg foam [egg-white foam]Eischaum {m}
gastr. egg milk [mixture of egg(s) and milk]Eiermilch {f}
cloth. egg shapeO-Form {f} [auch: Egg-Shape]
cloth. egg shapeO-Linie {f} [auch: Egg-Shape]
egg yoke [WRONG for: egg yolk] [Eigelb]
Kinder Surprise™ [Kinder Egg]Kinderüberraschungsei {n}™
known donor [e.g. sperm, egg]offener Spender {m}
fish mermaid's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
cloth. O silhouette [egg-shape]O-Silhouette {f} [O-Linie, O-Form]
gastr. rotary mixer [rotary egg beater]Handrührgerät {n} [mit Kurbel]
fish sailor's purse [coll.] [egg case]Eikapsel {f}
orn. zool. shell membrane [egg]Schalenhaut {f} [Ei]
gastr. tea egg [chiefly Br.: egg-shaped tea infuser]Teeei {n}
yolk membrane [egg]Dottermembran {f} [Ei]
3 Words: Verbs
gastr. to break an egg [cut the top off a boiled egg]ein Ei köpfen
gastr. to whip sth. until foamy [e.g. egg white]etw. schaumig schlagen [z. B. Eiweiß]
3 Words: Nouns
agr. day of laying [egg]Legetag {m} [Ei]
biol. inner shell membrane [chicken egg]innere Schalenmembran {f} [Hühnerei]
FoodInd. toys Kinder Surprise™ (egg) [Kinder Egg] [chocolate egg with a toy inside]Kinderüberraschung {f} [Kinder ÜBERRASCHUNG®]
biol. outer shell membrane [chicken egg]äußere Schalenmembran {f} [Hühnerei]
5+ Words: Verbs
gastr. to separate egg yolks (from egg whites)Eier trennen
gastr. to slice off the top of an egg [boiled egg]ein Ei köpfen [ugs.] [i. d. R. Frühstücksei]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
entom. T
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