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English-German translation for: [exhibition]
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Dictionary English German: [exhibition]

Translation 1 - 34 of 34

English German
inaugural {adj} [e.g. exhibition, game or match, ceremony, address]
Eröffnungs- [z. B. Ausstellung, Spiel, Feier, Ansprache]
picture {adj} [attr.] [e.g. frame, exhibition, puzzle]
Bilder- [z. B. Rahmen, Ausstellung, Rätsel]
to label sth. [e.g. items of an exhibition]
etw.Akk. beschildern [z. B. Exponate einer Ausstellung]
exposition [exhibition]
Ausstellung {f}
display [exhibition of paintings etc.]
Ausstellung {f}
comm. stand [at an exhibition, fair]
Messestand {m}
art comm. exhibit [esp. Am.] [exhibition]
Ausstellung {f} [Schau]
comm. booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]
Ausstellungsstand {m}
art preview [of an art exhibition]
Vernissage {f}
showpiece [prime or outstanding example used for exhibition]
Aushängeschild {n} [Renommierstück]
archi. Unverified [housing development, constructed as part of the 1957 International Building Exhibition in the Hansaviertel area of West Berlin]Interbau {f}
agr. fair [Am.] [competitive exhibition of livestock, agricultural products, etc.](landwirtschaftliche) Leistungsschau {f}
telecom. hamfest [radio amateur products exhibition]Amateurfunk-Ausstellung {f}
waxworks [treated as sg.] [Br.] [exhibition of wax dummies]Wachsfigurenkabinett {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to draw visitors [exhibition, event, museum, etc.]Besucher anziehen [Aussstellung, Veranstaltung, Museum etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
art art exhibit [Am.] [art exhibition]Kunstausstellung {f}
gem show [gem exhibition]Edelsteintag {m}
jobs hall manager [of exhibition, sports or market hall]Hallenmeister {m} [Hallenleiter]
island booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Blockstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
island booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Inselstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
linear booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Reihenstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
mineral show [mineral exhibition]Mineralientag {m}
museum exhibit [Am.] [exhibition]Museumsausstellung {f}
peninsula booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Kopfstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
perimeter booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Reihenstand {m} [an der Außenwand einer Messehalle]
special exhibit [Am.] [exhibition]Sonderausstellung {f}
stall rent [booth or exhibition stall rent]Standmiete {f}
3 Words: Others
as a loan {adv} [esp. of an exhibition]als Leihgabe
3 Words: Verbs
to open one's doors [exhibition etc.: either the very first time or daily]die Pforten öffnen [eröffnet werden oder öffnen (täglich)]
to open one's doors [exhibition etc.: either the very first time or daily]die Tore öffnen [eröffnet werden oder öffnen (täglich)]
3 Words: Nouns
Federal Garden Show [in Germany] [also: Federal Garden Exhibition]Bundesgartenschau {f} <BUGA> [in Deutschland]
in-line booth [at a trade fair, exhibition]Reihenstand {m} [auf einer Messe, Ausstellung]
space layout planning [e.g. exhibition]Hallenverplanung {f} [z. B. Messe]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
mus. F Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks [Pictures at an Exhibition]Ballett der Küchlein / Küklein / Küken in ihren Eierschalen [Bilder einer Ausstellung]
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