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| |
| law impartible {adj} [land, estate] | 6 unteilbar [Land, Grundstück] | |
| hist. [belonging to no estate] {adj} | unterständisch | |
| archi. RealEst. housing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. benefit, complex, estate, situation, unit] | Wohn- [z. B. Geld, Komplex, Siedlung, Situation, Einheit] | |
| law partible {adj} [estate] | teilbar | |
Verbs |
| to buy [esp. of real estate, stocks, art etc.] | 336 ankaufen | |
| to enclose sth. [an estate, land, etc. ] | 12 etw. einfrieden | |
Nouns |
| successor [esp. one who succeeds to a throne, title, estate, or office] | 5542 Nachfolger {m} <Nchf., Nachf., Nf.> [jd., der jemandes Nachfolge antritt] | |
| urban estate [Br.] [housing estate] | 193 Siedlung {f} [Wohnsiedlung] | |
| law bargainor [legal term used primarily in real estate transactions] | 43 Verkäufer {m} [Immobilien] | |
| RealEst. listing [short for: real estate listing] | 32 Immobilienangebot {n} [Haus / Wohnungsangebot oder Baugrundstück zum Verkauf] | |
| ground [real estate] | 18 Land {n} [Grund und Boden] | |
| law neol. Vorlass [literary, musical or artistic estate of a living person, already placed in a research library, scholarly archive or museum] | 18 Vorlass {m} | |
| hist. jobs steward [estate manager] | 13 Meier {m} [altertümlich] | |
| holdings [real estate] | 10 Besitztümer {pl} | |
| archi. [experimental housing estate initiated by a Werkbund] | 8 Werkbundsiedlung {f} | |
| agr. jobs headman [on an estate] | 5 Schaffer {m} [österr.] [veraltet] [Aufseher auf einem Gutshof] | |
| hist. jobs spec. [female supervisor of servants at an estate] | Baumuhme {f} [veraltet] [Meierin] | |
| [licensed / professional broker in the fields such as finance and real estate] | Berufsmakler {m} | |
| law RealEst. [provisional entry in the real estate register] | Vormerkung {f} im Grundbuch | |
| [retired farmer entitled to a portion of the estate] | Altenteilsberechtigter {m} | |
| bailiff [esp. Br.] [on estate] | Gutsverwalter {m} [veraltet für: Ökonom] | |
| bailiff [esp. Br.] [on estate] | Ökonom {m} [früher Gutsverwalter] | |
| château [a French vineyard estate] | französisches Weingut {n} | |
| papers [literary estate] | Nachlass-Unterlagen {pl} [schriftlicher Nachlass] | |
| hist. jobs steward [of an estate] | Hofmeister {m} [Leiter der Hauswirtschaft] | |
| hist. jobs steward [of an estate] | Schaffner {m} [veraltet] [Verwalter eines Guts] | |
| jobs steward [of an estate] [female] | Schaffnerin {f} [veraltet] [Haushälterin, Gutsverwalterin] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| carve-up [Br.] [coll.] [of estate, country] | Zerstückelung {f} | |
| RealEst. concrete gold [coll.] [real estate] | Betongold {n} [ugs.] [Immobilien] | |
| agr. law entailed estate [agricultural estate, esp. under Nazi law] | Erbhof {m} [bes. NS Begriff] | |
| hist. pol. imperial estate [also: Imperial Estate] | Reichsstand {m} | |
| Lohn Estate [official estate of the Swiss Federal Council] | Landgut {n} Lohn | |
| agr. hist. law principal heir [to a landed estate] | Anerbe {m} | |
| property owner [female] [real estate owner] | Immobilienbesitzerin {f} | |
| RealEst. property owner [real estate owner] | Immobilienbesitzer {m} | |
| RealEst. short sales [US real estate] | Short-Sale-Immobilien {pl} [US-amerik. Markt] | |
3 Words: Others |
| on the grounds {adv} [e.g. of an estate] | auf dem Areal | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| RealEst. nursing care facilities [real estate] | Pflegeimmobilien {pl} | |
| hist. person of quality [person of high estate] | Standesperson {f} | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| fin. Hypo Real Estate (Bank) / Hypo Real Estate Holding AG® | Hypo Real Estate (Bank) {f} / Hypo Real Estate Holding AG® {f} <HRE> | |
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