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English-German translation for: [electric]
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Dictionary English German: [electric]

Translation 1 - 68 of 68

English German
electr. live {adj} [carrying electric current]
electr. live {adj} [carrying electric current]Strom führend
to burn [Am.] [sl.] [to execute / be executed in electric chair]
[mit dem elektrischen Stuhl hinrichten / hingerichtet werden]
electr. to transform sth. [electric voltage]
etw.Akk. umspannen [elektrische Spannung]
med. to electrofulgurate sth. [cauterise and remove tissue using a high-frequency electric current]etw.Akk. fulgurieren [Gewebe abätzen mittels einer nadelähnlichen Elektrode]
electr. to transform sth. [electric voltage]etw.Akk. transformieren [umspannen] [elektrische Spannung]
electr. loop [electric current]
Kreislauf {m} [Strömung]
electr. lead [electric current]
Leitung {f}
electr. wattage [coll.] [electric power consumption in watts]
Stromverbrauch {m} [in Watt]
electr. gastr. burner [electric stove]
Platte {f} [Kochplatte]
electr. juice [coll.] [electric energy]
Saft {m} [ugs.] [elektrische Energie]
electr. shock [electric shock]
Schlag {m} [Stromschlag]
electr. wattage [coll.] [electric power in watts]
Wattleistung {f} [ugs.] [elektrische Leistung in Watt]
transmission [e.g. electric energy]
Fortleitung {f} [z. B. elektrische Energie]
mus. ax [Am.] [coll.] [electric guitar]
Brett {n} [ugs.] [E-Gitarre]
mus. axe [coll.] [electric guitar]
Brett {n} [ugs.] [E-Gitarre]
radiator [Aus.] [NZ] [electric fire]
Strahler {m} [Heizstrahler]
electr. curtailment [of electric power input to the grid]
Abregelung {f}
hist. [improvised water boiler; leading electric current directly through water by means of two electrodes and thus heating it; cf. stinger]
Ufo {n} [NVA-Jargon: improvisierter Wasserkocher]
bike pedelec [electric bicycle]
Pedelec {n} [E-Fahrrad]
electr. Unverified [decree about electric power generation in Switzerland]Mantelerlass {m} [Schweiz]
automot. accelerator [electric vehicle]Strompedal {n} [Fahrpedal]
mus. drawbar [electric organ component]Zugriegel {m} [Bestandteil elektrischer Orgeln]
mus. headstock [guitar, electric bass]Kopf {m} [Gitarre, elektrischer Bass]
mus. headstock [guitar, electric bass]Kopfplatte {f} [Gitarre, elektrischer Bass]
biol. fish Knollenorgan [electroreceptor in the skin of a weakly electric African fish species]Knollenorgan {n} [Elektrorezeptor in der Haut einer schwach elektrischen afrikanischen Fischart]
mus. peghead [guitar, electric bass]Kopf {m} [Gitarre, elektrischer Bass]
mus. peghead [headstock for: guitar, electric bass, etc.]Kopfplatte {f} [Gitarre, elektrischer Bass]
slot [on an electric toaster]Röstschlitz {m}
constr. tools soleplate [e.g. in building construction, on an electric iron]Sohlplatte {f} [z. B. im Bauwesen, an einem Bügeleisen]
mus. stratocaster <strat> [construction type for electric guitars]Stratocaster {f} <Strat> [Bautyp von E-Gitarren]
mus. telecaster <tele> [construction type for electric guitars]Telecaster {f} <Tele> [Bautyp von E-Gitarren]
transp. urban trolley [coll.] [electric streetcar]Elektrische {f} [ugs.] [veraltend]
electr. wattage [coll.] [electric power in watts]elektrische Leistung {f} [in Watt]
2 Words: Verbs
to be electrocuted [injured by electric shock]durch einen Stromschlag verletzt werden
2 Words: Nouns
automot. acceleration pedal [electric vehicle]Strompedal {n} [Fahrpedal]
tech. battery juice [coll.] [electric potential]Batteriesaft {m} [Jargon] [elektrische Spannung]
transp. charging point [for electric vehicles]Ladestation {f} [für Elektrofahrzeuge]
gastr. cooking ring [electric]Kochplatte {f}
electr. current yield [electric current]Stromertrag {m}
bike e-bike [short for: electric bicycle]E-Bike {n} [kurz für: Elektrofahrrad]
bike e-bike [short for: electric bicycle]E-Fahrrad {n} [kurz für: elektrisches Fahrrad, Elektrofahrrad]
bike e-bike [short for: electric bicycle]E-Rad {n} [kurz für: elektrisches Fahrrad, Elektrofahrrad]
automot. e-car [electric car]Stromer {m} [ugs.] [Elektroauto]
traffic electric scooter [electric kick scooter]E-Scooter {m} [Elektrotretroller]
traffic electric scooter [electric moped]Elektroroller {m} [Motorroller mit Elektroantrieb]
electr. tech. electric welding [usu. refers to electric-arc welding]Elektroschweißen {n} [meistens Lichtbogenschweißen]
electr. electrical infrastructure [also: electric infrastructure]Strominfrastruktur {f}
hort. Flymo® (mower) [Br.] [also used as a generic term for an electric hover mower]Luftkissenmäher {m} [Flymo®-Luftkissenmäher]
heating element [electric kettle etc.]Heizelement {n}
hot seat [sl.] [electric chair]elektrischer Stuhl {m}
tech. network access [electric power]Netzanschaltung {f}
radiant heater [portable electric heater]Heizsonne {f}
automot. range anxiety [coll.] [electric auto]Reichweitenangst {f}
tech. throat gap [electric welding] [IEC 60050]Armabstand {m} [Elektroschweißen] [IEC 60050]
tech. throat height [Am.] [electric welding] [IEC 60050]Armabstand {m} [Elektroschweißen] [IEC 60050]
top speed [e.g. of an engine / electric motor]Maximaldrehzahl {f} [z. B. eines Motors]
mus. tremolo bar [electric guitar]Tremolo-Hebel {m} [E-Gitarre]
econ. electr. utility company [Am.] [electric company]Energieunternehmen {n} [Stromlieferant]
mus. whammy bar [electric guitar]Jammerhaken {m} [ugs.] [E-Gitarre]
wind power [electric power generated by a wind turbine]Windleistung {f} [elektrische Leistung einer Windkraftanlage]
3 Words: Verbs
to get a shock [electric shock]einen gewischt bekommen [ugs.] [elektrischen Schlag]
to get a shock [electric shock]einen Schlag kriegen [ugs.] [elektrischen Schlag]
to give sb. the chair [Am.] [idiom] [execute with the electric chair]jdn. hinrichten [mit dem elektrischen Stuhl]
3 Words: Nouns
automot. (GMC) Hummer EV [battery electric full-size vehicle from General Motors](GMC) Hummer EV {m} [Elektrofahrzeug]
mus. bolt-on neck [electric guitar]Bolt-on Neck {m} [angeschraubter Gitarrenhals]
electr. current of electricity [electric current]elektrischer Strom {m}
4 Words: Nouns
mus. three-neck electric guitar <3-neck electric guitar>3-halsige E-Gitarre {f}
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A 2009-01-30: Ah oui. But [electric] +engine+ sounds, umm, like, weird.

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