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English-German translation for: [emergency]
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Dictionary English German: [emergency]

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
contingency [possible emergency]
Notstand {m}
med. gomer [sl.] [pej.] [short for "go out of my emergency room"]
Gomer {m} [Jargon] [pej.] [unerwünschter Krankenhauspatient]
exigency [emergency]
Notfall {m}
distress [emergency]
Notfall {m}
bailout [emergency escape]
Notausstieg {m} [Verlassen im Notfall]
neol. swatting [hoax emergency call]
Swatting {n} [falscher Notruf]
nucl. SCRAM [emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor] [acronym for safety control rod axe man, safety cut rope axe man]
Reaktorschnellabschaltung {f} <RESA>
mil. Wave [Am.] [Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service]
[weibliche Dienstfreiwillige im Zweiten Weltkrieg]
[coll. description of paramedical staff working in emergency services regardless of rank or education]
Notarzthelfer {pl} [ugs.] [falsche Bezeichnung für das Rettungsdienstpersonal]
ICE [number of contact person in case of emergency]
IN [Nummer der Kontaktperson bei Notfallsituation]
med. traffic [EMERGENCY road sign or sign over the entrance designed for use by ambulances]Liegendanfahrt {f} [Hinweisschild / Gebotsschild bei Einfahrt zum Klinik-Gelände]
med. cricothyrotomy [emergency airway puncture]Kehlkopferöffnung {f} [ugs.] [Koniotomie]
EU FireResc traffic eCall [short for: emergency call; automated emergency call system for motor vehicles in the EU]eCall [meist ohne Artikel, seltener {m}] [automatisches Notrufsystem für Kraftfahrzeuge in der EU]
exigency [emergency]Notlage {f}
2 Words: Verbs
aviat. to bale out [in an emergency](mit dem Fallschirm) abspringen [im Notfall]
econ. to have sth. available [for an emergency]etw. vorhalten [für den Notfall]
to parachute sb. into sth. [fig.] [appoint in an emergency or from outside the existing hierarchy]jdn. in etw. einsetzen [z. B. als Berater in einem schlecht laufenden Geschäft]
2 Words: Nouns
idiom Amber alert [also: America's Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response] [Am.][Meldung über ein vermisstes Kind in den Medien]
ambulance service [no emergency]Krankentransport {m}
call center [Am.] [911 / emergency]Notfalldienst {m} [Notruf 112]
call center [Am.] [911 / emergency]integrierte Rettungsleitstelle {f} [Notruf 112]
transp. Unverified driving slowly [emergency vehicles]Schonfahrt {f}
MedTech. Emergency Bandage® [emergency compression bandage]Notfalldruckverband {m}
med. field hospital [instantly constructed hospital in an emergency]Notspital {n} [schweiz.] [österr.]
hoax call [to emergency services]falscher Notruf {m}
MedTech. Israeli Bandage® [emergency compression bandage]Notfalldruckverband {m}
tech. kill switch [emergency (power) off]Not-Aus-Betätiger {m} [Not-Aus-Schalter]
electr. kill switch [used to shut off a device in an emergency situation]Notausschalter {m}
3 Words: Nouns
med. pharm. morning-after contraception [emergency contraception]Nachverhütung {f} [Notfallverhütung mit „Pille danach“ bzw. „Spirale danach“]
FireResc Star of Life [international emergency medical services symbol]Star of Life {m} [internationales Zeichen für Einrichtungen des Rettungsdienstes]
sports UEFA Emergency Panel [also: UEFA emergency panel]UEFA-Dringlichkeitsausschuss {m}
4 Words: Nouns
electr. tech. emergency power supply unit <EPSU, emergency PSU>Notstromeinheit {f}
aviat. FireResc Miracle on the Hudson [2009 emergency landing]Hudson-Wunder {n} [2009 Notlandung]
5+ Words: Others
TrVocab. Please proceed to the nearest exit. [emergency announcement]Bitte begeben Sie sich zum nächstgelegenen Ausgang. [Ansage bei einem Notfall]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Emergency! / [later:] Emergency OneNotruf California
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