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English-German translation for: [employee]
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Dictionary English German: [employee]

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
to caution sb. [e.g. an employee]
jdn. abmahnen [z. B. einen Arbeitnehmer]
jobs to second sb. [employee]jdn. vorübergehend versetzen
pol. secretary [top-level government employee]
Minister {m}
jobs worker [female] [employee]
Angestellte {f} [Beschäftigte]
jobs worker [employee]
Angestellter {m} [Beschäftigter]
[voluntary support for a former employee in old age]
Gnadenbrot {n}
[breakdown service employee of the ADAC]Gelber Engel {m} [Pannenhelfer des ADAC] [Redewendung]
jobs [compensation to Swiss employers for reducing employee hours rather than laying them off]Kurzarbeitsentschädigung {f}
jobs [employee earning less than they would under new pay agreements, literally undershooter]Unterschreiter {m} [Beschäftigter im tariflichen Entgelt-Rahmenabkommen]
jobs [employee earning more than they would under new pay agreements, literally overshooter]Überschreiter {m} [Beschäftigter im tariflichen Entgelt-Rahmenabkommen]
[employee given civil service status]verbeamteter Angestellter {m}
educ. jobs Unverified [lateral entry employee of North Rhine-Westphalian school system]Mikätzchen {n} [hum.] [männliche Form: Mikater]
jobs [period of time which an employer is not allowed to dismiss an employee]Behaltefrist {f} [österr.]
jobs [trained employee in the field of social insurance] [female]Sozialversicherungsfachangestellte {f}
commission [fee paid to an agent or employee for transacting a piece of business or performing a service]Prozent {n} [Verdienstanteil]
jobs girl [pej.] [dated] [female employee]Fräulein {n} [ugs.] [veraltet] [Angestellte]
jobs Unverified report [Br.] [employee whose work is the responsibility of a particular manager]Berichtender {m} [untergeordneter Mitarbeiter]
2 Words
to conduct oneself [pupil, employee, prisoner, etc.]sich führen [sich verhalten (Schüler, Angestellter, Strafgefangener etc.)]
to woo away [employee, executive, voter, customer etc.]abwerben
business expenses [incurred by employee]Spesen {pl}
econ. employee orientation [includes employee relationship to managers & other staff, employee relationship to work tasks, etc.]Mitarbeiterorientierung {f}
admin. employment history [employee]beruflicher Werdegang {m}
market. pain point [problem of a customer, employee, etc. that motivates them to take action]Pain Point {m} [Problem von Kunden, Beschäftigten usw., das diese zum Handeln motiviert]
econ. jobs QM quality employee <Q employee, Q empl.>Qualitätsmitarbeiter {m} <Q-Mitarbeiter, Q-MA>
jobs Unverified vacation relief [Am.] [temporary employee]Ferienhelfer {m}
3 Words
econ. jobs full-time equivalent <FTE> [maps working hour equivalence to a full-time employee]Vollkraft {f} [Mitarbeiteräquivalent]
comm. insur. liability for shortage [liability of an employee for missing cash or stock]Mankohaftung {f}
mil. locally employed civilian [local employee of the foreign forces stationed in the federal republic of Germany]lokaler Zivilangestellter {m} [örtlicher Mitarbeiter der in der BRD stationierten ausländischen Truppen]
mil. locally employed civilian [native employee of military forces abroad]lokaler Zivilangestellter {m} [einheimischer Angestellter von Streitkräften im Ausland]
econ. jobs non-exempt employee [Am.] [cf. exempt employee]tariflicher Angestellter {m} <TA>
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